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Troubled Memories

Posted on Wed Sep 11th, 2024 @ 9:45pm by Lieutenant Lily Marlow & Lieutenant Hadir Prenar

Mission: Mini Mission-Dark Lilies
Location: Docked at DS 09
Timeline: A day later
1067 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Knowing it was best not to just bust into Hadir's office, Lily tapped upon her combadge. "Lieutenant Prenar, Marlow here, may I come see you? I have had more memories surface and would like to speak to you about them." she wasn't certain if he was in his office anyway and also, there was security assigned to keep others from just wandering into sensitive areas.

"Yes of course." Hadir replied through the comm channel. Once the channel was closed he shut down the file he read. Something on the Obsidian Order, it was best no one knew what he worked on at the moment. This way he was ready for when she arrived.

A few minutes later the door swooshed open, revealing Lily, "Thank you for seeing me, Lieutenant Prenar. " having a determined look in her eyes. "I remembered some things from my college days, which also has give me a bit of concern. Plus, ni my wanderings upon DS9 I may have seen a ghost. Someone who rememinded me of my friend's dead fiance' " taking a seat across from Hadir. "This is all so confusing right now, and I also found this" reaching into her pocket and pulling out a photo, a photo that would be familiiar to Hadir. A copy of the photo that T'Luna had given to him the day before.

"This is Lucien Parker, my friend's Fiance' and this person, who I am realizing I may have run into him on Starbase 180, he's my ex-boyfriend, Eric Lereaux " she slid the picture upon his desk, then leaned back in her chair.

Hadir looked at the photo and recognized the two men immediately they were in the picture that he had been given the day before. However, his face showed no recognition, it was as if it had been chiseled from stone. "Alright, may I ask what these two men have in connection to what we have been working on? It is possible that this is all coincidence." Hadir knew it was not, he did not believe in coincidences.

"I don't know much about Intelligence except that it is utilized to gather information. That isn't my forte', that is your talent, your skills. Eric there, he is the one in my uncovered memory who had been questioning me, while I was somewhere in a hospital bed. I can't believe I hadn't recognized him. Especially running into him on Station 180. I am seriously thinking it isn't coincidence. This includes the times I've run into those two women. " a shake of her head. "I hadn't recognized him until I looked at that photo. Was I an easy mark, a tool to be used? I was definitely naive if I were so easily taken in." Lily crossed one leg over the other a scowl appearing then it faded away.

"Right then we need to start with him. Ideally we should track him down and bring him in for questioning, without telling him the real reason of course. We need to learn why he questioned you and about what." Hadir responded as he stared at the picture. This case got curiouser and curiouser.

"Is there some sort of bulletin board or site that one can use to send out a message to be used as bait?" then a thought occured to her and Lily's face went pale. "Oh my gosh, I can't believe I didn't think of this before. He met my family, he has had contact with them. He used to do activities with my brothers. In fact, they were a bit surprised that he and I broke up." All this came pouring out from Lily. "What if he is still in contact with them? Its something that I've not even thought of." her eyes going rather round.

"Well then it sounds like you may have to contact your brothers and find out if they still talk to him. I would suggest coming up with a reason for the contact. Suppose you want to rekindle the romance or some such. Just a reason for them to give you the information." Hadir found this new development rather interesting.

"I certainly will do so... " A gleam appeared in her eyes, "What do you think about, setting a trap for Eric? I will end up being bait but, if we can do this to catch him, I am all for it. Might help to tie up loose ends. I've not helped to trap someone before but, with your guidance. I feel it can be a success." Lily's face lighting up.

"That is something that can be arranged. That is if you are willing to take the risk. In a scenario such as this, it is the bait that takes all the risk." Hadir leaned back as the wheels in his head turned and he began to formulate a plan.

"I will be going into this willingly and eyes opened, knowing the risks involved. And as it stands, I am the perfect bait. If he has been keeping tabs on me through my brothers then I want to close up that access to his information database and make my family and their families safe. Who knows what sort of information he has gathered." Lily having an intense gaze.

"Agreed then I would think your first step would be as I said, reach out to your brothers. However, do not be too discreet about it. This way if he is looking he will see and then pursue. Once we have confirmed his interested we can arrange a meet and spring the trap." Situations and plans like this were not too difficult. The difficult part would be to make sure that they did not actually get the bait and Hadir knew it.

"I will do such then" Lily giving out a relieved sigh. "I appreciate your help in this situation. It has given me comfort in knowing that you are involved in this, and setting my mind at ease." a brief look around the office then back to Hadir, "I will take my leave now, and get out of your hair." a flash of a smile from her.

"What little of it there is." Hadir quipped with a smile. "Until next time then." He raised a glass of kanar in mock toast. Hadir leaned back in his chair and sighed heavily before sipping that same kanar. He wondered where things would take him next.


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