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Beginning of Camaraderie

Posted on Fri Jul 26th, 2024 @ 6:35pm by Ensign Wyome Thorson & Lieutenant JG Tara Marsh

Mission: A New Beginning
Location: Mess hall
1677 words - 3.4 OF Standard Post Measure

The doors opened to the mess hall, and there was the scent of real food wafting in the air. Wyome breathed in deeply of the delicious scent in the air.

"I really like being on this ship." She stated, "Sure we've got the replicators that we can get quick food from. That is when we can't get into the mess hall. However, can't beat well prepared food." Wyome giving a smile towards Tara. "There are menus for those who have selective diets," she added.

She went up when it was her turn in line, and got herself some pancakes, with a side of scrambled eggs, and slices of bacon. She also got herself some tea.

"If we are going to be talking about people on the ship, best we go find a quiet corner." Wyome remarked to Tara.

Tara decided to splurge on breakfast. She quickly ordered some eggs over easy and then some whole grain waffles with blackberries, blueberries, and some Greek yogurt. She paired this all with some green tea and a glass of water. All throughout the ordering, her voice was pleasant and upbeat.

Willingly, she allowed herself to be directly by Wyome and said, "That's a good call, Wyome. Besides, it will give us more time to get to know each other. So tell me what you like about being on this ship so much."

"Well," Wyome paused as she thought about the question, "This is my first ship I have been assigned to, in fact my first assignment. As for the ship itself, it is proving to be interesting being in security. It has its not so uneventful events and then there are the once in a while fights to break up when someone has gotten drunk and disorderly. The most interesting thing of it is, the current passengers we have on board the ship. The metal dragon and the holo-sentients. But as you had asked, there is a wide range and assortment of people, plus this ship has its own history."

"Do tell!" Tara answered, greedily taking a bite of her waffles with a generous amount of berries.

"Where do you want me to start? So, before I had joined the crew, Majestic's crew went to do shoreleave up on a strange station which was run by an AI that went insane. The holo sentients that are here on the ship currently, they were the rebel group that went against the AI. I do believe I had mentioned something like that in my report to you and Lieutenant S'vor. You do have the clearance to go visit them. I do know that Oz is the leader of them, and he looks like the Wizard of Oz from the book. There is Gwendolyn who was an EMH, there is Indigo who is their chef, then there is Aurora and last but not least is Glowbug, who looks like a firefly." Wyme tried to give Tara, Wyme's pieces of knowledge of the set up. "And then there is Splice, or her real name is T'seng."

"Which does she prefer?" Tara asked, trying to make mental notes of everything Wyome was saying.

"Off work, T'seng. On duty, Lieutenant T'seng. " Wyome responded with a smile. "She is an interesting person." She dug into her food, feeling the pangs of hunger. Her stomach growled audibly. "I am most definitely hungry."

Laughing, Tara answered, "Don't let me stop you from eating. Please dig in...." Tara took a small spoon of her yogurt and asked, "So, T'seng is not one of the AI?"

Wyome shook her head as she chewed her food. When her mouth was cleared, "No she is a person. One who was in a metal and crystal sarcophagus. It was really strange. I have seen the device. Some sort of ancient tech from what I have been told," she said, picking up her spoon and taking another bite.

"Do you know what the purpose of it was?" Tara asked tilting her head forward and to the side. This was fascinating to her.

"To keep T'seng alive," Wyome stated. "Apparently, the stasis pod that she had been in developed problems, and so she was put into the ancient sarcophagus to keep her alive. That was in the brief record."

"But everyone else other than the holos are dead, right? Or did I misunderstand something?"

