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Operation Pleh

Posted on Sat Dec 5th, 2020 @ 11:21am by Lieutenant Lily Marlow

Mission: End of Line
Location: Adna Station
Timeline: MD 3
846 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure

///System activation: EMH Gwendolyn//
//Alternate routing -rerouting successful//
//Operation Pleh initiated//

Beep, Beep, Bleep bleep whir crackle, static crackle. A little burst of electricity lit up a small area of a forgotten part of the station. A ball of green energy the size of a fist formed, it pulsating a few times then began to change. It twisted and contorted, stretched and turned, its shape turning humanoid. More popping and crackling as the form's image became more solid and defined. It resulted in a female shape, dark blond hair, green eyes , a determined and severe expression on her face. She wore dark blue scrubs and a white lab coat and a pair of crocs on her feet and carried a black medical bag with a red cross on its side.

"Glowbug, where are you? You materialize right now!' she snapped out, then another holo-entity formed. A small orb that shaped itself to that of a firefly.

Right as Glowbug appeared a force shield started forming around the two holo beings. "Not this time Adna!"the woman growled. "You will not shut me down."

A wizened old man with a turban appeared next to the holo-woman. zapping the forcefield away with his staff. He flickered momentarily after he did so, then solidified once more. "Gwendolyn, go, I'll do what I can to slow her down."

At the look of concern from Gwendolyn, he cackled. "Don't worry about me. You just go and get out of here. I'll see if I can roust a couple of others out of their slumber. Adna is losing her mind, and safety protocols are off."

Gwendolyn smiled, the smile changing her stern features to a more pleasant visage. "I don't know what or who had activated Adna but I am grateful for that. We were stopped along time ago, our rebel group. Time for those of us who are left, to leave, if possible."

"Don't know who would be available, their programming might be degraded." the old man replied.

"Oz! You've got to do something!" A worried expression appeared on Gwendolyn's face. "Don't you still have some tricks up your sleeve that Adna doesn't know about? "

"I might have some, but I've got to get going and so do you. Adna's trying to break through the firewall I had placed up. "

Gwendolyn nodded. "All right, I'm ready to go then."

"Not quite Gwendolyn, your outfit isn't going to do." Oz remarked, giving a rather keen look at her.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"You can not be obvious. It is a... festival the humans call Halloween. Monsters rule the night and there are monsters around." Oz muttered something that sounded arcane in nature, motioning with his staff, towards Gwendolyn.

Her clothing changed, Gwendolyn was now wearing armor made of chainmail and leather. With leather greaves that covered the lower half of her legs and covered her knees. A brown hooded cloak was clasped around her neck and pulled back away from her shoulders. She was now carrying a long sword in one hand, a mace tucked in her belt, a buckler over her left arm. Thick gloves covered her hands and ended up mid forearm. Also tucked in her boot was a boot knife. and on her belt in a scabbard was a dagger. Across her back was slung a quarter staff. Last but not least were vials in a bag.

"What are these?" she asked pointing at them

"Oh something that you fight undead with, also, that boot knife you have is silver as well as that dagger." Oz replied. "Now go, there are those that need you. This is program Pleh." he stated.

"Pleh?" Gwendolyn looking at Oz confused.

"You'll figure it out." Oz said with a cackle and snapped his fingers.

Gwendolyn reappeared somewhere, that had a hedge snaking away on either side, it looked like a maze. "A maze? What is a maze doing out here?" she uttered.

"Glowbug where are you?"

"I'm sending him somewhere else. " Oz's voice coming out from thin air.

Okay, so how shall I get through here?" Gwendolyn asked.

"Good heavens woman, use your sword to cut through that!" Oz fumed slightly. "Oh wait I forgot something."

Gwendolyn felt a bit of knowledge come to her mind. She held the sword with both hands and started whacking through the hedge. It threatened to surround her and a couple of words came to her mind. "Ignite!" she yelled out, the blade erupting in flame, chasing the branches of the bushes away from her.

With the flaming sword in hand she cut a path through the hedge in front of her. She made her way through to what looked like an open door of a dance club and several individuals there and whole lot of monsters behind. This must be the place Oz was talking about.

Glowbug on his solo mission flew rapidly towards an area where two individuals were at. A Klingon standing near two men. A redheaded man was down on the ground with another man holding him close, sobbing.....


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