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Higitus Figitus

Posted on Thu Jun 6th, 2019 @ 1:27am by Commodore Jane Saulitis & Lieutenant Sandra Adamson

Mission: The Fool's Odyssey
Location: Observation Lounge/Sickbay
Timeline: MD 03 14:00 Hours
935 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Jane had been in the room for a while. She was looking down on the planet with a wave of anxiety washing through her body. Her people were down there, trapped for another five years it appeared. There was nothing she could do about it, so far. The doors opened and she snapped her attention to the person who entered.

"They'll be alright. They're all trained in survival, and if young Stef is any indication, they'll have support down there from the locals. They'll find their place, and they'll emerge stronger." Though he sounded calm enough, of course Lhaes had his own concerns as well. "The question is, will you be alright?"

She looked up, meeting his eyes and swallowing a lump in her throat. "I'll have to be." She said simply. She and Lhaes didn't always see eye to eye but she appreciated that he seemed to look out for her and that he had some faith in her abilities.

Sandy walked in with a stack of pads. "Next time I will send a yeoman." She laughed nervous. She put the pads on the table and looked of them. "I think my nurse messed up a few of these. Some people don't have what it takes to work under stress." She shrugged. "Oh well."

Jane raised an eyebrow wondering what the doctor was going on about. "Have a seat doc, we'll begin shortly.

Captain Saulitis sat down and rested her forearms on the table. "I know you're all aware that we have a situation. It seems there are two situations. Here is what we know so far. Our away team has not been heard from, the atmospheric conditions on the planet appeared to have reverted to the same as when Crewman Stef disappeared. He tells me that he was not absent for the two days that we experienced on the ship, but for five years." Jane paused to let that sink in and to see if anyone had any questions. "So if you see crewmen Stef, give him some room and time to adjust to this development."

"Our second situation is that after beaming back up from the planets surface a few of our crew members have begun to experience symptoms of an illness. So far there are only three cases but they seem identical. I'll let the doctor fill you in."

Sandy nodded as she started to go through the pile of Padds that was laying before her. "The mysterious illness. So far I thought it was something that was contracted on the planet. But not everyone that was down there seems to experience it. So I thought it might be an airborne virus, but on further testing it doesn't have the markers of any type of virus that we know of, airborne or not." She sighed as she found the Padd she needed. "Right now, I am not even sure it is a virus. I have to run more tests. I also find it too coincidental that this event is coinciding with the this situation with the planet. Does the planet emits a radiation that wasn't present before? I don't know if it is relevant, but at this point I can't exclude anything."

"Could it be prions instead of a virus?" Lhaes asked, leaning forward to address the doctor. "Or bacterial?" He looked thoughtful for a moment. "Since we had scanners on the planet the entire time, did we find any unusual readings at the time of either shift of the planet?"

"Not that we have discovered but we plan to leave no stone unturned." It was a statement as well as a plan for the crew to investigate this. I'd like to begin scans of the planet as it is now and examining every atom of material for anything that could cause the crew to become ill as well as any clues that might lead to the rescue of our away team before the five years have passed on planet."

"Does this planet have a moon?" Lhaes asked, not sure if it ever came to mentioning it before. Insofar he'd observed there wasn't any but for all he knew the object just never passed their scanners. "Perhaps we should also question those that have come back from the planet and perform deep scans, see if their tissue has any residual radiation or other substance of any kind." It might be a total breach of their privacy but they did need to upturn every stone possible in order to retrieve their crewmembers.

"I have not excluded bacteria," Sandy said, "Though, I couldn't find any known bacteria at all, and besides the bio filters in the transporters are designed to filter out all bacteria, known and unknown. Also medical procedures states all bio filters should be purged after the use of the transporters. Yet, there could still be unknown bacteria that could be impervious to our filters. So I am not excluding it."

Jane sighed. "A lot of unknowns and we need answers. I'm putting it to all of you to discover what you can, no matter how insignificant you think it might be."

"In the meantime we need to stay alerted. I would like everything to be reported. Every little headache, or anything," Sandra said, "I would also like to work with Engineering and operations to go through all the scans and I want a complete check up on all the transporters and shuttles that might have been used. No stone and all that..."

Captain Jane Saulitis
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Sandra Adamson
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Commander Lhaes Sommers
Chief Intelligence Officer


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