"I looked into Adna Station. The whole place was run by holoprograms and the AI called Adna. It used to be populated with people then...the people left. It had been sitting on its own, the only one that could be classified as being alive was T'seng. I had spoken to their leader Oz one night, trying to get more history about them. It had been laying dormant until the Majestic had arrived for shoreleave. Little did the crew know that things were awry, until after a day or so then... it became a nightmare. One of the former security personnel only told me bits and pieces and I had to get him very drunk for him to tell me as much as he did. "

Wyome took a drink before she continued. "Oz said that they only woke up, when Adna began her stupidity and some sort of failsafe was triggered, and the holo sentients as well as Splice, aka T'seng woke up."

"I just wonder why that when the people left, why did they not wake up T'seng and take T'seng with?" She stopped to take a bite of her waffle. "It is a curious question is it not?"

"Indeed, that is a good question, and makes for an interesting mystery concerning the small rebel group of holo sentients and T'seng. Adna Station had been shut down, and also has been declared a forbidden zone. Off limits, no ships are allowed to go close to there." Wyome replied. "There are still layers to find out just what happened. Intriguing don't you think?"

"I do! I can't wait to meet them all and talking to T'seng will prove interesting."

Tara sighed before taking another bite of her waffle. "I'm so going to need to work out after eating like this.... It is a bit of a splurge."

"Nothing wrong in eating a hearty breakfast, it is the most important meal of the day. That is what my mother had told me. And I believe in that statement." Wyome responded with a smile.

Tara giggled politely. Breakfast was indeed important, but the most important...? She had her doubts. "Well, who am I to argue with anyone's mother?"

Wyome laughed. "Well you can argue the point, since she isn't your mom. And I have gotten into a few arguments with my mother. She didn't want me to go into security however I won that argument."

"Why wouldn't she have wanted you to go into security? A calling is a calling."

"She wanted me to be a doctor, something medical. She wanted to pass down her medical knowledge. However, it was not to be. That mantle fell upon my brother," Wyome answered, giving a smile. "And he is a good one as well."

"Well, we definitely need some good doctors. Someone has to fix us up when we get ourselves into trouble, right?" Tara asked, laughing lightly.

"Yes, that is what he was complaining about. Working on my injuries when I got injured." Wyome giving an answering laugh of her own. She looked down at her plate, realizing that her food was now eaten. "I probably should get going and get to my duties, unless you have any more questions."

"No," Tara answered. "I don't." She looked down at her food which was maybe half eaten. "We should do this again, though or find somewhere to play together."

"There are a few holoprograms that we can explore." Wyome offered."I wouldn't mind, though would you find it strange to be friends with one of the lower security officers?"

"Not at all. Rank is a structure that is meant to help us identify who is in charge. It does not define our associations," Tara answered, taking another bite of her pancakes, which had only been half eaten. "Would you?"

"I won't find it strange, just I did have a person who frowned upon someone associating with those of a lower rank. Hence why I am asking that." Wyome responded. "Okay so when shall we get together to do something fun. And I also wonder when we will be going on our next leg of our journey to take the holo-sentients to their home."

"I find it strange that another person in this day and age would find it strange to not associate with anyone else. It limits one's options. Do you suddenly give up your ensign friends if you get promoted to a junior grade lieutenant? Makes no sense." Tara shook her head sadly. "But yes, getting together, well, whenever you want. I hardly know anyone here yet, so my schedule is open when I'm not on duty. As to the holos, I hope it is soon. I just hope they are as well-intentioned as you have told me that they are."

"There are those who are still of that mindset, that I have come across. As for the holos I feel they are. You'll just need to meet them to form your own opinion," Wyome responded. "Perhaps you can go meet with the group there in the holodeck and you can see for yourself. They all do have their own unique personalities."

"I definitely want to meet them," Tara answered eagerly. "I've always felt that meeting a person is the best way to gain insight into them."

"Let me know and we can go talk with them at another time." Wyome replied with a grin, the smile lighting up her dark brown eyes.

"Great. How's tomorrow morning?"

"Tomorrow morning would be great. Meet you at main security and then we'll go there." Wyome responded "I can hardly wait. I'll take my leave now." the ensign said and with a wave she left the mess hall.


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