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The visitor

Posted on Sat Oct 21st, 2023 @ 1:46am by Lieutenant Lily Marlow & Lieutenant Hadir Prenar

Mission: A Day In The Life
Location: Majestic
Timeline: current
1851 words - 3.7 OF Standard Post Measure

A fast ship sped its way to catch up with the USS Majestic. Upon it was a passenger that had been requested by a Lieutenant Lily Marlow. The SS Firecloud was the name of the ship, and it was captained by Rashad who had worked with Hadir and S'anra before. His eyes wandered towards the Betazoid woman who sat nearby, her inscrutable dark eyes gazing out towards the black velvet of space.

"Are you comfortable enough?" Rashad asked of her, the woman who sat next to him.

Aisanna Denae gave a nod, " I am, and thank you for being the one to deliver me to the USS Majestic. " Her voice musical in nature. She brushed back a lock of her dark hair, behind her ear. "You seem to be curious as to who I am, I am but a humble woman who is dedicated to healing those who need it." giving an enigmatic smile.

Rashad gave out a laugh, in a deep rich baritone, which resonated in his chest. "Aye there is more to you than meets the eyes my lady. Definitely more."

She chuckled "Ah I see that you are up to date on matters. And I do know your real name, yet I will not say it." giving him a wink.

Rashad gave out a belly laugh, enjoying this little bit of exchange with the woman next to him. He called out. "Hail the USS Majestic and advise them of our arrival."

"Aye sir!" came the answer.

"Patch me in to Lieutenant Hadir Prenar, I that is, we will be in my ready room." he turned to his right hand man. "Leo, you have the bridge. He then turned to Aisanna, "Shall we?"

Aisanna gave a nod and followed him into the ready room.

Rashad opened up his computer and sent a code identifying himself to Lieutenant Prenar, and waited for the Chief Intelligence officer to answer. He also sent a message to Hadir, to let him know who he had with him.

Aisanna went to make herself some tea while she waited for things to commence.

Hadir had been in his quarters when he was informed that there was a communication for him. He ordered it routed to his office, and ran through the names of everyone it could be while he made his way there. Upon arrival he opened his computer and saw the prefix message identifying Rashad. Now the question was what in blazes did he want. Hadir tapped the button on his computer. "Captain Rashad a pleasure to hear from you." The trademark Cardassian smile always made one think if they were genuine or hid something. Such a smile was on Hadir's face at the moment.

"Ah good you are awake." Rashad giving a slight smirk. " I am needing to rendezvous with you, I've got a passenger who had asked me to deliver her." he motioned for Aisanna to step into view.

Aisanna was a dark haired beauty, holding her tea, and had a smile of greeting when she saw Hadir. "Greetings, I had been sent a request to meet with you as per a certain woman, a Lily Marlow?"

It was Hadir's turn to be slightly shocked. He had not expected anything to develop here in quite some time. However, here they were. "Of course Captain I will inform my Captain and we can set up rendezvous coordinates. In the meantime I would recommend not speaking of anything on unsecured channels."

"Oh no worries, just wanted to give you a heads up." Rashad answered. "It will be nice to see your captain once more. "

The full betazed woman gave a nod, "let me know when we arrive at the rendezvous site." then proceeded to leave the ready room.


A rendezvous was set not too far from Deep Space Nine, Rashad being surprised that it was being set there. Then again, it was a little bit of a hub of activity so any ship that comes by there wouldn't be given a second glance. Now to await the arrival of the USS Majestic. Whether it be from Rutherford or Prenar.

Aisanna had been closed mouth about this meeting but, with her being of medical it was just as well. She wasn't someone who would divulge something of a sensitive nature.

This entire situation kept getting curiouser and curiouser Hadir had reached the point where he simply had to know. So, when the Majestic dropped from warp Hadir hailed Rashad. "Captain Rashad would your guest care to join us aboard the Majestic?"

"Aisanna is waiting for your signal." Rashad replied.

Upon the Majestic transporter pad, Aisanna materialized and stepped gracefully down from it to the floor of the tranporter room. "Thank you." her eyes focused upon those who were there to greet her. She held an old fashioned looking black medical bag, in one hand. The other had swept back the hood of the midnight blue velvet cloak she was wearing from her face. Beneath that she wore a long light blue tunic dress with some embroidered accents upon the sleeves and the neckline. Her dark hair was caught up in a braided bun.

