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Run Of Luck

Posted on Mon Dec 3rd, 2018 @ 8:45am by Commodore Jane Saulitis & Lieutenant Commander Angus Murphy

Mission: Run Afoul
Location: Bridge
Timeline: MD 06 0800 Hours
1638 words - 3.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Jane had just eased herself into the Captain's chair. Her run last night was doing wonderful things to her muscles this morning and as much as she pretended to be able to move smoothly, it was a big fat lie and she was sure everyone around her could see that. A trip to sickbay might have been in order but she knew there was nothing seriously wrong with her that a good hot shower and a massage wouldn't cure.

"Lieutenant Murphy, please tell me we're ready to get moving again."

"We are, sir," Murphy confirmed as he relieved the officer at the bridge's engineering station. "Systems are showing clear across the board." It had been a long few days in the tubes and he had pushed his team to change out every single faulty interlock and they did it slightly under the time he promised.

"Excellent," She couldn't help but give him a big smile as she tenderly sank deeper into her chair. "I knew I could count on you."

Deep in thought, Lhaes stepped onto the bridge and, without so much as looking up, crossed the distance towards his work station. He didn't seem to notice the people around him as he sat down and logged into his console. He laid a single PADD on the smooth surface, but otherwise heeded it little attention. There was something that he just couldn't put his finger on, and it bugged him greatly, the he couldn't figure out what it was that gave him a bad feeling.

Kav was seated at his post on the bridge. He looked over the the ships systems as he awaited any orders. Everything seemed to be in order on his side. "Captain, everything reads clear here as well. Helm is ready on your mark, sir."

"Then by all means set a course for Bairl and engage Mr. Kav." It looked like things were finally going their way after their little hiccup.

"Captain, I'm reading a surge of power," Jex spoke up as her tactical console gave an alert chirp. After a few taps to try to get a lock on whatever was causing the power spike on her sensors, "Source is unknown at the moment."

Jane had not called Ambassador Vayr to the bridge but as the ship was now moving she reached toward her com badge to give him the good news. Her hand never made it. Majestic suddenly lurched violently, tossing people from their chairs or over consoles at their stations. She picked her aching body up from the floor, "Report!" Red light filled the bridge and alarms were drowning out much of the commotion as people scrambled to find out what had happened.

Lhaes snapped out of his seemingly dreamy state, grey eyes focusing on the read-outs in front of him once he crawled back into his seat. His right shoulder was smarting fiercely as he rested his hands on his controls but there was nothing to be done about that right now. "Massive damage to the ship," he reported calmly, the red flickering light casting eerie shadows on his face as he turned to look at the captain. "I'm no engineer ma'am but I think that a complete bulkhead missing is something of a problem?"

Murphy had been thrown against the engineering console. He picked himself up and immediately focused on the problems, which were numerous. The master systems display was awash in critical errors. "Engines are down. Power is running on auxiliary," he reported. Color drained from his face as he added, "The engineering decks are sealed. I should have been down there."

The sense of fear around him was almost overwhelming. "No lieutenant, your efforts are best coordinated from the bridge," the Romulan stated calmly, "tell me what to look for and I can try to help."

Shev picked himself off the floor as well. "Science is my stock in trade" he began. "But I have to agree with Lhaes." He said, nursing a tender ankle. He pressed a cimm panel on his seat. "All hands, report in.Damage control and Medical teams to engineering deck"

"If there are injuries, I can assist here," Lhaes offered while rubbing his temples. "On the bridge I mean."

Kav felt a little blood dripping from his head where he had banged his head to the console. He looked to it, but the console was flickering. He wasn't badly injured. He wiped the blood from his head and pushed himself up. Engines were down. He was trying to focus again at the task at hand.

"Emergency force fields over the hull breaches are holding. Auxiliary power and life support is stable," Murphy reported, fingers flying across the engineering station's displays. He worried about the people down there, but at the moment that wasn't his job and so he had to push them from his thoughts as best he could.

