The Not-So-Defunct Order
by Lieutenant JG Vanya Karolyi & Lieutenant Hadir Prenar
CIO's Office |
Its All New To Me Chief
by Lieutenant Sandra Adamson & Ensign Xavon Starkweather
Sick bay |
The New Kid In Town
by Captain Elijah Rutherford & Commander Craig Braxton
Still at DS9 |
Captain's Ready Room |
Reporting to the Chief
by Lieutenant JG Goldie Brown & Lieutenant Siora Carberos
Operations Centre, Deck 3 |
First Day on the Job
by Lieutenant Hadir Prenar & Lieutenant JG Vanya Karolyi
Intel |
Beginning of Camaraderie
by Ensign Wyome Thorson & Lieutenant JG Tara Marsh
Mess hall |
Security meeting with Lily
by Lieutenant Lily Marlow & Lieutenant S'vor & Lieutenant JG Tara Marsh
Security Office |
Meeting of the Assistants
by Lieutenant Commander T'Par & Lieutenant JG Tara Marsh
Science |
Mind Games
by Lieutenant True Keading & Lieutenant JG Vanya Karolyi
Counseling |
Taking care of Business
by Captain Elijah Rutherford & Lieutenant Commander Dominic Aldrich
Ready Room |
New Science officer
by Chief Petty Officer Anja Teach & Lieutenant Commander Dominic Aldrich & Lieutenant Commander T'Par & Lieutenant Orin Sempton
Science area |
A tune up and a reset
by Lieutenant S'anra Shalakar & Ensign Xavon Starkweather
Sick Bay |
New Arrivals
by Captain Elijah Rutherford & Lieutenant JG Edward Teach
Captains Ready Room |
Sanra rank raise
by Captain Elijah Rutherford & Lieutenant S'anra Shalakar
Ready room |
Mon Cher Frere
by Lieutenant True Keading
Prior to leaving DS9 |
DS9 |
Wreck It Room
by Lieutenant Lily Marlow
After Meeting with Hadir |
Holodeck |
A new day and new arrivals
by Ensign Wyome Thorson & Ensign Koziki Thass & Lieutenant S'vor & Lieutenant JG Tara Marsh
Briefing room |
Meeting the Boss
by Lieutenant Hadir Prenar & Lieutenant JG Vanya Karolyi
Chief Intelligence Officer's Office - Deck 14 - USS Majestic |
The Beacon (Part Two)
by Lieutenant Lily Marlow & Lieutenant JG Camelia Zamfir & Lieutenant JG T'seng & Lieutenant Siora Carberos
Computer/Holosuite lab |
The Beacon (Part One)
by Lieutenant Lily Marlow & Lieutenant JG Camelia Zamfir & Lieutenant JG T'seng & Lieutenant Siora Carberos
Computer/Holosuite lab |
Where did you go?
by Lieutenant Lily Marlow & Lieutenant Laural Hawke
Somewhere |
True Calling
by Captain Elijah Rutherford & Lieutenant True Keading
Just after Departure. |
Captain's Ready Room |
Meeting with Orin
by Lieutenant Orin Sempton & Captain Elijah Rutherford
Ready Room |
The Game's Afoot
by Lieutenant JG Vanya Karolyi
Security Check-in |
Welcome back
by Lieutenant Sandra Adamson & Tarria Sh’ezhinnir & Captain Elijah Rutherford
Current |
Arboretum |