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Suprise reunion

Posted on Thu Sep 19th, 2024 @ 7:14pm by Lieutenant JG Edward Teach & Petty Officer 1st Class Shailyn Lothian

Mission: A Day In The Life
Location: Engineering
1530 words - 3.1 OF Standard Post Measure

It was time for Shailyn to report in for her shift, she heard that there was now a new assistant chief engineer and she thought she saw a familiar name there. Edward Teach. However it couldn't be him could it? She went to investigate, heading for main engineering, "Has anyone seen the assistant chief of engineering?" she asked looking at those there.

" I don't know, That depends on who's asking ya grease monkey. " Came the voice from the upper level of the warp core. She could see him leaning against the railing and grinning at her. " What? Are you on holiday and just couldn't resist popping in and saying hi to an old mate? " He asked as he began to descend the small personal lift to the lower floor.

"Holy moly it is you, you old scalawag pirate! What are you doing here? I work here now." Shailyn's head whipping upwards to see Edward coming down the lift. "How is it going you big lug? I heard that you got married, is that true?" walking over to where Teach was and pulling him in for a one armed hug once he was off the lift.

" Aye it be true." Said Edward with a big grin. " Finally found a woman who would tolerate me. That and I've two adopted kids now as well. Get them trained well and in the next couple of years they'll be off to the academy. The lad and the lass both got good heads on their shoulders. Do you remember Anja from the science department at our last assignment? She is my wife now, and I'm a very lucky man to have found such a wonderful woman. "

"Oooh that is fabulous, glad to hear you both found each other." giving an answering grin. "I will say this ship is certainly a good one. And a good crew. I've not met many as of yet but, those I have met I do like." Shailyn responded. "So... you've got Anja's twin siblings under your care of guardianship? Not bad, not bad at all."

" Aye that I do. " Said Edward. " And I couldn't be more proud of them, I treat them as if they were my own. Daemon wants to be an engineer like me and fix things, who knows maybe one day I'll get him on my crew here. " Edward chuckled. Wouldn't that be a hoot? And Luiza wants to follow in her sisters footsteps and be a scientist and figure out the mysteries on the universe. I even got permission from the Captain to have them shadow us at work and get some hands on experience before they even get to the academy, that is as long as they keep up with their school studies as well. But I know they can do it. "

"They certainly showed it where we all were last at. The two of them certainly faced a challenge at our last place." Shailyn not naming the one station. It was a mess and I am glad that we are not dealing with a crazy AI. Though from the scuttlebutt here, this crew faced its own crazy AI as well. There is a little bit in common experience wise." Shailyn shared.

Edwards eyes narrowed slightly. " Shailyn Lass, If I even had an inkling of a suspension that we had a crazy AI aboard this ship, I would personally rip it out with my bare hands before letting the crew face something like that. " His voice dropped to a softer tone. " The only good thing that has ever happened with a crazy AI, Is that I was with Anja and the twins when we were separated from the rest of the crew. It forged a bond between us that I believe will never break and brought us together. And that is the only good that has ever come from one of those damned things. "

"Teach, it wasn't this ship that had that trouble it was a whole station that was run by holograms and an AI. The station was named Adna. Anyway, the crew got away and all were relatively found safe and sound, and the station AI was shut down." Shailyn then nodded, "I am glad that you got something good out of that situation. I am very glad that we are away from there as well. I do recall a memory though that we lost one of our own, Amalia, dying from some sort of disease. However I went to check some facts and found that she was in the land of the living. She is serving on another ship. We had spoken about the memories we shared and Amalia stated that she did get very ill, and in some form she did die. She was brought back by transporter technology eradicating the disease from her body. Her heart had briefly stopped, then she got better. She felt that something had protected her life force."

" Aye Shailyn, I be glad that we're away from there as well. I want my family to be safe. " Said Edward. And it does my heart good hearing that Amalia is still with us, Tell her if she's ever in the neighborhood to drop in and see a few old friends. " His voice took on a more serious tone. " And whoever thought that putting an AI in charge of a ship or a station needs to have their head examined and then made to walk the plank. Nothing but trouble comes from putting one of those damn machines in charge of anything, That and people die. We well know that one don't we lass? "

Shailyn gave a solemn nod, "Aye we certainl do. And now we've got a new place and a reunion as well in a matter of speaking. I am wondering how Tamaska and Junjie are doing? They left at the same time we did. Heard that they got their own ship. I don't recall what the name of it was though. Do you?" Shailyn queried.

" Indeed I do Shailyn, It was the USS Proteus... Umm,, I believe it was NCC 80117. A Luna class long range science ship. It's not often that Starfleet pairs up a husband and wife as Captain and First Officer, But they did for these two. She's the Captain and he's First Officer and Chief Science Officer and the last I heard they were heading that away. " As he waved his hand in a random direction.

"Ah that is great news, and I believe they will be successful in what they set out to do. I wonder if we'll see them sometime in the future. Would be lovely to catch up with them." she gave a sigh and looked around engineering. "I do love our new home though. Many possibilities abound here." she stated.

Edward looked around the engineering bay. " Yeah there are possibilities, a fresh coat of paint, a few curtains and a throw rug or two could do the trick. But all potted plants must be kept in the offices or quarters as there are certain pieces of machinery that don't react well to dirt. " Said Edward teasingly. I

Shailyn gave out a chuckle "Now wouldn't that be something to see but I don't know if Murph would like that." She looked around giving a happy sigh. " I think that this ship feels more like home especially now that you are here. Maybe we can have dinner sometime, you, me Anja and the twins. It would be lovely. What do you say? "

" I think Anja and the twins would love to see you again, It would help them feel more at home with others they are already familiar with. I will talk to Anja about tonight after shift and see if we can't get something set up for this weekend, Does that sound good to you? " He asked her.

"That sounds great!" Shailyn responded with a grin. "The weekend it is then. I am looking forward to seeing Anja as well as the twins most definitely. This is a great ship and I do hope it turns out to be a new home for you and your family."

" I also hope this ship will be a good fit for both myself and family, Both Anja and I were at a dead end for our last assignment ship. But here I believe we have room to grow. that and the twins seem to have more people their own age on this ship. So I'm looking at it as a win-win situation. "

"Well the captain seems like an alright man, he has his own family so I say this is a good fit for you, most definitely." giving a huge smile. " Now though my shift is at its end, and I am going to go enjoy my evening. I will see you later, Teach." one more one armed embrace and Shailyn sauntered away.

Edward returned the hug. " I'll let you know what Anja says and the time. I don't think she'd have any objections to such, Just want to make sure that she didn't have any other plans this weekend. " With that said he turned towards the lift and headed towards home.


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