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Clouds Over the Beach

Posted on Tue Feb 26th, 2019 @ 4:11am by Lieutenant Commander T'Par & Commodore Jane Saulitis

Mission: Sojourn
Location: Marga III
739 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Jane took her sore body and flopped down in a chair outside the same café that she and Hak had originally started this shoreleave at. After what had just happened she was reluctant to leave him but she was starving and not the least bit interested in a nap. She closed her eyes and soaked in some warm rays only to open them moments later because someone seemed to be blocking her sun.

"Can I help you?" She finally asked.

T'Par was standing at attention over where the captain sat, enjoying the warmth of the sun and a relaxing shore leave. "Lieutenant JG T'Par reporting, captain." She offered the PADD containing her orders, despite being certain her new CO would already be familiar.

After blinking a few times to focus on the face, Jane straightened up herself. "At ease Lieutenant, I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting anyone." She took the PADD from her. "Have a seat if you'd like," she pointed to the empty chair across from her. "Are you hungry? I'm starving, you wouldn't believe the kind of shoreleave I've had."

She relaxed her posture slightly and took a seat across from the captain. "I haven't eaten yet, captain." She raised an eyebrow and tilted her head. "I'm sorry your shoreleave has been stressful for you, captain. It appears to be the sort of environment humans often find relaxing."

"It is the perfect environment but unfortunately there was an incident. It doesn't matter, hardly your fault or issue and it's been dealt with. Would you like to join me for dinner? My companion is otherwise occupied this evening and I wouldn't mind the company."

"Certainly, captain," she answered directly.

"Tell me about yourself, I mean I could read your service record but that doesn't really tell me who you are." Jane looke over at the other woman expectantly

"Ever since I was young, I've always been fascinated by other minds. My mother is also Starfleet officer. I was never with her on a deep space assignment. I lived on Vulcan with my father. They both believed it to be a safer place for a child. Nonetheless, my mother was sometimes accompanied on leave by her colleagues from Starfleet. Some even became family friends. I was always curious about their ways of looking a the world, especially when I was myself still learning the basics of our own history and philosophy. It was this curiosity that led me to Starfleet. I wanted to explore and encounter new minds, new perspectives, and I also wanted to explore them more fully within the Federation. I originally went into xenoanthropology but, aboard the Pericles, Captain Brooks repeatedly found my approach more useful in intelligence and I formally transferred to that department shortly after my first year in the service. I have been an intelligence officer since that time." She paused there, though there was a faintly thoughtful look to her eyes, as if considering whether she should add anything else.

Jane listened intently. "I very much want to see Vulcan someday, I have a feeling I'd find it very . . . calming. I grew up on Earth, on a lake fairly similar to this one though not as large. My mother . . . well let's just say she's a very odd woman and has some interesting ideas on how to raise a child. I wanted something different. She wanted to explore the soul and I the universe. But I never imagined then that I'd be a Captain. I was introverted and only interested in a small piece of the pie to use a human phrase. I thought I'd remain in some science department. Next thing I know I'm flying ships and working my way up the ranks." Jane couldn't help but fall back on the memory of meeting Hak. He was outgoing and open and she was the opposite but she had been attracted to him immediately. "Let me be the first to welcome you aboard Majestic."

"Are the two always so different, captain?" she asked. "In learning about others, we learn more of ourselves, if only by contrast." She inclined her head. "Thank you, captain. It promises to be an interesting assignment."

"No, not really, not after you've been out here a while and done some exploring. And you're welcome, I'm sure it will be. Never a dull moment. Now, about that dinner . . . "

Commander Jane Saulitis
Commanding Officer
USS Majestic

Lieutenant JG T'Par
USS Majestic


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