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One more for the list

Posted on Thu Jun 6th, 2019 @ 1:15am by Lieutenant Sandra Adamson

Mission: The Fool's Odyssey
Location: sickbay
618 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Sekat blinked a few times as he tried to read the report on his screen, tugging at the collar of his shirt. His jacket was already hanging across the back of his chair, since he was feeling too hot to wear it now.

Blinking again, he rubbed his eyes a few times, hoping to clear his vision. Sighing, he made a grab for his cane and missed, causing it to tip over and fall beyond his reach. He sighed again, grabbing the edge of the table to push himself up to his feet. However, as soon as he did the room started to spin and he fell back into his chair, which slid away from him, having him land on the floor instead. Wrenching his eyes shut, he fought a feeling of nausea. "Sandy!" he called out, "I need help!"

Sandy was in her office looking through some test results, and filed them in personnel files. She heard Sekat's voice, she jumped up and ran out to his aid. "Sekat?" She saw him on the floor. She grabbed a tricorder. "What is it? Is it your leg?" She asked. She started to scan him. She quickly realized something was amiss. She helped him. "Let's get you to a bio bed," she said. She grabbed his cane and handed it to him, before helping him up.

Accepting the support, he allowed her to guide him to a bed. "It is not my leg," he answered her, "I am experiencing nausea, hot flares, double vision and apparently, loss of balance." He paused. "I do not feel well at all."

She pressed her lips together as he told her his symptoms. When he finished she swallowed and looked to the tricorder. "I.. I have to run some blood tests." She said as she turned over to the screen of the bio bed. "" She took a deep breath as she frantically started to hit buttons.

"What is it?" Concern crossed the Vulcan's face as he watched her. As he did he scrunched up his sleeve, baring his arm for her to take her needed samples.

She took her samples and ran them through the scanners. "I don't think I we need to wait for the results. I know what this is." Silently she stared to the screen as the test results appeared. She turned away and looked to Sekat. "You have it...the disease."

"Oh." It was a simple statement but his expression spoke volumes. "Then this will only get worse," he added slowly, closing his eyes a second time, "and there is no cure. Yet. And we do not know how it will affect me either as it seems to affect different species well... differently."

Sandy sighed as she tried to remain strong and then said, "Lieutenant Sekat, as of this moment I am taking you off active duty." She took his hand. "I can give you something to make you comfortable. And I will have to monitor your vitals, just like the others."

"Obviously," the Vulcan deadpanned, though he grimaced in discomfort. "I should be quarantined, as should the others be...we cannot afford for more medical staff to fall ill. We should employ full quarantine measures. You should go through decon immediately."

Sandra nodded. She let go of his hand and walked back. "Computer...start quarantine protocols immediately. Authorization , Adamson Sandra, Chief Medical, security code 27 beta beta. " She looked to Sekat a moment and then walked away for decontamination.

Sekat breathed a sigh in momentary relief, then closed his eyes as he forced himself to relax and try to get some sleep.

Lieutenant Sandra Adamson
Chief Medical officer


Lieutenant j.g. Sekat
Medical Officer
pnpc Lhaes


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