Diplomatic Grilling.
Posted on Mon Jul 29th, 2019 @ 9:54am by
For Whom The Bell Tolls
Location: Diplomatic Offices
Timeline: MD 04 1300
2502 words - 5 OF Standard Post Measure
Tadez sat in his office, Jennifer his Diplomatic assistant was out for a break; it had been a harder morning as the Diplomatic Package latest information had come through the Comm lines and Tadez was pleasantly surprised to have nothing really of danger outside the obvious Diplomatic Mission at hand. The informational packet from the Captain should be coming along pretty soon as he needed whatever information he could.
Of course there were some other matters that Jennifer decided to take as a point of debate; namely one Razmi whom was put down as being able to disturb him should she come to the offices. Jennifer took great delight in 'Razzing' him about the girl; Jennifer had cute moments but this one was pushing it, and thus she decided to give him a break to concentrate on actually doing his job.
The door to his office was open as it would be rude to seem like he was not here when his Yeoman was absent.
Instead, another yeoman walked in. A very young looked Vulcan wearing the most unVulcan frown ever seen on his face. "I am looking for Lieutenant Tadez," he said curtly.
Not having been on the ship long; there was little chance Tadez could invoke a 'reaction' from a Vulcan but that Gut feeling told him this Vulcan was not going to be 'Stoic' with this conversation.
"Welcome to the Diplomatic Offices..." Tadez stood. "I am Diplomatic Officer Tadez, how may I be of service?" He asked as this yeoman might be from the Captain or... "From the tone I take it this is not a diplomatic discussion; would you like a seat, tea perhaps?"
Stef hesitated, then nodded briefly. "Tea will be fine. You are the one who is interested in Miss Razmi?" Still no diplomacy from the young Vulcan, though he had an air of curiosity about him. A single chicken tottered inside the office, the Vulcan casting it a brief glance and a look of mild annoyance before looking back at the Bajoran.
"Some dried corn for your ... friend as well?" Tadez said as he went to the pot he kept percolating. "I will give us some privacy. "The key word shut the office and outer office door and only four people were authorized to enter; The Co,Xo Tadez and Jennifer. "As this is a subject a Gentleman does not discuss indiscreetly Mr Stef."
"He will if the subject is considered to be family." Stef shook his head. "No this chicken was not supposed to follow me. It was just fed." His frown deepened. "How do you know my name...I have not introduced myself."
"I have one Yeoman; Jennifer, who is very good at her job." He poured the tea into china cups. "So you were not here for official manners and by the body language you were... not stoic so I suspected something had gone past your tolerances." He moved the tray with cream and sugar to the desk between them. "Please help yourself." he offer and paused his cross examination. "Plus you are the only Family that Raz..."He almost used her pet name he had been given but in that instant changed his mind "...mi has mentioned. I thought it would have been more proper to make introductions socially of course but you seem to not approve so ..." He looked into Stef's eyes, "Here we are." And took his seat. "So as for what you want to know the only answer I give is 'My intentions are strictly Honorable and that of a Gentleman."
"I do not wish to see her hurt. For a long time, she was my.only friend on Mardra, and I owe her a great deal. She left everything behind to come with me, so I feel a need to protect her now." Stef accepted the china cup, but didn't add anything to it. "What are your intentions?"
"As I said, Gentleman through and through." Tadez took time to ad sugar to his own and a touch of cream. "If she followed you then she must have cared for you very much?" He took a sip. "I know that she has very strong feelings for you as you are her barometer for how to proceed with me. I am sure she tells you everything about our 'time together." He nod, "Some might think that without your approval things can be difficult." He surmised. "But my question is Why do you presume I will hurt her; or is it more you like having her with you her only real 'emotional tie' and thus dependent upon you and your family as to sustain her?" He did not look away from Stef. "She is quite attractive both inside her Pagh as well as a beautiful woman, that is a rare flower in the desert and should be enjoyed as she blooms." Ending with a sip from his cup.
"She was an outsider on Mardra. She had few friends and no suitors. I just want to make sure that her innocence is not taken advantage of," Stef replied calmly, "she does not need me to sustain her, she is an independent woman. Our bond is not one of lovers. I do not harbour such feelings for her. Our bond is closer to that of siblings. I feel for her what I felt for my late sister." He paused. "I just want to make sure she will be loved, like I loved Svara, my late wife."
Putting down the cup Tadez surveyed the man for a few seconds. "I did mention her only family is yours." Tadez pointed out. "You have already made the most fatal of mistakes an older sibling can make; and it is far from logical, in that you wish Razzi to have the same relationship as you had with your late wife. That is ; in a way, inflicting your desires upon her relationship." Tadez stapled his fingers in front of him. "If you truly care for her why do you presume everyone will hurt her innocence; or is it that some 'Fly by Night Diplomat will naturally take advantage?" He asked. "You are taking the worst case senario without seeing us together nor listening; truly hearing, the fact that she is happier than when she arrived." He noted. "I enjoy her companionship as well as her Pagh; it is a gentle and so refreshing compare to most. In Vulcan term she has a Kind Katra, and a Gentleman does not damage something delicate and innocent, It is more to be cherished and helped to bloom."
"I am younger than she," Stef pointed out. "It was she, who looked out for me when I was left behind. I am only returning the favour." He all but glared at the man. "Which is my duty. I do not know this Path you speak of. Who is he and what does he want from her."
