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A Pained Smile

Posted on Thu Dec 5th, 2019 @ 4:06am by Crewman Recruit Zeria & Lieutenant Commander Dominic Aldrich

Mission: For Whom The Bell Tolls
Location: Mess Hall
Timeline: MD 12 13:00 Hours
955 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Dominic had been quite busy as of late running through data and trying to piece together what was going on around this place. He hadn't made as much time for Zeria as he knew he should, so he had made the decision to put his work aside for a bit and sit down at lunch with her. He arrived first to the Mess Hall. So, he stood near the door and waited for her to enter.

Zeria glanced around as she entered. She was pleasantly surprised to get the invitation but at the same time she was hoping he hadn't gotten angry over finding out she'd had a mind meld with Lheas to help determine who or what was entering the ship and causing these issues among the crew. "Hi," She smiled brightly when she saw him standing there.

He gently kissed her forehead and said, "Hi." He then took her hand and asked, "How are you?"

"I'm okay . . . ." Zeria paused,squeezed his hand and then brought herself closer to him for a hug. "You must have heard what happened with Commander Sommers? I'm fine afterwards and I'm told so is he. It wasn't a lot of fun during it but we got some really valuable information."

Dominic was quiet for a moment. He then said, "Let's have a seat." Moving over to a table and pulling a chair out for her, he then sat across from her and looked her in the eyes with a somewhat forced smile. "You know I love you, right?"

That was not the response Zeria had been expecting. She blinked at him surprised but nodded firmly. Dom wore his heart his sleeve when it came to her. "Yes, Of course I do."

He took a breath, "I am not angry that you did what you did. In fact, it was probably a good idea. I guess I'm just...well.....disappointed that you didn't really mention to me that you were being 'visited' in the night. It just kind of hurt to have to find that out second hand."

Zeria felt the blood drain from her face. "Dominic, I am so sorry! I didn't mean to keep anything from you. The truth is I only just realized this morning that there was a presence in the room. I think I was visited last night. And I knew there was something I was forgetting,something that needed discovered. So I just went to Commander Sommers because I thought he could help. I would have gone to you, but you've been so focused on solving the mystery I didn't want to interrupt you."

Dominic sighed, shook his head and patted her hand. "It's alright. It's alright. I understand. I know you didn't try to keep things from me. It's just," he closed his eyes and then, upon opening them looked straight into hers, "this news makes me feel a little inadequate. As if I can't protect you from whatever this is. I mean, I'm laying right there, but I can do nothing? Some protector."

She shook her head at him. "No one could. No one on this ship seems to have any immunity to these beings. You were as completely helpless as I was. Who knows what they've done to you as well. It's silly but I've never really had anyone looking out for me. I've always done it myself, since the death of my mother. It's something to get used to."

Dominic replied, "I know. It is just a terrible feeling to know someone or something is coming into my home, assaulting the woman I love and there is nothing I can do about...." He sat up a little straighter. " you know how he got in? Did you hear the door?"

Zeria stared off into the distance thinking about it. Finally she shook her head."No, he appeared above me as if he came in from the ceiling down. I know that doesn't make sense. But I never heard a door, I never saw him move like a biped either actually. He just kind of floated above me."

He thought for a moment. "No, dear, it just might make more sense than you think. I picked up some small, unexplainable fluctuations in the EPS conduits throughout the ship. Like something was passing through them. Whoever this being is may be responsible for those readings. I'd need to do some work to figure out how to use that information in order to catch him...." Dominic smiled at Zeria, "You are getting more special everyday. First to me, and now maybe even this whole ship."

Zeria wasn't sure what to say but she was sure her face was turning red again. "Well I'm glad I could turn something horrible into helping someone else." She felt like changing the subject though. "When this is all over we should spend some time, just together. Use the holodeck and go to a beach or explore the station. I heard we were headed to a starbase for shoreleave after the negotiations."

Dominic nodded and smiled, "Absolutely, my love. I promise." He stood, kissed her forehead, "I'll see you at home later. I have to work on this. I love you." Then with that, he was racing out of the door.

Zeria smiled, it gave her a jolt of pleasure to hear those words even though he had dashed off right afterward. She knew he loved her, and he needn't worry. He'd spent far more time with her than any other man. She was happy with him. "I love you too," she said and got up from the table to return to her own work.

Lieutenant Commander Dominic Aldrich
Chief Science Officer

Crewman Zeria


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