Sort of Knowing You
Posted on Tue Jul 30th, 2019 @ 7:22pm by Lieutenant Commander Dominic Aldrich
For Whom The Bell Tolls
Location: Science lab
Timeline: Post wedding
1311 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure
Knowing for a while now that Dominic Aldrich was on board, Lhaes only now had moved himself down to the science labs to meet with the man. Of course he'd heard plenty about him, and he was very certain the man had learned plenty about him too. At some point anyway. But now times had changed, now they were on a ship together.
"Commander Aldrich?" he asked as he appeared into the doorway.
Lifting his eyes to look over his glasses from a book he was reading he said, "Yes. To whom do I owe the pleasure?" He then sat back and sat up straight.
A single eyebrow was lifted as grey eyes sparkled. "Really?" the Romulan asked, "we've met before, you really don't recognize me?" He approached the man, still grinning. "Lhaes Sommers," he said, certain that at least the name should ring a bell.
Dominic grinned, slightly embarrassed, "Ah! Yes! Melinda's brother!" He stood and motioned toward the chair across from him. "Please have a seat. I believe part of my problem was the last time we crossed paths you were wearing grey and not yellow."
The Romulan chuckled. "Ah yes that's a recent development." He sat but continued to grin. "Melinda's always spoken very highly of you. Have you heard she gave birth to a beautiful little girl? She's roughing it at the moment as she's also just gotten divorced."
Dominic shook his head. "Melinda is a wonderful person and an excellent worker. I had heard that Mr. Plumeri had all but fallen out of the galaxy. I can't seem to find him either since leaving the Camelot. I'm sorry that she decided to end the relationship in a divorce, but I suppose there are no other choices when you are abandoned in essence. I am highly disappointed in my former under-study."
"Let's not speak ill of him, we don't know what happened. Last I heard she's doing okay. Your old XO serves on the same ship." He grinned. "The question now is, what do I feed back to her about you? What've you been up to?"
"Well, between being transferred twice and being stuck on a planet in another universe for five years, not much," Dominic replied. "That said, I have been well. I do miss my old team though."
"Did you settle when you were stuck for five years?" Lhaes asked curiously, "what did you end up doing? The team that was stuck with you doesn't seem to want to talk about it very much. The only one I've really spoken to is Crewman Stef, and he seems to have trouble re-adjusting."
Dominic took a deep breath. "I am not surprised people don't want to talk about it. We were stuck there against our will due to a reason similar to what stranded the Voyager in the Delta quadrant; some caretaker wanting to 'take care' of people." He then added,"I did settle to a degree. I never allowed myself to think I was where I belonged, but I did my best to live with the people on Marga. Part of that was my friendship and now relationship with Zeria."
"I assume you brought her back with you?" Lhaes gave him a quizzical look. "Are you have trouble readjusting too?"
"She did follow me back. After five years of a close friendship, I convinced her to see the galaxy with us. Plus, we have started dating which is odd for me. I don't tend to be the most attractive option on a given ship," Dominic said with a self-deprecating shrug. "As far as adjusting, I haven't been sleeping well and I've had some recent memory issues, but the doctor says things check out. Maybe it has to do with the phasing back to this universe. I'm not sure."
"What kind of memory issues?" As a doctor himself, such things did interest him. "Memories of your service before being stuck there, or memories of your time spent on Mardra III?"
"No, no," Commander Aldrich began, "it's short term memory. I wake up not knowing how I got somewhere. I don't remember things from six to eight hours before. Things like that. It could all be due to my lack of proper sleep too I suppose."
"Maybe you need to delegate some of your workload, and get some rest," Lhaes suggested, putting on his medical hat, "maybe take up a hobby to get your mind off of things?"
"Hobbies I have. Time is what I need, my friend," Dominic replied.
"Then make time," lhaes said simply.
Aldrich laughed lightly. "I may be a scientist and I may have a lot of knowledge about temporal theory, but even I can't do that."
"Not quite what I meant Dominic. I mean you make time for your hobbies. You allot time for it in your weekly schedule." The Romulan smiled brightly at him.
"I knew what you meant, but I don't know I can do that any easier than adding another hour to the day," Dominic reflected solemnly. "I'd love to take the time to do woodworking, but I just don't know how to fit it in with my duties. It has been a struggle to carve time out to spend with Zeria."
"Surely you have allotted off duty time?" Lhaes frowned at him. "You don't have to spend all your time cooped up in that lab, you do have staff to delegate things to." His frown deepened. "I make time for my family. I make sure I make room in my schedule, no matter where or how, to spend time with them. And when they are asleep I have the holonanny so I can plan some time for myself. Weapons training or another form of relaxation. I think I'd go crazy if I didn't."
Dominic considered what he had said. "I used to be better at making time. Then, I got to a place where I found my purpose in simply working. Not the healthiest thing, I know. However, it was the only was to heal the wounds from a long ago, broken relationship. I suppose I never broke the habit. Now, I really probably should before I work myself to death."
The Romulan smiled mischievously. "Consider it doctor's orders then," he grinned.
"I will take that under advisement," he replied. "A good start would be staying put in one place for a while."
"Oh definitely." The grin stayed in place. "As of right now, you're off duty for the rest of the day. You are to leave this office, and go out and have some fun." Lhaes suppressed a genuine laug in an attempt to come across as utterly serious. "Doctor's orders."
Dominic checked the time, "Hmmmm......" he said, "I think you're off by about an hour. However, I will leave promptly when my shift is done. Deal?"
"Oh I am rarely off," Lhaes smiled, "former intellingence security chief, there's things I'm supposed to know. But right now I have my physician's hat on, and I suggest you go and have some fun. Right now."
Dominic shook his head and said, with a sigh, "Fine. However, you must make the note in the log that you have relieved me of duty until the following duty cycle."
The Romulan nodded. "As you wish. You are here by relieved of your duties, until your following shift. Which, I might add, you will leave on time, to take time for yourself."
With that, Dominic stood, nodded and said, "Aye, aye, Doctor." He then made his way towards the door. "Perhaps, in the future, we can spend some time together outside of work as well."
"I'm not opposed to that commander." Lhaes smiled at him again. "I'm sure we can find a common interest."
Lieutenant Commander Lhaes Sommers
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Lt. Cmdr. Dominic Aldrich