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Run Ragged

Posted on Tue Dec 4th, 2018 @ 1:00am by Commodore Jane Saulitis & Lieutenant Commander Angus Murphy

Mission: Run Afoul
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: MD 07 10:00 Hours
743 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure

"Repair crews have been working around the clock," Murphy was saying during his check-in with the commander. He passed her a PADD with the state of repairs listed on it. "Main power should be back online in six hours. Hull breeches are nearly sealed up. After that, at least we're past the most crucial systems. We should be warp ready, I'm hoping, in twenty hours."

Jane glanced down at it but questions were burning their way out. "Nice job Lieutenant." Dare she ask? "Have you found any evidence? I know you're not chief of security or the investigations officer. I just . . . need to know." Perhaps she should talk to the people whose job it was to present her with this information. But he might know, this was his department after all.

"I... don't know," he admitted uneasily. "My gut says that it was tampering. Every system in engineering is checked each shift. There were no red flags in any of the diagnostics. So it's either tampering or I don't know how to do my job and run my department properly." He clasped his hands behind his back. "Which... honestly... I'm having doubts, myself. So, I'm not sure."

"Why?" Jane turned her head slightly, her expression becoming much softer given her own doubts about being able to run a starship lately.

"It's just... everything. All of this stuff. If these are engineering failures, then I'm accountable." His forehead creased and he shook his head. "Maybe I've been too distracted lately. Or maybe I don't belong in this position. You know... Doubts. Like that."

"Can I be honest with you?" Jane sat down on the edge of her desk and crossed her arms over her chest. "I know we didn't get off on the best of footing, you have no idea how much I regret that . . . what I said." She waited for his answer before continuing.

"I don't even... what?" Murphy clearly had hardly even remembered the incident, much less let it cloud his judgement of the woman. "Oh, that. It's really nothing, I promise."

"I've been feeling the same way honestly. My first command, something I worked so hard for and yet I wasn't even sure I was ready. And now this, not one issue but twice on my first mission. The simplest of missions, deliver the ambassador safely to his home planet."

"This is not a failure of your leadership," Murphy said resolutely, however he knew what she meant. She would technically be held responsible for the loss of the ship, if it came to that, and the failure of the mission would color her career for decades to come. "Maybe this isn't the simplest mission. Maybe someone is working against us."

"Yes, I've been thinking the same thing. So has . . . well someone else who knows what's going on. We need proof of course. We have a special investigations officer on board. I'd like you and Lieutenant Rai to meet with him, give him access to everything in engineering. Maybe the three of you can discover something."

"Of course," Murphy replied with a crisp nod. "I look forward to getting to the bottom of this."

"We all do." Jane replied, not even a hint of a smile on her face. "This is our ship and I have a hard time believing that any crew member would do such a thing but they are the only ones who would have access except for Ambassador Vayr and why would he want to sabotage the ship bringing him home for a celebration of peace talks that happened so long ago on his planet?"

"Unless Vayr doesn't really want peace between the Creoli and Mavill," Murphy suggested. "I mean he wouldn't be the first in history to fake the peace process but really be after domination."

"He could do that any number of ways without blowing up a starship. And you are right, but I just don't get that feeling from him. He's so enthusiastic about everything." Jane sighed. They would need a list of suspects and despite the feeling, Vayr would have to be on the list with the others, whomever they might be. "Let me know what you find, wake me up if you have to."

"Yes, sir," Murphy returned quickly with a nod as he rose from the seat. "Thank you," he added as he turned to leave.


Commander Jane Saulitis
Commanding Officer
USS Majestic

Lieutenant Angus Murphy
Chief Engineering Officer, USS Majestic


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