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Someone Like You Part II

Posted on Thu Feb 9th, 2023 @ 3:09am by Lieutenant Commander Dominic Aldrich & Crewman Recruit Zeria
Edited on on Thu Feb 9th, 2023 @ 3:09am

Mission: A New Beginning
1527 words - 3.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Zeria let out the breath she realized she’d been holding. Her heart was threatening to
beat right out of her chest and she felt light headed but she steeled herself and reached for him, lifting his chin so that he was looking at her. “And you did not intend to tell me did you? Why did you not want to tell me?” She felt as if her voice would crack but she was terrified of the reason. Surely he would not think her inferior because of her breeding like the others?

As his gaze met hers, and her hand felt cool against his flushed face, Dominic said, "Because I was afraid to. You are so….amazing…and I'm, well, damaged, scarred, and, frankly, until I met you, not much of a personality." He eyes shifted from hers to the floor and back several times.

Zeria relaxed, letting out another breath. “I only know bits and pieces of your story Dom, but I would say we are both damaged. And you do have a personality, I’ve seen it at times. But you do like to hide and who was I to try and force you out. As for you loving me I am baffled and,” she searched for the right word. “Touched. I haven’t thought about love in a very long time. I guess I was hiding too. Can we figure this out together?” She swallowed the rush of emotions that were threatening to overwhelm her.

For a moment, the doubt within Dominic crept in. She was so calm and he was a mess. Was he right? Was he silly for letting himself fall in love again only to be rejected? He shook his head to get rid of the worries, looked at Zeria, and said, "Yes. We can certainly figure this out together."

“Good, because I have never been in love before. I don’t know what it feels like. But I am terrified and excited at the same time. Is that love? Stef told me that when people start a relationship they date. So I am going to fix us some dinner and you will stay and that can be our first date.” She looked down at herself. “But first I am going to get cleaned up.” Zeria realized she was rambling and blushed. She undid her braid and was brushing bits of plant out of her hair as she walked back toward her bedroom. “Please!” She suddenly added, looking mortified at having ordered him around.

Dominic, taken aback at all she had just thrown out at him, smiled, then started to chuckle, and then started to laugh. "Of course I'll stay! And everything you just said only confirms everything I feel about you. I'd be thrilled to have a first date with you." He hadn't laughed in a long time, and it felt good to release the tension of the moment that had built up inside of him. "I promise I'm not laughing at you," he added, "I just think the two of us broken people trying to figure this out will be the craziest adventure of our lives."

Zeria couldn't help but giggle as well. "Yes it will be. But we needed something to break up the monotony around here," she called from the bedroom as she was pulling off muddy layers. Perhaps a simple dress she usually saved for special occasions? Not that she got invited to many. It was a bit more form fitting and long. It was the exact color of her eyes which is why she had saved up the money to buy it. "What should I make for dinner?" She asked as she came out using her toomigan bristle brush on a knot in her dark hair.

Dominic didn't even register the question had been asked. He was stunned by her beauty and to him, she brushed her hair in slow motion. When he realized his mouth was open, he cleared his throat and said, "What did you say?"

"Sit down, you look as If you are exhausted enough to fall over." Zeria pulled out a chair and pushed him into it. "I asked if you had a preference as to what I cooked?"

"Oh, um, no…no preference." She was very much in charge at the moment and he was ok with it. "I do feel a little underdressed now that you have that stunning dress on though."

“Oh, thanks.” Zeria said blushing. “Truth be told it’s the only thing in my closet that doesn’t have mud on it. I’ve been saving it. For this I guess. How about some nice stew and fresh bread? It will take a while but it will give us time to talk in the meantime.” She threw on an apron and got things started with the bread while she watched him. “Can I ask you questions? I know you are from Earth, but where did you grow up?”

"I grew up in New Orleans, a city full of good food and good music. I spent my whole life there until I went to Starfleet Academy. Since then, I've been all over the galaxy," Dominic replied. He was relaxing more and more as time went on.

Zeria looked up as if trying to imagine the scene as she added ingredients together and began to knead the bread. “Did you like it there? Did you have a happy childhood? I guess there’s no need to ask me where I grew up because you’re looking at it.” Suddenly her eyes widened. “Do you have any siblings? Are your parents alive? I wonder what they would think of me?”

“Oh, they would think you are wonderful, I’m sure of that. I have one brother, David, and my mom is still alive. My dad though died in the aftermath of an ion storm that his starship was caught in. He was my hero growing up and pretty much set the standard for my path in life. It’s where I get my sense of adventure and love of science. My mom is more of a home body. She loves to just stay in one place and be settled. There’s nothing wrong with that, but I always felt like I needed to be doing something,” Dominic replied. He then felt guilty for the words that he said and what was to follow, but he also wanted to answer her question honestly, “I did have a wonderful childhood. I learned the value of family and friendship. I only wish you had a similar experience.”

"I have never thought about traveling through the stars, not seriously. I often had fantasies that my father would turn up and whisk my mother and I away. But after I became an adult I thought I would live here in my mother's hut forever. Now I don't know. " She met his eyes, wondering what he would say.

“You don’t know now? You mean now that some people just dropped in from space by happenstance?” Dominic asked. “If the chance ever comes up again, I’d love to take you aboard a ship and just show you the view.”

“Well, if that happens I would love to see it. I suppose there’s no point in dwelling on that though just in case it doesn’t. Anyway,” Zeria said, feeling the need to change the subject. She put the dough in a warm spot under the counter and took out a pan for the stew. “Is there anything you want to know?” She couldn’t think of anything she hadn’t told him to be honest. Zeria was an open person most of the time, especially with someone she trusted and Dom was one of the very few people she trusted on this planet.

Dominic let the longing for the familiar comforts of a ship leave his mind. Instead, he made the decision to be present in this moment. "I do have something that I'd like to know. It's something that I've admired but not been able to fully understand, especially when you tell me exactly how you're treated around here. After all of this time of being around you, I have wondered what makes you get up in the morning? Where do you pull from for motivation? I mean, you just go, go, go and you have every reason not to."
“ I guess I’m a little bit of an optimist. And I love my garden. It’s also my source of income and if I stopped I’d have even less than I do now. I prefer to think that something better will be coming around the corner and you have to get to the next day to see it.” She gave a small shrug, “Probably silly.”

"I don't think that's silly at all," he replied shaking his head. "Instead, I find it quite admirable. So many people just go through life getting through the day whereas you work to get TO the day. That takes a certain level of hope and peace I hope rubs off on me."

To Be Continued...


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