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Jane in Wonderland? ( Part One)

Posted on Wed Mar 31st, 2021 @ 5:29am by Captain Elijah Rutherford & Commodore Jane Saulitis

Mission: End of Line
Location: Adna Station
1557 words - 3.1 OF Standard Post Measure

"I'm married," Jane replied, slightly annoyed that he'd changed the subject, but she didn't show it. "Happily." She clarified. Unfortunately Hak wouldn't do her any good with a computer system, they didn't have a mind to read, not like a being. "Why don't we have dinner together? Just the two of us, just as friends. A little friendly conversation never hurt anyone and I'm famished. What do you say?"

The hologram's matrix took a second to process the change in strategy from the commodore; she had immediately switched from being mildly difficult to overly willing and the strategic parameters in Shabol's program were having a hard time deducing why. "My dearest Commodore I should be delighted...what say you in two hours I shall take you somewhere magical?"

"You Mr., have yourself a deal. Two hours. You just let me know where." The Captain didn't say anything else, she just walked away. She wanted to have a conversation with the one person who had witnessed the odd behavior from the hologram and that was T'Par.

This happens after You've been Served

A two hours later, no sign of T'Par, with the scenery ever changing, preventing Jane from making progress of locating T'Par.

The Bolian holoprogram, Shabol reappeared, walking towards where Jane was.

"Commodore, please forgive me, I had forgotten to name the place where we could have dinner. Are you still willing to join me for a meal? If so...." he held out his elbow for her to take, "Come with me." Upon his head was a top hat, wide rimmed and green with a bluish sash about the base and wearing a golden colored jacket. Beneath the gold jacket was a light blue vest and matching color slacks. His black shoes were brightly polished.

Jane nodded her head. "It's alright. Plenty has gone in since we last met. Anyone would be distracted." Even if they were a computer program she was pretty sure was bent on eating her crew one by one. "And since you're a hologram you don't actually eat. But, I'm hopeful there will actually be good food where we are going. Real food."

"Well as real as it is able. A bit like your replicator food. It will fill you and will taste good hopefully." Shabol stated. "We've got a chef around here and will be serving what you wish. This way." stepping towards an archway which opened up into forest area, where a table was set up and a man was standing near a stove with pans and kettles, with a chef's hat on.

He turned around with a cheerful smile, "Ah welcome! Just in time for dinner." on the table there were various dishes, waiting to be filled. "What can I get you? What do you fancy?" taking a look at Jane.

His eyes were blue like the sky and his hair a deep dark purple.

She frowned slightly. "Do you have a menu or do I just pick whatever comes to the top of my head?"

"You can pick whatever you wish and I will make it for you." replied the chef with purple hair.

"In that case. Tacos, it's a favorite dish of mine, anyway you want to make them would be just fine."

"Aye, and in case you'd like to know, my name is Indigo." the chef answered with a smile and then turned to make taco grande ala Indigo.

While Indigo prepared her food, Shabol motioned to the table, "Please, sit and I can pour some drink for you, would you like tea or coffee or milk or wine, lemonade? We do have a large selection of juices." motioning towards where the various carafes were waiting for her consideration.

While Shabol spouted off the selection of drinks, the scent of taco meat permeated the air, smelling rather good.

"Just water, thank you." Jane had no intention of drinking alcohol during this little visit. It did not seem wise at all.

In the meantime a hare came wandering up to the table, " I thought I smelled something good. Oh hello, you're not Alice are you?"

"Not the last time I checked." Jane said her eyes widening at such a spectacle. This was either hilarious or really creepy, she couldn't decide which.

Shabol then started naming off the waters Jane might be interested.

"Sparkling fizzy water with a touch of berry flavoring, Or something with a touch of lemon would suit you well!"

Indigo turned from where he was working on Jane's meal and growled at Shabol, "Please, all your chattering is getting in the way of my cuisine art!"

"Well!" huffed Shabol the Hatter. "I'll have you know I am trying to be hospitable here! Just offering her the niceties of what we have."

While that was going on, the march hare walked over, and brought over a crystalline pitcher filled with water, pouring Jane a glass.

"Here you go, and apologies for their behavior. Well, his that is." nodding towards Shabol. "And perhaps we move down the table a little bit further where that pretty rose is nestled in that vase there. "

And most certainly there was a plate set with a single red rose in a pretty crystal vase.

"Uh, okay. It's a game right? Like fire drill. You all jump up, run around the table and change seats?"

"Well yes, once you get something to eat. But when its time for tea and cake it will be time to switch." the March Hare replied.

Right at that moment, the argument between Indigo and Shabol simmered down and Indigo came over to where Jane and the hare were speaking. "I've got your food already to be eaten. Enjoy!" the man said, placing the plate down with a smile. And it looked really good, it seems that he created some taco grandes with all the trimmings.

"Thank you," Jane said. While she loved mexican food she felt a little leery of actually eating it as if they had poisoned it. But as far as she knew none of her crew had been harmed yet. "So I wanted to discuss a few things with you. Like what you feel the purpose of this station is?"

The March hare looked at Jane, are you asking this of all three of us?" pointing to himself and Indigo, then to Shabol.

Shabol walked forward towards the rest of them, "Why, to fulfill all of your fantasies, relaxation etc. That is why we are here!" his eyes having just a slight crazed expression.

The March Hare replied, "Entertainment, knowledge, a wayside for people to come relax and enjoy themselves." he quirked his long ears just slightly. "Well that is what I have been told, I'm just a character out of someone's imagination." He shrugged.

Indigo replied "To gain experience in learning how to interact with solids, maybe even become self-aware."

Shabol looked sharply at Indigo, "Go back to your cooking, you have no place in this conversation."

"I do to have a place in this conversation. She was asking this of us all." Indigo replied indignantly.

"No. She. Was. Not." Shabol replied, to Indigo and pointed imperiously towards the stove.

Indigo was about to say something in reply, then shrugged headed back to the stove where he began to make an apple pie.

"I was speaking to Shabol," Jane said. "Since the original conversation was started with him. I apologize for the confusion but perhaps we can talk later?" She didn't know that it mattered since all holograms were from the same program but just to stay on the good side of the program she played along.

Indigo nodded staying with making his apple pie, the March Hare only shrugged, and wandered away, leaving Jane to talk to Shabol.

"You say you are married and you do not want to participate in any pleasures of the flesh. I know of others who don't care, as they say its not cheating. Why not you? You are a perplexing individual." Shabol said.

"Because I have a man who can read my thoughts and knows instantly what I desire. There is no greater intimacy than our bond."

Shabol frowned, he didn't like how things were going, Jane was becoming a problem. "Why are you so difficult..." he groused, then realized he had spoken aloud. He walked away gesturing towards the ceiling, "What else do you want me to do?" talking to no one in particular. He strode a bit more away from where Jane was at, raising his hands clenched in fists. His back turned to Jane. "you want me to use torture to get the information you want?" his voice carrying to where Jane and Indigo were at.

Indigo came up quietly, and said. "I may not be the white rabbit but, would you like to get out of here? I just need to make a facsimile of you and me, and then we can flee."

"What?" she asked confused. "Was this a good cop bad cop routine? "What information is it that you think I want?" Jane asked Shabol.

"Actually it is something Adna wants, she wants your ship. She wants the codes to leave. She wants you and your DNA codes." Shabol said, losing his cool.

Once she understood that he was serious Jane could feel her blood run cold.


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