"Casualties?" Jane swallowed hard. "It doesn't appear anyone is too badly injured here, take a look at Kav's head." She responded to Commander Sommers before anyone could reply to her first query. "And turn off that damn alarm on the bridge." How could Hak tell her she was ready for this when she clearly wasn't?

Struggling back to her station, Jex tried to rub her head. She had been thrown to the floor and must have hit her head on the tactical console on her way down. The ringing noise began to give way to voices, the main one being the Captain asking for a casualty list. As she looked down at her console, she momentarily closed her eyes and shook her head slightly to clear the fog. "Captain, all decks are reporting. We have six casualties, at least double that injured."

Six people dead on her ship. Jane bit her tongue, she needed to know why. What would Hak say when he found out?

Nodding, the Romulan CIO secured his station, grabbed a medkit and crossed the bridge towards Kav. "I am going to touch you," he warned while opening the tricorder. It was a simple warning, giving the man time to protect his thoughts from another touch-telepath. "Are you experiencing dizziness?"

"Commander....I experience...slight disorientation," Kav said. "Are...are...are you a doctor, sir?" He asked. The room was spinning around him even though he was sitting at his station. He put his hand on Lhaes's shoulder as to lean on him for support. "My mother is...My mother," He tried to talk, but he saw spots everywhere. He couldn't finish his sentence though. As it turned dark in front of his eyes.

"Yes, I am a qualified doctor," Lhaes started just as the man collapsed. He caught him and eased him down onto the deck. "Captain, I recommend he be transported to sickbay. He requires more attention than I can provide here."

Jane gestured for a couple of junior officers to assist in carrying him to sickbay though she knew sickbay was busy with the people who had been in engineering. Kav would no doubt have to wait a bit.

Having no intention of leaving the bridge, Lhaes left the moving of the pilot to the assigned juniors, and returned to his station since no-one else had given any indication of needing medical assistance. Taking one look at his read-out, he simply shook his head. The numbers that were scrolling by were alarming. "I hope you weren't in a hurry ma'am," he started quietly, "because for the moment, we don't seem to be going anywhere."

Jane let out a breath and gave the Commander a look that displayed how frustrated and worried she was. "Apparently not." She would have to contact the Creoli council herself and explain this latest delay, but that could wait for a little bit, until she had answers.

"Commander. I should be in engineering, figuring out what happened," Murphy blurted out as he turned around and addressed Jane.

Jane thought about it for a moment. It didn't appear they were going anywhere and he probably was needed down there to investigate what caused the explosion. "Go," she said. An Engineer wasn't needed on the bridge when there was no engineering section to make the ship move.

Murph gave a nod and moved immediately toward the turbolift, disappearing into it without further discussion.

"Captain, I recommend locking down the Majestic and confining non-essential personnel to their quarters," Jex requested. "My team needs to get started on the investigation as soon as possible, I would also suggest that Lieutenant Rezig be part of the investigation team as well." The half-Betazoid was probably suffering from a minor concussion from her fall moments before. She was using the console to help steady herself, fortunately the fog was clearing quickly and she could think straight.

Walking over to Jex, and guiding her towards a nearby seat, Lhaes nodded. "I concur captain, until we know more it's safer for non-essential personnel to be confined until further notice." He turned his attention to the security chief. "Are you experiencing any dizziness?" he asked her, looking her straight in the eyes, "any nausea?"

Jane opened her mouth to speak but Lheas had beat her to it. "Do it Lieutenant, " she nodded to Jex. "Then let the Commander check you over." There wasn't much else to be done. Repair crews were working, the investigation would soon begin and in the meantime they were dead in the water. Jane kicked the chair when she was sure no one was looking.

Commander Jane Saulitis
Commanding Officer
USS Majestic

Lieutenant Commander Shev Th'aziavak
Executive Officer
USS Majestic

Lieutenant Commander Lhaes Sommers
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Angus Murphy
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Majestic

Lieutenant Junior Grade Kav
Chief Flight control officer
USS Majestic
(NPC Ltjg Sandra Adamson)

Lieutenant Jexasi Rai
Chief Tactical/Security Officer
USS Majestic


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