"Pagh is a Bajoran word for te soul." Tadez replied calmly. "She has a gentle and innocent soul; more like her Katra in Vulcan terms. "And if you validate your poking into her affair as your duty is sounds more like an obligation." He added and did not look away. "I have been nothing but a Gentleman to her and I do not like your inflections and illogically emotional presentation of your views." He smiled. "You could look at this as we both want what is best for Razmi; I will not discuss my feelings as they are between she and I. Nor does a Gentlman do so to an angered person who claims to be like a sibling yet is putting his negative observations and expectations into this. maybe you want me to think her 'Family'; in that I mean you, are too overly protective and thus should ask you what I need to do to make you see I mean her only to be cared for?" He sat back. "No, I have only to show Razzi my intentions; as I have so far. Her happiness is my gift I offer and what you think is... secondary only as she cares for you and your family and thus I take that into some account."
"I consider her family," Stef corrected him, "I highly doubt my parents will do too. I need the assurance that she will not be hurt. That you will care for her as a mate would and will not abandon her in time of need."
"That is not possible." Tadez replied. "We are in this relationship and outside opinions do not equate to the pace with which we allow our feelings to grow."Tadez said calmly. "You are putting your expectations into this which means if I did not care for her it would be putting me off. Now if that is the intent ; to scare me off, you have failed."
"No I do not intend to scare you off. I want her to be happy, and I want her to remain happy. Therefor I need your assurance that you will do whatever it takes to make sure she remains such."
"If she is happy I will keep doing what I am but I cannot 'make' anyone do anything, it is their choice." Tadez pointed out. "I would like to think she is happy around me as I am here but that is, of course, her decision. I do this by choice, not by your request or even your intervention counting as much. I do it because I wish to."
The young Vulcan seemed to nod, though he didn't seem wholly pacified by the answer. "She was shunned for so long," he finally said, setting his cup down on the desk. "She had so few friends, all I want is for her to be happy. I could not give her what she wanted, I just hope you can and will."
"I have every intension of enjoying her company as long as she will have me." Tadez would give the man a bone. "I can apprechate your concerns and hope this puts things to rest as I do not wish this to be left unsettled?" He asked, "Though you should give her more credit and maybe wonder if you are a bit overly protective and might interfere with her making friends if you wish to 'Grill' any others she has favor with? Hard to make friends if your 'Brother' is right behind you intimidating and questioning." Tadez grinned. "There are many who do not like dealing with that type of pressure."
"Grill?" Stef looked around, clearly confused. "What does a grill have to do with this? I do not see a grill... I do not even know how one works, I have never used one."
"It is another term for interogation in a more friendly manner." Tadez said with a grin. "Politely demanding answers and accusations if those answers are not what one wants to hear." He explained. "A human term I find fits rather well don't you agree?"
"No, I do not," Stef answered grimly, "I do not feel that term applies here. I am merely looking out for my best friend and trying to prevent her being hurt. She is...inexperienced. She looked out for me, and now I believe it is my turn to look out for her." He gritted his teeth as he looked up at the diplomatic chief, all but daring him to rebuke him.
"Yet you naturally presume the worst case for anyone but you; do not logically give any credit that another might find her attractive and desire to be with her; that she is destined to be alone by your coming here when she is happy. Most would have at least met me and judged before coming in here deciding you need assurance that I will not hurt her." Tadez remained logical. "I have given no hint nor is my reputation one of breaking hearts so where did you logically conclude I am so bad for her, Because I am not you and can never give her the security you have?" Tadez said calmly. "I have siblings older than me and a Mother that will be in my business if I say I had a date, but even she allows for the meeting of the girl before making conclusions. I would think a Vulcan would be more... logical and less emotional?"
"I am not accusing you of anything," Stef scowled, "you are not listening. For a diplomatic officer, you listen very badly." He gritted his teeth, left hand balling into a fist as he fought to control himself. "All I am saying is, that I want her to be happy and that you had better not be breaking her heart down the line."
"I told you over and over I have no intensions of hurting her yet you are the one to persist that I give you assurances that will satisfy 'you' when it is Razzi that I need to satisfy with any assurances." Tadez repeat. "I dare not say how another person should feel as that is personal; I only can hope to exchange favorable relations with her and thus by your definition add to her happiness. I cannot control the emotions of another, nor will your interfering do much. Our relationship is ours to share ; no one else, No more than anyone can tell you and your wife how to feel or share your relationship. It is personal between two people.... period."
Here, Stef suddenly slammed his fist down on the table, face draining of all colour after he did so. "My wife is dead," he managed through gritted teeth as he suddenly cradled his hand to his chest, "she died...giving birth to Alecx and T'Sara"
Tadez was by the man's side quite quickly. "That is a true a tragedy." Tadez said with a comforting tone. "By the impression in my gut as well as my ... desk. I think it best we get you to sick bay?" He offered to help the man if needed but not touch the Vulcan as that race tends to not like physical contact.
Slowly, Stef nodded, tears welling up in his eyes. It was anyone's guess whether they were tears of agony, or anguish. "Yes," he whispered, paling even further as he attempted to flex his fingers.
=^= Tadez to Sick Bay, one in bound with injured; possibly broken, hand,=^= Tadez reported.
"Time to get you fixed before Razzi has time to kill me." He sigh under his breath and went to help the injured Vulcan; wondering where the tears came from, not what Tadez thought possible in a Vulcan?
Again, the young Vulcan offered a brief nod. Due to his pain, he completely forgot about the animal roaming the diplomat's office. He wanted out of here, as soon as possible before he could make more of a fool of himself.
Crewman Apprentice Stef
Yeoman/Animal Caretaker
pnpc Lhaes
Lt Neenyo Tadez
Chief Diplomatic Officer