
An Unexpected Evening

Posted on Thu Oct 17th, 2024 @ 1:11pm by Captain Elijah Rutherford & Lieutenant S'anra Shalakar

Mission: A Day In The Life
Location: DS 9 Promenade
Timeline: MD 1800 HRS
2182 words - 4.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Rashad waited next to his computer, hoping that S'anra would contact him. He was rather interested in the woman who flew his beloved ship with skill and ease. Will she send a message or won't she. All he could do was wait.

S'anra sat down and sent a message to the provided message board. " Hello, my boss and our friend said that you wanted to speak to me. Do you require some assistance again? Or is this a different matter that you'd like to discuss? " She sent the message and wondered how long it would take to get a response.

A message came back,from Rashad "Actually I would like to take you out to dinner, that is if you're willing to accept my invitation. What do you say?" he awaited her answer almost holding his breath to see what it was.

S'anra waited for a few moments before replying. " Well.... I'll have to figure out what I'm going to wear first and then get the Captain's permission first..." She waited several moments before sending anything else. " I'm just teasing you a bit. I would be honored to join you for dinner. From when we worked together, you were pleasant company and have good taste in ships, just let me know when and where and what time to meet you. "

"Will a couple of hours be sufficient for you to get ready? And I will be at the promenade near the garden area. Then we can decide where we'd like to eat. Sound fair?" Rashad smiling to himself as the exchange he was having with S'anra via messages.

" Two hours from now? " Asked S'anra. " I think I might be able to find something decent to wear and meet with you by the gardens. I better start getting ready and I'll see you there. "

2 Hours Later:

S'anra showed up ten minutes early, because she always loved visiting garden areas. She smoothed out her simple white knee length dress as she stood next to the small bench by the fountain. Not certain what they'd be doing other then eating and talking she kept her outfit simple. Hoop earrings, a bracelet and a chain belt with roman style leather sandals that laced up around the calves. It was a style of shoe which they had back on her home world, and was very pleased that she was able to find them in the replicator listings. She sat and enjoyed the tinkling sound of the fountain as she waited.

Rashad neared the appointed place where he was supposed to meet S'anra. He paused to make certain his outfit still looked good. He brushed off a small piece of lint that had managed to find its way on his black pant, his boots were polished, and his dark blue tunic top which had gold embroidered trim along the neckline, the sleeves as well as the hem. His hair was caught back in a pony tail by a simple black ribbon. Then his eyes caught sight of S'anra and Rashad felt like he had lost his breath at the vision of beauty he beheld. Striding up towards her, Rashad greeted her.

"Such a beautiful woman I see before me." Rashad stated, a grin appearing taking her hand in his and lifting it to his lips. "I am pleased that you accepted my invitation."

S'anra looked startled and then blushed as Rashad kissed the back of her hand and looked like a dashing young nobleman which made her glance downward briefly as she remembered that human males did the hand kissing to show they were interested in dating a female. She blushed even more when she thought of meaning if it were a orion nobleman do the same action, it would of meant that he found a green that he wanted to purchase. The thought of that made her blush even more, she took a breath and gently let it out. " Thank you for the compliment kind sir, your attire and manner are gracious and comely. " As he still had her hand she got up from the bench. " So where are we going to this evening? " She asked.

"A small restaurant upon this station, where we can look out upon the stars while we dine. No holosuite, are you in the mood for some oriental food?" Rashad asked. He crooked his arm out towards S'anra for to take it as they headed towards the restaurant.

S'anra took the proffered arm with a shy smile. " Asian food sounds wonderful. I really learned to like it when I was at the Academy, we used to go down to the china town district which wasn't to far away. I still remember Mama Chen who owned the Dragon Palace restaurant, sometimes I'd work for her as a waitress when they got very busy. The uniform was a red knee length cheongsam dress, I'd like to go back a visit there again one day. So tell me Rashad, what is this place like where we're going to? " She asked being curious about their destination.

"The name of the place is the Jade Garden, newly opened,with small areas that have bamboo plants, and small waterfall feature. They do have tables for those who do not wish to sit upon the floor. Come we've got a table reserved and hope you like where it is placed." Rashad heading in that direction. When they arrived at the Jade Garden, they were taken to the table that Rashad was speaking of. The table was near what looked to be a window, overlooking the beautiful landscape of Japan. Mount Fuji was in the background wreathed with snow and some clouds.

S'anra smiled as she looked at the window scenery. " During the academy I went to Japan with a friend of mine to see the cherry blossoms during spring break. I remember standing on a hill that overlooked the Urai river, there were hundreds of cherry trees blossoming at the time and Mount Fuji stood majestically in the background, It was so beautiful that I almost forgot to breathe. "

Rashad gave an answering smile, "That is beautiful, I have been there myself, and it takes my breath away every time I visit. Something I did every time I had the chance. I was able to go last year, and was incredible."

The waitress arrived to take their order starting with S'anra.

