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Monthly Torture

Posted on Wed Dec 4th, 2019 @ 5:35am by Commodore Jane Saulitis

Mission: For Whom The Bell Tolls
Location: Starbase Poseidon/USS Majestic
Timeline: MD 01 17:00 Hours
594 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Jane stretched her legs and sighed. It was nice to be on a station where there was a lot more room to move around. But she missed Hak so she'd kept herself busy by, if nothing else, walking around. She briefly wondered what her crew was up to but her thoughts quickly fell on a man who appeared to be carrying several cases and looked slightly lost. "Can I help you?"

K'Mitt looked up, dropping all his bags. "Oof. I'm sorry about that, Captain. " the caitian said, looking at her collar. He stooped down to pick them up. "Yes, if it's not too much trouble. My name is K'Mitt. I've been wandering this place all day. I'm looking for the USS Majestic. Nobody seems to know where it is " he rambled on.

"Here, let me help you." Jane took one of the bags from him. "Well it's not far but I'll lead the way there. Are you a new member of the crew?" He wasn't in uniform, though Jane did recall something about a Catian coming on board. She just couldn't remember in what position.

"Well. I'm not starfleet, if that's what your asking. I'm with the FNS. I've been assigned to the ship as media relations. " he said. "Thank you by the way.'

"No problem. Finding your way here can be a bit confusing, especially if you aren't familiar with Starfleet designs for stations and starships. Majestic is pretty easy to find your way around though and the computer can always help you if you get lost. That is, once you make it on board. You seem to have brought a lot of stuff with you?" Jane asked curiously.

"I keep telling myself not to over pack, but I always do." The caitian laughed. "But I always bring my hobbies with me. Mostly old earth films. It's a quirk of mine."

"Oh? What kind of Earth films," She was extremely curious now as she had a secret love for them. It was something probably only Hak knew but as he didn't always share her interest she usually enjoyed them alone.

"Oh, a fellow fan? A little bit of everything. Comedy, action. All kinds." The caitian said.

"Any particular time period? I personally am a Katharine Hepburn fan but I also sort of love Abbott and Costello films." She said this quietly as if it were a deep dark secret.

"I love them. Especially Hepburn in African Queen. " he replied. "I have some Erroll Flynn. Some Mel Brooks."

"Excellent. I think we'll get along famously Mr . . . what did you say your name was again?" Jane asked as they made their way through the airlock, checked in with security and boarded Majestic.

"K'Mitt, Captain. " the caitian replied. "And this does look like the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

Recognizing the Casablanca quote Jane laughed. "I would agree. Actually, I'd like to discuss something with you. I've had the idea of doing a monthly movie night and using an old film just to give Majestic crew a bit of culture. What are your thoughts on this?"

"I think it'd be fun." He smiled. "Sounds great."

"Wonderful. Have you been assigned quarters yet? If not check with my executive officer. Enjoy your afternoon, I'm going to go plot about it. Oh," Jane paused as she turned to leave the ship again. "Welcome to Majestic."

"I'll see your XO right away " he said, lighting up. "I'll look through my collection in the meantime. Thank you Captain."

FNS Reporter
PNCP by Shev

Captain Jane Saulitis
Commanding Officer


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