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All That Glitters

Posted on Mon Apr 1st, 2019 @ 7:37pm by Lieutenant Sandra Adamson

Mission: Sojourn
Location: Holodeck 1
Timeline: Following "E Pluribus Unim
689 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Wilfred got to his feet, still waiting for an answer from the blue fairy. He felt determined and also completely ridiculous. He should have been able to just stop the program and get off this loony ride but obviously the holodeck was malfunctioning and in order to leave he was pretty sure he needed to finish the program, this meant rescuing the princess Jex-whatever she was called. It wasn't exactly following a single program but most princesses had to be rescued from dragons so he prepared for what he thought would be that sort of battle

The blue Fairy thought a moment. "Swords aren't really my thing, that's Merlin really. But lets see what I can do." She raised her wand and looked around. She waved her wand and a white horse appeared. A beautiful stead, and wings. She looked at it. "Well, you do need to get up there, don't you." She hit her want in her hand as she was thinking. "Now a sword..." She waved her want and suddenly a sword in a stone appeared. "Merlin had this laying around. You just need to pull it out I think."

"Of course I do," Wilfred half laughed, half cried. He climbed up on the stone and started to pull his hardest. He was sure in this moment his heart and soul were probably not the most pure. He just wanted to be done with this and go home. It finally released and he nearly lost his balance. Then he carefully attempted to get on the horse with wings, though he couldn't remember what they were called. "Nice horsey." This made him laugh out loud and he wondered if being on the holodeck for one afternoon had made him completely lose his mind. The horse took off towards the tower where she was being held and he waited for the Dragon or whatever it might be to appear.

Mean while in the castle....

"Of all the nerve," Princess Jex thought aloud. "Do they know who my father is?" she scolded the wall as though it would open for her. A look outside of the tiny window told her that she was too high to jump, if she could even fit through the window. In a fit of frustration, the princess crossed her arms and sat harshly on the bed with a scowl. If only Wilfred would rescue her.

"Oh I know very well who your father is princess," the green skinned witch cackled, "and you are my means to getting his kingdom." He set a tray with a steaming mug on a small table. The tray also held a small plate with what appeared to be crackers. "Tea and toast, your lunch oh highness."

With a defiant flourish, the princess smacked at the tray. Instead of proving her point, the tea spilled over the toast. Jex's eyes narrowed at the green skinned goblin as she uttered, "You will never get away with this."

The witch smiled at her, though it was a far from genuine smiled. "Ah but princess, I already have. After all, you're cooped up here in my tower, and there's no way out. I'll come back later to pick up the plate. You should eat, this is all you're getting for now." Giving her a small nod, the witch turned and locked the door behind him.

Once Wilfred was on the horse or the pegasus, or whatever it was. He urged the beast upward, or he would have if he'd known how to get a horse or any other animal to do what he wanted. "Up," he said. The horse with wings just snorted at him. "Umm, fly?" Again the best did nothing but bob his head. Finally Wilfred dug his heels into the white animals sides and it began to move, first moving forward and then stretching out it's big wings and taking flight.

The Green Witch
Lhaes Sommers

Ensign Wilfred Wexler
Brig Officer
USS Majestic

Lieutenant Sandra Adamson
As Anna (Frozen)
Tarria Sh'ezhinnir (PNPC Sandra Adamson)
As the Blue Fairy

Lieutenant Jexasi Rai
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Majestic


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