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Reporting to the Chief

Posted on Wed Sep 11th, 2024 @ 10:17pm by Lieutenant JG Goldie Brown & Lieutenant Siora Carberos

Mission: A New Beginning
Location: Operations Centre, Deck 3
922 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure


Once she was settled, Goldie headed for operations to find the chief and report in. She was excited about a new ship and new opportunities--and new people. She practically bounced on the balls of her feet as she waited for the turbolift.

When the door opened, she gave the other officer a bright smile. "Hello."

"Umm, hi," he said, quickly stepping out and heading down the corridor.

She watched him for a moment, then shrugged and stepped in. "Computer, operations."

She pulled out her PADD and looked over the map of the ship. It would take her a few days to get used to where to go, then a few weeks to get completely familiar with any changes in routine. But that was something she enjoyed about a new assignment: the opportunity to learn. It was true that most followed the same protocols taught in the Academy, but sometimes there were new tricks and new ways to do things.

Goldie wanted to know what was expected before she accidentally did anything wrong. Again.

And then she was there. She giggled as she adjusted her uniform, just to be sure she looked professional, then walked in and looked for the chief.

Siora had been working diligently in creating a space for operations as a department to thrive. She had taken over one of the quarters on deck 3 near her office and transformed it into a grand space to keep an eye on ship operations, power regulation and things like that. It made sense to her to have a workable space for her and the officers under her command to efficiently complete tasks and ensure the ship ran smoothly.

There was always a rivalry with engineering but she always said without power whatever engineering creates is just a hunk of metal, a paperweight if anything else.

"Make sure the power levels to the Arcana Lounge are stable. I've had a few work orders from Tarria complaining about her lighting, her replicators and her customers... although the last really isn't our problem." Siora shrugged as the doors opened to reveal a new face.

Goldie smiled brightly as the chief turned to look at her. Since the room was now quiet, she walked over to Siora and saluted. "Lieutenant junior grade Goldie Brown reporting for duty." Did her boss prefer sir or ma'am? Well, not using either should cover it until she found out for sure.

"Ah Lieutenant Brown." Siora smiled as she gave a small salute back and then a small bow as was the customs of her people. "Welcome on board. We're a friendly bunch in here..." she looked over at Munch. "Apart from him, he's a grump." she joked.

"Everybody has a bad day once in a while." She smiled brightly at Munch, then turned her full attention to Siora. "I'm glad people are friendly. I like friendly ships. Or crew." She giggled. "Or both."

"I think his days blend into each other quite a lot." She grinned. "Can't say there is much going on just now. Usual maintenance and whatnot, most of the ship is on minimal power whilst we get ready to get underway again. Tell me, what's your favourite part of a ship?" Siora asked. It was putting her on the spot but the question had just occurred to her.

"Ooh...that's hard to say. I like the transporter room. You get to meet people as they come and go and sometimes you hear really interesting stories about where they've been." She shrugged. "That's my favorite place to work, anyway. That, and communications. But if I'm not working?" She cocked her head to one side as she thought. "That's harder. There's a place in the Jefferies Tubes where it's really quiet except for the pulse of the ship. It's almost like a heartbeat. I don't go there often, unless it's to do repairs, but it's pretty cool."

Siora nodded and smiled. "I love your answers. There is a part on every ship where the gravity isn't quite set and you can float. Sometimes feeling weightless is amazing. Not that I weigh all that much." she chuckled.

"I got to be weightless in the Academy. It was a big room and I could do flips. It was amazing." Goldie giggled. "I haven't been to a spot like that on a starship yet, but I'm going to find it now." She was sure the computer could tell her exactly where to go.

"Oh well I won't spoil the surprise and let you hunt for it, or ask the computer." Siora winked playfully. "As long as you remember to tie your hair back... nothing worse in weightlessness than your hair going everywhere." she chuckled.

"Tie my hair back and make sure everything is clipped on my belt or in my pouch." Goldie nodded. "Don't want tools floating around, either." Then she grinned. "I'm definitely looking forward to finding this sweet spot. It sounds amazing."

The door opened as another ops officer hurried into the room, heading straight for the chief. He held a PADD in one hand and was scowling.

Goldie knew that look. It always meant there was a problem that needed the chief's attention. "I'll leave you for now, ma'am. I think I'll have a look at the transporter room." She saluted, then spoiled it by giggling. She nodded to the other officer as she passed him on her way to the door.


Lieutenant JG Goldie Brown
Operations Officer
USS Majestic

Lieutenant Siora Carberos
Chief Operations Officer
USS Majestic


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