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Diplomatic Immunity

Posted on Wed Dec 18th, 2019 @ 3:33am by

Mission: For Whom The Bell Tolls
Location: CTSO's office
Timeline: MD 13, 1800 hours
930 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Still a little disturbed by what happened at the party, Lhaes wasn't sure about what to do next. He knew he needed to learn to change his way of thinking, if he was to function as security chief yet he'd been an intelligence officer for all of his career so it was very difficult. He stared at his screen, at the information that scrolled past at slow speed, wondering if he had missed something, wondering how he should've gone about it instead.

The minister was in her assigned quarters, the guard now reduced to just a single guard posted nearby, not even specifically at her door. But what was he to do now?

Cassie had been standing in front of the door to the CTSO's office for almost a minute, just taking deep breaths. Trying to keep calm. Trying to conceal her anger towards the Chief of Security, whom had almost ruined the whole affair by making this a public display when he should have followed the chain of command.

Confusion had reigned during that first day of negotations because of the interruption. Fortunately, the current delegate, Minister Andrath, was already on the station when Jennifer contacted the Lai'Auid government, but he had only arrived in mid-afternoon, therefore putting them behind schedule. The trade route renegotiation would have to wait until morning.

She took one last breath before pressing the chime. Keep calm. Smile.

"Come in," Lhaes called out, while turning away from his screen.

The door opened before Cassie and she stepped in the office. "You wanted to see me," she said matter-of-factly.

The Romulan nodded as he gestured for her to take a seat. "Thank you for coming," he said, "with the arrest of the minister, how much of a political scandal have I caused?" He didn't seem worried exactly, more like concerned about overall ramifications. "The proof I have is enough to make charges stick..."

Cassie smoothed down the back of her skirt as she sat down. "It depends," she stated.

"On..." Lhaes prompted.

"On whether Minister Emnath's actions were of her own volition or were sanctioned by her government. Not that it'll ever admit to it if they are; they rarely do," she explained. "If she acted on her own, she could be relieved of her functions, and tried for whatever she'll be accused of. Simple as that," she said, moving her left hand as if were part of a scale. She did the same with her right as she continued. "On the other hand, if it's found out that her actions were sanctioned by her government, it could lead to war."

She lowered her hands back on her lap. "Either way, as Minister Emnath has diplomatic immunity towards the Federation, we can't do anything about it. Even just this house arrest was possibly unlawful, and could strain our relations with the Lai'Adi. With the cards we're currently dealt, the best we can do for now is to continue with the trade negotiations. The Captain should be the one to bring up the issue with the proper authorities."

"Then we should send her home. Given the proof which is stacking against her, I don't think she should be anywhere near the negotiations," the Romulan suggested, "or she should be somehow properly distracted to make her lose complete interest. Any suggestions?" He shoved a PADD towards the woman. "This is all the evidence gathered against her."

Cassie was somewhat taken aback by the brusqueness of the gesture, but still took the PADD that was hanging at the edge of the desk. Falsifying reports, intentionally providing false information about trade routes, resources provided for the benefit of the empire, etc. Indeed, there was a considerable amount of evidence against Minister Emnath, and she couldn't even start to fathom the reasons why she would want to do such a thing. "I'd alert the authorities, through the proper chain of command, and have Minister Emnath discreetly whisked back the station. We've already humiliated her in front of foreign dignitaries. We don't need to add insult to injury by making a public display out of this."

"As diplomatic officer, that might best be done by you," Lhaes suggested, "though of course my department will fully back you up."

"Of course," she said in a somewhat sarcastic tone before checking a PADD of her own. "You're lucky we're continuing the proceedings on the station starting tomorrow. In the meantime, the Captain should notify the authorities of the situation and someone should arrange a rendez-vous, ideally for tomorrow morning, yes?"

"I will arrange for the rendez-vous," Lhaes answered, somewhat stoically. Diplomacy was not his forte.

"Has Minister Emnath been made aware of the reasons behind her detainment?" Cassie finally asked.

"As far as I know yes, I did escort her back to her quarters myself. Plus everyone, including her, heard me announcing the charges."

"I'll pay Minister Emnath a visit and make her aware of developments once the Lai'Adi authorities have been notified of the situation and a rendez-vous point has been set. Does that sound fair?" she asked, feeling she had overstayed her welcome.

The security chief nodded. "That sounds fair," he agreed, "please let me know if my security people need to assist." He sighed ever so softly. "I'm sorry ambassador, I do have work to do..."

"Welcome to the club," the young diplomat replied, rising from her chair. "Have a good evening, Commander," she said, then turned on her heels and left the office. She didn't even wait for an answer.

Cassandra Leblanc-Reed
Diplomatic Officer

LtC Lhaes Sommers


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