
The New Kid In Town

Posted on Mon Sep 30th, 2024 @ 7:45pm by Captain Elijah Rutherford & Commander Craig Braxton

Mission: A New Beginning
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: Still at DS9
1602 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Craig got off the Runabout and stretched as he looked about. the smells from some of the food stalls made his stomach gurgle and reminded him he hadn't eaten in a bit, he had been to busy reading up on the command staff and the department heads while he traveled. Craig grabbed three beef skewers and a synth ale to quiet his protesting stomach.

He thought about his trip to get here. From the Vancouver to Starbase 83. From there he caught a starfleet supply freighter going to Starbase Yorktown, from there he caught a new destroyer heading to DS 9 on a shake down cruise. Now he found himself looking out the window at the upper pylon where the Majestic was tethered.

Craig came to the ship's sentry and presented his orders. " Reporting for duty. "
Security scanned the orders and confirmed. " Welcome to the Majestic Sir, please proceed. " Craig nodded and found the turbolift and asked tthe computer where the Captain could be found. Captain Rutherford in in his ready room on the bridge.

" Very well, Bridge please. " The turbolift moved swiftly and smoothly to it's destination. He acknowledged the duty officer and went to the ready room and chimed the door.

Elijah called out "Enter." admitting the person who was outside of his ready room.

When the man walked into the room Elijah stood up seeing the color of diplomacy upon his uniform. "Welcome aboard, what can I do for you?" he was curious as to what Star Fleet had in mind sending a needed diplomatic officer.

Craig smiled as he held out the PaDD. " Commander Craig Braxton reporting for duty Sir. I am also a qualified bridge officer and have served on a number of ships, as well as served as an Ambassador at the embassy on Khitimer. I am willing to serve in any capacity that you need me in Captain. I believe my service record speaks for itself. Have you any questions for me Captain? " He asked.

Elijah blinked several times, then he chuckled, "How ready are you in dealing with unusual circumstances? And how do you feel about sentient holograms?"

Craig smiled. " Dealing with the unusual, isn't that the very definition of starfleet? As I stated Captain, I am an experienced Diplomat and a bridge officer. I have seen a strange thing or three while in Starfleet, that and I have interacted with EMH's before. " Stated Craig.

"Well, these are some extraordinary circumstances here, most definitely." Elijah responded. "So you have been a bridge officer as well, this is good. I'll then see about you having some time on the bridge then as time goes on."

" Understood Captain." Said Craig. " I only hope to be useful to the ship and be a benefit to those of lower rank to help guide them into a successful career path in starfleet. Starfleet has given me that much and I'd like to give back and help others to be the best they can, without being overbearing or forceful about it of course. I would be remiss as a commander if I didn't help out and nurture any crewman or officer to be a better then they are and help them see that they can do it if they set their mind to it. Of course all under your discretion Captain. "

"I do like the sound of that. Now what do you do on your personal time?" This was something that Elijah did wish to know.

" Personal time? Hmm.. Haven't been asked that much. " Stated Craig. " Let's see, you'll find me at the gym doing strength training, If I'm not there I'd most likely be in the holodeck indulging in some urban parkour. Other training interest are hunting, fishing, tracking, horseback riding, survival training multi regional zones and bushcraft. You know, Building shelters, living off the land and making implements for survival. Items such as Buckets, plates, cups, baskets, pottery and what not. I've also got an interest in learning blacksmithing so that I can make cast iron pots and skillets and maybe some pans. Things that would be useful in a survival situation. How about you Captain? What do you like doing in your off time? "

"I like to spend time with my wife and my two kids, Matthew and Priscilla they are twins. I do believe their fourth birthday is coming up soon. I will have to check with my wife, she is very good at keeping track of those things." Elijah giving a laugh.

" Right now my career is my life. " Stated Craig. " I have two children of my own that are growing up with their grandparents in Billings , I have a son Samuel who is twelve and Amanda my daughter who is eight. Their mother has recently remarried and is living with her current husband on Mars, And I can guarantee you that if I ever get into another relationship, she won't be a betazed or a counselor. "I

Elijah raised an eyebrow at Craig's response. then gave a nod. "We do have a counselor, two in fact. One of them is my wife the other is Lieutenant Keading. I suggest that when you do meet either of the ladies, treat them with respect, they are not ones who will play mind games with you. I am sorry that happened with you."

" Youi have nothing to worry about there Captain. I assure you that they will be treated with all due respect of they're position and rank. " Stated Craig. " It's not their fault for what my ex wife did. I know I'll have to forgive her in time, but it's to soon for that right now. Heck I've already sent for the kids once I'm settled in here, they were always my pride and joy in my life and really shouldn't be separated from the family structure for to long. "

"How old are the kids?" Elijah rather curious as to their ages. "I have two of my own, fraternal twins."

" Thankfully they're not twins Captain. My eldest is Samuel Braxton Jr. And he is twelve years old " Craig smiled briefly. " Ah,,, I see a glimmer of recognition to the name. And you are correct in your thinking that they're grandfather Is Major General Samuel Braxton. Went into the Academy at age seventeen as an enlisted. Worked his way up to an NCO and later on OCS training. He worked his way up the ranks and spent fifty three years as a marine before he retired six months ago. That and my daughter's name is Amanda and she is eight years old and is very bright and music is her life. She can currently play Beethoven's Moonlit Sonata without the sheet music in front of her. " He thought a moment. " Captain you wouldn't have any objections to replicating a baby grand piano and beaming it into the quarters would you? "

"I have no objections as to that happening. Your accomodations should be enough to do so." Elijah giving a smile. "Welcome aboard, and I look forward to working with you more."

" Since my quarters will be in officer country, I'll have Engineering put a portable sound dampener in the quarters so as not to disturb others. " Stated Craig. " I guess I should go and get my quarters squared away so that I may start shift tomorrow morning. Is there anything else that you require of me or a duty you'd like me to take care of at this time Captain Rutherford? " He asked.

A ding on his padd, Elijah held up his finger, "Just a moment I've got a message that just arrived." he looked at the message then looked up at Craig, "Actually, Commander Braxton, I just got a message as of here and now you have been recommended to be my new XO." taking in a deep breath and letting it out. "My current XO had just let me know that he will be stepping down from that position. As per now, welcome to the capacity of being my XO" giving a bit of a inscrutable look at Craig.

Craig blinked a few times and looked dumbfounded for several seconds. " Well that was unexpected. " He said simply. " Thank you Captain Rutherford, I shall endeavor to do my best to fulfill my role as your Executive Officer to your satisfaction. " He thought a moment. " I should go and replicate some new uniforms before I begin my shift. I assume that you hold daily department head meetings Captain? " Craig asked.

Craig's PaDD dinged, as he read over the message he slightly shook his head. " Dear old Dad, Efficient as ever I see. " Craig looked up to Elijah. " Captain, I have just been informed that a marine transport has arrived at DS 9 with two civilian children and their personal effects and that I should go and get my children. So if you'll please excuse me captain, I should go and get them. "

"By all means do so and get them all settled in. Thank you Commander Braxton and welcome to the USS Majestic." Elijah rising up from his chair and holding out his hand towards his new XO.

Craig stood and reached forward to accept the handshake. " Thank you Captain, I look forward to working with you. " He glanced about the cabin and smiled. " You know what? With my kids arriving and being here, The Majestic is already starting to feel like home. " He stated as he turned to head out the door.

"Enjoy your time with your family." Elijah stated. Once Craig left the readyroom. The captain tapped on his combadge, "Honey I'm coming for dinner."




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