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Friendly Counsel

Posted on Mon Apr 5th, 2021 @ 2:14am by Captain Elijah Rutherford

Mission: End of Line
Location: Starbase 308
Timeline: Mission Day 7
1352 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Starbase 308 In temporary quarters there.

Elijah stood near a window that looked out into the vast reaches of space lost in thought. He had a lot on his mind.

"Elijah? Something the matter?" his wife, Jasmine had come to check in on him after she got the twins put into bed.

"I just got notice that I will be transferring to another ship, I won't be the CO for the USS Nighthawk anymore."

"What ship will you be assigned to?" Jasmine asked, giving her husband a little shoulder massage.

Elijah turned to face his wife, giving her a small kiss, " You are not going to believe this, it will be the ship of an old friend, Jane Saulitis."

"Oh?" Jasmine said with a raised eyebrow. " What an interesting coincidence."

Elijah nodded, "That is interesting, I will be meeting with her when they get to the starbase."

"I am hoping that we will get to go with you as I am not going to be left behind, not this time. " Jasmine shaking her finger at her husband. "Oh, one more thing, it's almost time for you to meet up with a colleague of mine."

"A colleague? Who is that you are referring to?" Elijah looking at her in surprise.

Jasmine scoffed, "Elijah! LtJG Coen Zacci will be here soon. You treat him nicely. He and I will be working together on the USS Majestic."

"Wait, what?" Elijah's eyes bugged out.

Jasmine laughed then cocked her head slightly. "I do believe that might be him at the door."

Coen had pressed the chime on the door, it had taken him some time to find the place given the size of the starbase, and his orders had been somewhat vague. Starfleet had ordered him here to meet with his new Commanding Officer and to inform him of the ship he would be assigned but the ship was still not in dock so he would be cooling his heels for a few days.

He ran his hand through his hair allowing his innate Napien empathic sense to brush those inside. It returned a warm feeling, love and contentment. It brought a slight smile to his lips while he waited for the door to be answered.

Jasmine opened the door, with a smile seeing Coen there. "I am so delighted to see you! Please, come inside." stepping back to allow Coen to enter. "Elijah will be with you in just a few moments, I am just about to get some tea ready, or would you prefer something else instead of tea?"

"That would be lovely Jas, thank you!" the Napien spoke up, his deep baritone register both soothing and relaxing in equal measure. Something he found an advantage in his chosen line of work.

Elijah made his way into the living room when Jasmine asked about drinks. "I'd like some ginger tea with lemon and honey." he stated with a smile before walking over to greet Coen. He held out a hand towards Coen for him to take. "I don't know if you shake hands but I'm wiling if you're willing." giving a bit a of a smile.

"Jasmine told me that she and you are colleagues." Elijah stated, as he tried to get a read off of Coen.

"Captain" Coen greeted his new Commanding Officer by returning the hand shake. "Yes, we worked together on a number of projects... I forget where we first met but have been friends ever since."

"Jasmine may be able to remember, she's better at that than I am." Elijah remarked, with a slight laugh. "I am glad you will be a part of the crew, also hopefully you won't mind Jasmine being one of the counselors with you. She had just let me know that she will be part of the crew as well."

Casting a bemused look towards where she had gone to. "I was a bit surprised, and pleased though worried. However Jasmine was insistent that she be there along with the kids."

"Perfectly understandable sir. As a wife and mother her natural instinct is to preserve a sense of family cohesion... Not to mention her strength of character and I do not mind at all. She is an excellent therapist, had I known she was interested I would have requested her presence myself!"

"Jasmine likes to play her cards close to her chest, just in case something may or may not work out." Elijah remarked. "She had said from time to time, that she does that to not face disappointment from others. Or herself. She calls it her contingency plan."

At that moment Jasmine comes in with some tea and some snacks. "Here you go, makes it fun to catch up on old times. " giving a bit of a teasing smile, to her husband, then directed her gaze to Coen. "Are you willing to have me be part of your team? You will have the final say so, even if my husband will be the new CO of the Majestic."

"Am I really going to say no Jaz?" Coen jested as he picked up his drink and sipped at the warm liquid. "If I may sir, what is the standing mission orders... Starfleet haven't really given me much information beyond when and where."

"Well, its basically as much information as I've gotten. I'll get more when the Majestic has arrived here at this station. I am surprised that they have asked me to assume the command of the USS Majestic as, her current commanding officer is someone I was friends with during our Academy days. Jane Saulitis. I am sure she's going to be surprised to see me, as much as I was certainly surprised to find out whose command I will be given. Talk about a small universe. "Elijah shaking his head at the thought.

"As for the crew I will give you a heads up, I do know one of the crew members, who had served with me on the previous ship. Her name is Lily Marlow, she's the CMO on the USS Majestic. She is going to be in for a big surprise to find out I will be her CO once again." Elijah giving a bit of a smile.

Jasmine shook her head, "He's been looking forward to their meeting when it becomes official, of his becoming the CO of the Majestic. I am sure he is all ready planning on how to bring that to light when he arrives." looking fondly at her husband, then looking at Coen. "it might take the two of us to keep him in line."

"I'm one of his crew, you are his wife... I'm not getting involved in that one!"
The young Napien offered with a lopsided smile. "Well, I shall not burden you for long sir. I just wanted to stop in and say my hello's to you both. Do we have an ETA on Majestic's arrival?"

He asked as he placed his empty cup down on the table.

"It is reported that the USS Majestic will be here in two days. Am looking forward to this very much. A new Chapter or a new beginning for all of us." Elijah stated.

'Or the start of a career' Coen thought to himself.

"In that case sir, Jasmine, I shall leave you both in peace. See you on Majestic!"

Coen nodded to both in turn, allowing the briefest of moments for his Telepathic sense to brush the Captains mind, more to gather a sense of who this man was than to read his thoughts and his initial impression was one of a solid, generous and kind individual. He knew this was going to be an interesting time to come.

"Most definitely, we will see you on the Majestic." Elijah answered, giving a nod to Coen.

"If you will excuse me!" he rose from the chair, turned and left, allowing the pair some time to themselves.

"I shall see you on the Majestic as well." Jasmine called after Coen, then smiled up at Elijah. "this is certainly going to be interesting, very interesting indeed."



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