S'anra looked up at Rashad from her menu. " Would you like to share a Sukiyaki hot pot and a Sashimi platter? " She asked. " And for the beverage. Would you like Green tea or Sake? I know for desert I would like some Matcha Tea ice cream. "

"All of that sounds amazing. Yes let's have that." Rashad paused for a moment as he contemplated on either sake or green tea. Seeing that he still had an upcoming job to do, he felt it best to have a clear head. Which in this case he truly needed it, S'anra was intoxicating enough as it was.

" Oh, and for the Ice cream, could you give it just a light dusting of sea salt to bring out the savory aspect of it's flavor? " S'anra asked the waitress, who smiled and nodded with the request. " That and a pot of green tea that we can share please. " As the waitress left to turn in the order, S'anra leaned back against the cushion and closed her eyes for a few moments as she listened to the traditional koto and flute music that was playing. She opened her eyes once again. " Thank you for inviting me to dinner tonight, I didn't even know that this place existed on this station. "

Rashad spoke up to the waitress. "I don't want to have salt on my Ice Cream, and there will be enough salt for me in the food." he responded. "I am glad that you accepted my invitation. I don't know when we will get to see each other when your ship heads off to its next destination, so I wanted to not have a missed opportunity to have dinner with you." reaching out to touch her hand and giving a light squeeze.

" Well I did enjoy the several days that we spent together when I was assigned to pilot your ship. " She lightly blushed as she mentioned the fact. " That and we're working in the same sector for the time being, so if you ever see the Majestic just give a hail and check with the Captain. If we're not to busy I'm pretty sure that he'll let you come aboard, that and he seems to like you well enough. " Stated S'anra.

" You know you have quite the mean slap." Rashad giving S'anra a teasing grin, "But your kiss was wonderful. Though I do apologize for stealing that kiss from you. " a tint of pink on the rim of his ears. "I won't regret kissing you though."

S'anra's blush deepened. " Well you were playing the part of a ruffian at the time and I was expected to respond in such a manner. " She sputtered and then fanned her face to cool it down. " just about any woman would respond like that when grabbed suddenly and kissed roughly. " She said softly as she finished her sentence.

"Thank you for going along with that. " Rashad responded with a wink.

The waitress had already gone to place their order and returned shortly with their tea.

Rashad looked up and gave a smile, "Thank you." when she left he gave a roguish smile. "However, S'anra, I am rather particular with who flies my lovely ship and there was something about you that I was trusting her into your hands. Now shall we get to eating?"

S'anra stared at her plate for a moment or two. " I'm glad you trusted me enough to fly your ship. I piloted my first blockade runner when I was fourteen. " she said without looking up from her plate. " Flying your ship felt like being with a trusted and safe family member, and it was comfortable and familiar. My father wanted me to fly for the family business, but that's not what I wanted. "

She finally looked up from her plate. " You have a very cultivated palate and I'm glad you decided to bring me here. The food here compares to be equal to my favorite restaurant in Tokyo, when I was attending the Academy. I don't remember the last time that I enjoyed myself this much. " She sampled the foods before her and enjoyed the delicate flavors and aroma's.

"I do like good food, and this is enjoyable, especially due to your delightful company." Rashad reaching out to take S'anra's hand once more. "I am quite glad that our paths have crossed, and that we are able to have sometime together." giving her hand a squeeze. "Let us enjoy the evening and dinner. And I do hope we can do a bit more together in the future."

S'anra blushed softly. " I...Umm.. Wouldn't object if you were to ask me out again or be assigned to work with you if need be in the future, And I am also enjoying the company. " She stated with a little bit of nervousness in her voice.

"I will keep that in mind, S'anra I truly will, but I am not going to promise anything. " Rashad said softly, "I also am not wanting to lead you on either. Guess it would be best for us to take things one step at a time?" he had a sorrowful expression in his eyes.

" I agree that we should take things one step at a time, And I believe that it is always best to start off as friends first. But as I said I am really enjoying myself and your company, I would like to get to know you better as well. You've no objections to that I hope. " S'anra noted the sadness in his eyes and was curious about it, If he wanted to tell her about it one day then that would be his choice.

"I have no objections at all. " Rashad answered with a happy smile, his saddened expression disappearing. S'anra certainly did have a way about her which gladdened the heart. He picked up his drink and made a toast, "To what the future may bring, and may it be a bright one."

S'anra picked up her glass and returned the toast. " To the future and may it be a bright one. " She looked over the table, the food had been eaten and the beverages mostly gone. She stood up and walked over and stopped next to Rashad and leaned over and gently kissed his forehead. " If you know enough about Orion culture, then you'll know that custom is normally done amongst friends and family when departing the dinner table. " She smiled warmly at him. " Thank you. I had a lovely evening and really enjoyed myself tonight, But I have first shift in the morning and must get some sleep. I look forward to seeing you again. " She said as she inclined her head towards him.



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