"I do believe you and I have things to talk about, Lieutenant Prenar?" she asked.

"Indeed we do..." Hadir began with the Cardassian tone of urgency about just about everything they did. "...However, I believe it best to keep those words to ourselves until we are somewhere where they can be spoken. The old human expression is that the walls have ears. This way..." He pointed to the door of the transporter room and led her to his office. It was the most secure room that he could think of. He said nothing while they walked. His demeanor and the determination in which he walked made sure that crew members stayed clear and asked no questions. Of course Hadir knew that any pertinent information garnered at this time would be shared with the Captain.

It was only when they were inside that he began to speak again. "Please have a seat and make yourself as comfortable as possible. Can I get you anything?"

"Perhaps something to drink." Aisanna responded after adjusting her dress. "What do you have that you offer guests, Lieutenant Prenar? I'll have whatever you have available. " A pleasant smile, uplifting the corners of her mouth. "I had received a message that my talents are needed? What is going on with Lily Marlow?"

Hadir set a glass of kanar in front of his guest and took a glass for himself. He sat down and smiled. "Straight to the point I see. You are indeed a Cardassian's true vision of beauty. But, ah, yes... It seems Ms Marlow has some memories that are locked away in her head. She believed that perhaps you could unlock them and thereby give her a clue to her past." Hadir dared not go into too much detail. At least not until he could verify how trustworthy this woman was.

Aisanna took a sip of the Kanar, just enjoying the taste of it before she answered Hadir. " Delicious, and thank you for the compliment. That is high praise. I do have that ability, I've done so with several others. However do you have two readers. One for my eye imprint and one for my finger print?"

"If you speak of verifying identity, yes we have the scanners. However, the transporter verified who you were when you beamed over. The question is are you willing to do this for Lily and furthermore are you willing to share this information with me. This information could be of strategic import to Starfleet and by extension the Federation." Hadir took another sip of his kanar. This newcomer was indeed intriguing.

"I do know of those who even though the transporter verifies those who come in, but they wish to be extra careful so I've had to verify again. As per your question, it appears I will be sharing information with you, that is if you are willing to have your mind linked to perhaps figure out what could be found in her mind." Aisanna responded.

hmmmmm Hadir thought. That was something he had not counted on, having his mind linked. Cardassians would never normally submit to having their minds probed, there simply was too many secrets at risk. It was in fact impossible to probe a Cardassian's mind unless they allowed it. Within a short moment an answer that solved all problems presented itself. "I do not believe it prudent that I allow my mind to be linked. However, there is a device in the database that would allow everything that you and Ms Marlow see in her head to be projected onto the holodeck and I can see it as it happens. I believe that would be the best course of action."

Aisanna sipped at her Kanar, regarding Hadir over the rim of the glass as she pondered his counter offer. She lowered her glass. "Then it will be done. " She answered, "Would be best to let Lily know what will be happening and have things set up to keep her vitals monitored, and when do you wish to begin this endeavor?" despite her being full betazed, Aisanna didn't seem to be someone who was mixing business with pleasure.

"We can have the equipment to monitor her ready. I will set it up and should things progress to a level where I cannot handle it we will bring in the medical team. Tomorrow evening say around 2100 hours should be best. Most of the ship would be at rest or on duty so there would be no risk of us being disturbed. I will take the holodeck and lock out any outside control under the guise that this is a classified intelligence operation." Hadir had these ideas already mapped in his head. He would see to it that they were successful and not disturbed.

"I am agreeable to that." Aisanna giving a nod, before she lifted up the glass of Kanar and drank the last bit of it. Setting the glass down, Aisanna gave a smile. "Thank you that was a delicious Kanar. I shall retire for the evening until the morrow and we shall see what we find out. It does disturb me that a person decided to alter someone's memory. And Tomorrow we will find out who did this or even maybe why it was done." she rose gracefully from the chair. "2100, at the holosuite. I will have Lily escort me when the time has arrived."

"I will be there..." Hadir said and raised his glass for the last of his kanar. As she left the Cardassian found himself thinking about the exchange. He was still unsure about this woman and what she may or may not do. The one thing he did know was that he was glad that she agreed to not have his mind linked. That was something that he could not abide. There was an old human expression that ran through his head at the moment, and that was "the plot thickens..."


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