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Garden Paradise

Posted on Fri May 24th, 2024 @ 9:20am by Chief Petty Officer Anja Teach & Petty Officer 3rd Class Tox Chara & Crewman Recruit Zeria

Mission: A Day In The Life
Location: Arboretum/Hydroponics
845 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure

It was one of her loves, to work with plants and to have some sort of garden. She found out that the ship was equipped with an area that had plants in it besides in the arboretum. She was quite curious as to what was inside the aquaponics/hydroponics section. It was time to investigate.

The doors opened and Anja's mouth just dropped open in amazement, it was beautiful!

"Ahoy there," a friendly Bolian science officer had noticed the visitor enter the main growing area and put down her PADD to give a welcoming wave. "Welcome."

There were a number of systems working around the room, most sporting some kind of plant growth above, some with impressive fruit and vegetable bounties. Some had tanks below where freshwater fish nibbled on and fertilized the plant roots and some just had misters that kept the roots of the plants moist.

Anja turned to greet the bolian who came up. "Hello and thanks, this place is just absolutely amazing. I do love working with plants and glad to see there is a place of greenery on the ship." giving a bit of a smile.

"Thank you," Zeria said coming around to see who had spoken as the doors opened. "I've tried my best with it." She'd been a gardener all her life but it was still nice to hear she was good at it.

Tox beamed at Zeria, "Oh, yes, Zeria has quite a way with plants and animals. The bees particularly love her." She turned back to the newcomer. "I'm Tox, by the way. That's Zeria. You're a fellow science officer! Is your specialization in the plant world as well?"

"Right now I am a general scientist, I used to be in archeology however I am expanding my knowledge base. My parents used to be homesteaders and were part of a colony." a momentary cloud of sadness passed over her eyes. "I do like gardening though. A lot. I had helped my parents before I joined starfleet. So right now I am just going on my own exploration of science. Trying to find a niche so to speak." Anja rambled.

"Well, you don't have to," Tox smiled. "I mean you are trained in so many areas. You don't have to be pigeon-holed in any specific specialty if you don't want to. I suppose that would offer the best variety, it'd never get old." She paused a half second before continuing. "I've helped out in the labs and the in the field for various projects, but I haven't as much training as you. And I don't feel stuck here, that's not what I meant at all, I rather enjoy it here," she clarified.

Looking around again, Anja gave nod. "This is definitely a piece of paradise here. And I love it. So... if you need an extra pair of hands, call on me."

She focused back on the two women, "What do you two like to do away from being in paradise?"

Zeria shrugged. "I spend a lot of time with Dom. I grew up on a very sheltered planet so I mostly listen to his stories and look things up to educate myself about the universe."

"I have recently taken up Parrises squares," Tox offered, "There's a small group of us that play regularly in Holodeck 1 and I have a couple friends that like to get together and explore wine tastings. We haven't done that in awhile, though. I should see about getting something going again."

"I've not played that before, and wine tasting sounds like fun. " Anja replied. "I do like to draw and also have been exploring the various forms of painting, including finger painting. Its been a while though. I've got my fourteen year old twin brother and sister to worry about though. I need to work out things for them to do, and keep them occupied."

"How do you play?" Zeria asked. She was never very good at sports but then again she never had time to practice them. Here on Majestic she had lots of free time to learn and do things as she pleased as long as she did her job in the arboretum.

"Would you be willing to teach the two of us that game?" Anja asked. "Also... is there anything I can help out here with?" looking at both Zeria and Tox. "Would be rather lovely to be able to help out here."

"It's a pretty well oiled machine here. But I wouldn't mind an extra hand if you just wanted to enjoy the surroundings and do a little bit here and there." Zeria answered.

"I would be delighted to help out here. It is giving me a great joy seeing this." Anja answered with a light clap of delight.

"Good then, it's settled. Follow me and I'll show you what needs to be done," Zeria led her off down the path by the Azalea bushes and toward the small pond.

Crewman Zeria

PO3 Tox Chara
Botanist, USS Majestic

Chief PO Anja Teach
Scientist, USS Majestic


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