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Run to Help

Posted on Fri Dec 28th, 2018 @ 3:09am by Lieutenant Sandra Adamson

Mission: Run Afoul
Location: Patrick's Quarters
Timeline: MD7, 1900 hours
973 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

The day was long, and very lonely after the captain had left. Patrick was running out of medication and it wasn't something he could replicate. He hadn't really moved from his couch save for the necessary movement about his quarters, and he felt a little stiff and sore when he finally did get up again.

He hadn't even realized he had nodded off until a jolt of pain woke him. Grimacing, he reached for his comm badge. "O'Malley to sickbay... could you please send someone by my quarters? I'm out of meds..." There was absolutely no way he was heading down to sickbay, not after all the trouble Murph had gone through to get him out of there.

"This is doctor Adamson, I'll be right with you mister O'Malley," Sandy replied. She had been meaning to swing by Patrick's quarters to give him a check up. After the restoring of power and everything she found out their chief engineer had taken Patrick out of sickbay. But being busy with the aftermath off the whole thing, she hadn't had the time.

She got a standard med kit and headed to the turbolift. Her head was still in thought as the carriage moved her to the right deck. As she got to the chef's quarters she pressed the chime waiting for a response.

"Come in." Patrick already assumed it would be the doctor and struggled to sit up a little straighter. "The medications you've given me have worn off," he explained as soon as she walked in, "and you told me at my first physical you'd be willing to come to me if needed..."

Sandy walked in and replied, "Yes, and please, stay where you are." She held up her hand and knelled down next to the couch he was laying. She opened her med kit and took out the medical tricorder. "I am going to do a quick check up first and then I will get you your medication."

She started to scan him and then she prepared a hypospray. She administered his first dose and then handed the hypospray to him. "This should last you a couple of days." She then looked around. "Anything else I can help you with?"

"Maybe some company," Patrick answered, relief flooding across his face as medication kicked in. "When can I get up and about again? I'm at wit's end, being not allowed to do anything. And it's so lonely... I'm not a people person but even I need to be among them some times.." He bit his lip, looking concerned. "And Tox, what's she doing to my kitchen... I feel I should at least supervise."

"I can stay," said Sandy, "I got some time. And you still need a few days of rest. You were pretty banged up when you got to sickbay. Your body needs time to heal." She sat down on a nearby chair. "So do you want me to get you anything? Something to drink or eat?"

Patrick started to shake his head, started to say he'd get it himself then changed his mind. "Will you join me in having some tea?" he asked, expression hopeful. "Also... please don't be hard on Murph? I begged him to take me home, I made him do it."

"Tea would be great," Sandy said as she got up and walk to the replicator. "Don't worry about Lieutenant Murphy. Although I didn't approve him taking you away from sickbay and back home, I do think now this is the best place for you to recover." She pressed on the interface of the replicator. "Any tea in particular? And do you want something to eat? I know the replicator won't be as good as you, but I believe it makes some decent soups and sandwiches."

"Ah no ma'am thank you, I don't want anything to eat." Truth was he just wasn't very hungry. "Plain tea will do." Relief flitted across his face. "I think so too, being home is better for me. It's just very lonely, and boring. When can I get back to work?"

Sandy put the tea on the table next to him. "Please call me Sandy." She smiled to him. "And you need at least a couple of days of rest. I will try to come by every day to check up on you see how you're doing. Rest is the best medication you can give your body right now."

The chef's face fell in disappointment. "Can I at least move around? With the medication you gave me it should be alright, right?" He gave her a pleading look. "At least go up to the bridge and serve the captain some tea? Once a day? Please?"

Sandy thought a moment. She was feeling bad for him. She sighed. "From tomorrow you can serve the captain tea, under my supervision at first. And need to make sure everything holds. Is that alright?" She offered.

Compromise... Patrick decided to grab it with both hand. "That's alright," he agreed, "but I promise I'll be fine."

"I will hold you to that. If everything goes well, I will let you go alone. I promise," Sandy finished her tea and took the cup back to the replicator. "Now is there anything else I can do for you?" She asked.

Patrick shook his head. "No ma'am. I'm hoping Murph will come home soon. If I need anything before he does I'll call for someone to come help me."

She nodded. "That's good, and don't hesitate to call me if you need anything." She picked up her med kit and then walked out of the room. And turned around a moment. "Rest well, mister O'Malley." She then walked away and the door closed behind her.

Lieutenant junior grade Sandra Adamson
Chief Medical officer
USS Majestic


Patrick O'Malley
Injured Chef
pnpc Lhaes


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