A New Beginning

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After the harrowing experience at Adna Station, the USS Majestic heads for Starbase 180. Commodore Jane Saulitis has transferred command to the newest CO Captain Elijah Rutherford. Now the crew who had been with Commodore Saulitis, will be getting to know new crewmembers and a new Captain.

Start Date Sat Jun 26th, 2021 @ 2:33pm

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Title Timeline Location
Beginning of Camaraderie
by Ensign Wyome Thorson & Lieutenant JG Tara Marsh
Mess hall
Bread crumbs or pebbles
by Lieutenant Lily Marlow & Lieutenant Hadir Prenar
Still berthed at DS9 USS Majestic
Security meeting with Lily
by Lieutenant Lily Marlow & Lieutenant S'vor & Lieutenant JG Tara Marsh
Security Office
Meeting of the Assistants
by Lieutenant Commander T'Par & Lieutenant JG Tara Marsh
Mind Games
by Lieutenant True Keading & Lieutenant JG Vanya Karolyi
Taking care of Business
by Captain Elijah Rutherford & Commander Dominic Aldrich
Ready Room
New Science officer
by Chief Petty Officer Anja Teach & Commander Dominic Aldrich & Lieutenant Commander T'Par & Lieutenant Orin Sempton
Science area
A tune up and a reset
by Lieutenant S'anra Shalakar & Ensign Xavon Starkweather
TBD Sick Bay
Puzzle Piecing
by Lieutenant Hadir Prenar & Lieutenant Lily Marlow
While still docked at DS 9
New Arrivals
by Captain Elijah Rutherford & Lieutenant JG Edward Teach
Captains Ready Room
Sanra rank raise
by Captain Elijah Rutherford & Lieutenant S'anra Shalakar
Ready room
Mon Cher Frere
by Lieutenant True Keading
Prior to leaving DS9 DS9
Wreck It Room
by Lieutenant Lily Marlow
After Meeting with Hadir Holodeck
Phase Two
by Lieutenant Lily Marlow & Lieutenant Hadir Prenar
A new day and new arrivals
by Ensign Wyome Thorson & Ensign Koziki Thass & Lieutenant S'vor & Lieutenant JG Tara Marsh
Briefing room
Meeting the Boss
by Lieutenant Hadir Prenar & Lieutenant JG Vanya Karolyi
Chief Intelligence Officer's Office - Deck 14 - USS Majestic
The Beacon (Part Two)
by Lieutenant Lily Marlow & Lieutenant JG Camelia Zamfir & Lieutenant JG T'seng & Lieutenant Siora Carberos
Computer/Holosuite lab
The Beacon (Part One)
by Lieutenant Lily Marlow & Lieutenant JG Camelia Zamfir & Lieutenant JG T'seng & Lieutenant Siora Carberos
Computer/Holosuite lab
Where did you go?
by Lieutenant Lily Marlow & Lieutenant Laural Hawke
Sifting through information
by Lieutenant Lily Marlow & Lieutenant Hadir Prenar
Holo deck
True Calling
by Captain Elijah Rutherford & Lieutenant True Keading
Just after Departure. Captain's Ready Room
Meeting with Orin
by Lieutenant Orin Sempton & Captain Elijah Rutherford
Ready Room
A walk through a mind
by Lieutenant Lily Marlow & Lieutenant Hadir Prenar
2100 the next day Holosuite
The Game's Afoot
by Lieutenant JG Vanya Karolyi
Security Check-in
Welcome back
by Lieutenant Sandra Adamson & Tarria Sh’ezhinnir & Captain Elijah Rutherford
Current Arboretum

Mission Summary