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In Demand

Posted on Sat Apr 3rd, 2021 @ 10:34pm by Ensign Asta Kuzal

Mission: A Day In The Life
Location: Commander Sommers Quarters
804 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Beatrice looked at herself in the mirror and scratched her nose. She had to admit that she'd been a bit depressed lately with Jane leaving the ship and her remaining on it. Of course she had to stay with her husband and step children but she was going to miss her daughter greatly. They hadn't talked in so long and now had reconnected only to be separated again. "I'm thinking about a haircut," she said suddenly. "A new style is always nice."

Lhaes nodded, watching her carefully. He was sensitive to her feelings, always being in relative close proximity to his wife. He walked up and circled his arms around her. "What would you like to do with it?" he asked, reaching up to run his fingers through her long hair. "Don't worry about Jane love, she'll be alright. And whatever path she chooses, we'll always be there for her, no matter what. Career changes do happen."

He paused. "I am making one too," he continued after a few seconds, "and I think it'll make you happier too as it should involve less danger."

"I'm not worried about Jane," sighed Beatrice. "Just going to miss her that's all." She squeezed Lhaes's arm back. "I was thinking maybe cutting it about here," she made a mark on her shoulder with one finger. "So it's light and fluffy and swings around." When he mentioned a career change she frowned slightly. "Oh? What are you going to do?"

"I think that will suit you," he smiled, leaning in to kiss her cheek. "I am going to be the chief medical officer of this ship," he said, "I already spoke with the captain, and the transfer has been approved. I will be more out of danger, and still do what I've always wanted to do, and that is to be of service to people. I've always kept up my hours and my license valid. With my experience, I do qualify."

"Oh," Beatrice answered with some surprise. "Well that is a change. But as long as you are happy. I think perhaps I need a change too. Maybe I should do some volunteering or start an herb garden," Beatrice said as she thought about things. "Something to keep me busy when the kids are in school and you are at work."

"I'll support you whatever you'd like to do," Lhaes promised, "what did you used to do, when Jane was younger? When she was still a child?"

"I had a big garden, that was where we grew most of our food so I spent a lot of time there. And in the winter I sewed us both clothing and other things to keep myself occupied." Beatrice answered thinking about it. She had never gotten bored back then. Jane had been a pretty self reliant child at a young age.

"We do have a big arboretum on this ship," Lhaes mused, "and I know that vegetables are being grown in the hydroponics bay too. Chef O'Malley gets his vegetables from there. I'm sure you can help out in either location? Or maybe the science department could use help when it comes to alien flora?"

"That is true. IT's not quite the same as growing it in the ground. But perhaps I will talk to Zeria about helping her out. Or I might even think up my own project." She would take some time to figure out what she wanted to do.

"I'm sure they'll be happy to help you out," Lhaes smiled, wrapping his arms around her once more. "You know I'm the luckiest man in the universe right?" he asked her, 'and I'll do anything to make you happy."

Beatrice grinned, accepting the hug. "It's not your job to make me happy, only I can do that. And I'm not unhappy here. I just need a hobby to avoid boredom I think. But thanks, I will let you know what I discover. What would you like for dinner? Do you want to go on a picnic with the kids? That sounds fun."

"With you, I'd go anywhere," the Romulan smiled, nuzzling her cheek. "A picnic sounds lovely, as long as Galan doesn't run into the pond again."

Beatrice laughed thinking about it. "I'll set him on the chickens instead." She turned to face Lhaes. "Thank you."

"For what?" He gave her a genuine smile again. "Anything to make you happy my love. I would do anything for you."

"For loving me and I know you would which is why there are some things I will never ask for. " she leaned forward but instead of kissing him, rubbed her nose against his. "The children aren't back for a bit," she winked.

"Indeed not," Lhaes smiled back, amused by her playfulness. "Perhaps we should make use of that while we can."


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