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Burning Man

Posted on Wed Aug 15th, 2018 @ 3:56pm by Lieutenant Sandra Adamson & Lieutenant Commander Angus Murphy

Mission: A Majestic Affair
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD3, 1445 Hours
867 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Lieutenant Murphy entered through the double sliding doors of sickbay, breaking a lull in the relative boredom of crew check-in physicals. He was holding his hand, which was wrapped in a cloth, up to his chest and shooing away an engineering crew member who had insisted on tagging along. "Alright, Cravens, you're dismissed. I told you, I don't need an escort," he spoke testily, as though he'd already worn through all his allotted patience for the day already.

Sandy was reading a padd when the bit loud engineer came in. She enthusiastically grabbed a tricoder and started scanning as he walked in. "I am doctor Sandra Adamson, who do I have the honor of meeting?" She added a nervous chuckle. She looked at her scans and too an dermal regenerator. "And maybe you could tell me what happened?"

"Lieutenant Murphy," the engineer answered the first question and then came to a stop at a biobed and unwrapped the cloth to reveal the burn across the back of his hand. "We were changing out a plasma relay and there was a surge in the line. I'll live, I think." He was use to the burns and scrapes and bruises that came with the territory.

Sandy scanned the burn. "Looks like nothing my dermal regenerator can't handle." She took the regenerator and started to work on the wound. "So while your here, Lieutenant, maybe we can do your physical as well. While I do this, maybe you can tell a little about yourself."

"About myself?" Murph laughed a little, but was careful to hold his hand relatively still as Sandy worked the instrument over the injury. "Well, I am the Majestic's very handsome and very capable chief engineer... hmmm. What else is there to know?"

Sandy laughed. "Ok, well, something else besides that your handsome. Maybe your favorite food, hobbies. I don't know." She continued on his hand.

"Is there like some kind of joke going on? You're the second person to ask me about my favorite food in the last few days," Murphy said lightly as he watched the skin heal up like magic. "Grilled cheese, if you must know."

"It's not like I must know, just making conversation," She finished on his hand then took her tricoder and scanned the hand. "There, good as new. Now, a physical. She started to scan him. "So anything I should know that's not in your medical file, sir?"

"Sorry. Maybe I'm just a little on edge," he apologized quietly as he flexed his hand. Yep, good as new. "I've always hated that question. My dad used to ask me that when I got home from school. 'Is there anything I should know?' like he was fishing for me to confess something that happened during the day, but he didn't actually know anything. Except sometimes he did and he was just giving me a chance to fess up before he confronted me. So much emotional trauma parents put their kids through," he smirked.

Sandy just smiled and said, "I would know, I was raised by my grandparents. My parents hardly had the time for me. They were doctors like me."

"Never understood why people have kids," Murph shook his head. "Especially when they don't really want them."

"Most people want it for the passing on of genes, pass on legacies. I one day want to have children. My grandmother told me children can be very satisfying. I would like to experience that." Sandy said. She didn't really had a real answer for it either. " It could also be a natural drive."

"Sure... I've heard that humans have a biological drive to reproduce to prevent extinction. I suppose it made sense when we all walked around carrying clubs and beat each other up for no reason," Murphy said. "Not me. My goal is to die without leaving little pieces of my DNA out there to screw themselves up."

Sandy grinned. "Well, I have learned from experience, and studies, that its hard to go against nature. But I don't believe it's impossible. I wish you luck with that endeavour." She looked on her tricorder. "Looks like you had a little alcohol in the past 24 hours. But other then that I think you are fit for duty." She put her tricorder away. "Just don't drink on duty."

"I have," Murphy confirmed with a nod. "I usually do have a couple drinks after my shift. It helps me unwind and forget the harsh realities of living inside a bomb that travels faster than the speed of light."

Sandy put away her medical tool chuckling. "Very reassuring, sir."

Murph hopped off the biobed, assuming everything was done. "Great. Everything good? Fit as a fiddle? See you in six months?"

Sany smiled. "Yes, you are fit for duty, Lieutenant. Just don't get your hand burned again and then I will see you in six months. Unless we have a senior staff meeting then it's before that."

"Thanks for patching me up, doc, and thanks for the conversation," Murphy gave her a nod and then went on his way.


Lieutenant Murphy
Chief Engineer
USS Majestic


Lieutenant jg Sandra Adamson
Chief Medical offcer
USS Majestic


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Comments (1)

By Lieutenant Commander Angus Murphy on Wed Aug 15th, 2018 @ 5:10pm

Sandy, this was a fun post to write with you. I hope there will be more in the future! -M