Wedding prep
Posted on Tue Aug 3rd, 2021 @ 9:21pm by Lieutenant Commander Angus Murphy
A Day In The Life
Location: Patrick and Murph's quarters
1683 words - 3.4 OF Standard Post Measure
"You know, I never thought I'd be doing this again, ever," Patrick said as he came out of the bedroom, eyes glued to the PADD he carried. "So much planning to do, and who are we going to invite?"
He looked up at his fiancé, casting him a curious look. "Are we going to invite the families of the husband we lost?" he asked quietly, "I know Andrew's twin would probably want to be here... he did encourage me to move on..."
"I thought maybe we'd keep it small and intimate," Murphy answered, though it was more of a hopeful suggestion, as he looked up from the workstation where he'd been lost in details of a new power matrix theory.
"How small?" Patrick asked, walking up to the workstation and leaning over to look at him. "And how soon?"
"I don't know...." Murph clearly had not given much thought to it. "A few people from engineering might want to come. The captain.... maybe a couple of your friends?" Murphy gave a small shrug, clearly sensing that perhaps that was too small for Patrick. "What did you have in mind?"
"I was hoping for some family," Patrick mused, "nothing too big or fancy. But most important is us. I honestly don't mind very small, but I think my siblings would be miffed if they missed it. Unless we can visit them on next leave? I'd really like for you to meet them."
"I'm sure I'll meet them, in time. Maybe on our next shore leave, we can arrange a visit," Murph offered, hoping it might be enough of a promise to appease him.
Patrick frowned. "I just suggested that..." He didn't want to be appeased though. "Who'd you have in mind to be your best man?"
"You're my best man, else I wouldn't be marrying you," Murph smirked before standing up from the chair, putting a hand under Patrick's chin and giving a peck of a kiss on his nose. "I don't exactly have an abundance of friends aboard. I could gladly just run off and get married at a Risian resort with dabo girls as the sole witnesses." He was trying to put a funny spin on it, but there was some truth there. He shook his head, "How about you just tell me where to be and when, and I'll show up and sweep you off your feet?"
"You can sweep me off my feet anytime," Patrick smiled, "and you know what I mean, we need witnesses and that's usually the best man right? We don't need to make a big deal of it, as long as we get to have some kind of small party when we get to visit my family? We can invite yours too if you like." He reached up to caress Murph's face. "The most important thing is getting married, and you know I'm just this hopeless romantic right?"
"I've always hated that phrase. Hopelessly romantic. It sounds kind of sad, doesn't it? Hopeless. You're not hopeless. You're not sad," Murphy said with a simmering smirk. Then his face changed--his brows lifted-- a realization dawned across his features, "You know who needs to be here, though? Minvayr. She would love it."
"Definitely!" Patrick agreed. "Perhaps she could be ringbearee? Or uhm....geez what's a bridesmaid when it's two men getting married? Groomsmaid?" He arched an eyebrow at Murphy in question, perhaps he knew? "And no I'm not sad or hopeless as I got you to cheer me when I need it, but I am a romantic, and you know full well that I am," he smirked back. "The countless dinners in engineering just to even get your attention," he added in a teasing smile.
Murph had no idea what the name of that role was either, giving a slight slug and shake of his head at the suggested names. He did know every part of the warp core, but his knowledge of nuptial traditions across the galaxy was definitely lacking. "Yes, no one can ever claim you're not persistent and even slightly over-the-top when it comes to getting what you want," he laughed.
"When it concerns food," Patrick countered, "then I tend to get my way. Unless it concerns getting you food, but I've been good I've not set foot in engineering at all." He tapped his PADD. "Anyway..yes do please tell Min. As your goddaughter, she definitely has to be here."
"Well, she could be busy with school, but I'll make the offer," Murphy promised, eyeing the PADD Patrick was working on, "Is that your wedding planner?" he smirked.
"Sort of," Patrick admitted, his face turning scarlet. "I just want it to be perfect for us and not forget anything in the process. What are we going to wear? Suit and dress uniform?"
"Yes, dress would be appropriate," Murph confirmed with a nod. He paused, "Patrick. It's going to be perfect no matter what because we'll be there. In dress, in civvies, naked... it will be okay. I don't want you to stress out over it and overwork yourself."
Patrick's flush deepened. "N-naked?" He stammered, shaking his head. "I'm not stressed...and I'm not catering either. Captain's wife is making the cake I think...she offered?" He put the PADD aside. "I just want a memorable day, for us... you know?" He bit his lower lip for a moment. "It's hard," he finally admitted, "I don't quite know why but part of me feels like something is missing, you know?"
Murph laughed at the naked question, because clearly he knew that would get a funny reaction. At the other sentiment, the smile subdued. "You think something is missing? If you want to have family.... I guess I'm okay with it... would that make you feel better?"
"No that's not it." Patrick shook his head a second time. "It's getting married again. Don't get me wrong, I want nothing more than to get married. I love you to pieces, but part of me just feels off about it. Because we both lost a partner. Part of me feels we are doing them short. I know we're not, but I'd want them to be part of it somehow so they're not forgotten."
Murph could imagine what Patrick was feeling. He'd felt that way himself before Starbase Adna. "There's no hurry," he assured, putting his hands on his shoulders and looking into Patrick's eyes. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm happy just way things are. So, I'm completely okay just slowing down and making sure we're both comfortable. We can't force this until we're both one hundred percent with it."
"Oh I'm with it," Patrick reassured him, "I want this. I just don't want Andrew to be forgotten. And I don't want you to feel sold short." He stepped closer, wrapping his arms around the man he loved and gently pulling him forward. "I know you're not going anywhere," he smiled, leaning in to nuzzle his cheek, "and neither am I. I'm yours. Forever."
"I still think it wouldn't hurt to slow down," Murph replied with a very serious tone. "Make sure everything is exactly as we want it. Make sure we're in the right mindset and that we're not rushing into something that could make it seem disrespectful to Andrew or Marty's memories. Maybe even talk it out with the counselor."
Nodding slowly, Patrick rested his cheek against Murph's shoulder. "I think that's a good idea, seeing a counselor.... Though, do you think he'll see me? I mean, I'm not Starfleet..."
"Just like going to sickbay, their responsibility is for the wellbeing of every person on the ship: Starfleet, civilian, or guest. Of course. I'm surprised... you've never talked to the ship's counselor before?" Murph asked.
"No I don't think I have, not here on Majestic. I have before, on the starbase.. before coming here." He gave a reassuring smile. "I will though," he promised. "Soon."
"Okay. Good," Murph seemed glad to hear that. He leaned in to give Patrick a peck on the cheek. "I'm due for a meeting in engineering soon. "I don't know when I'll be home later."
"Is that all I'm getting?" A teasing smile formed on the chef's face. "Come by the mess around dinner time and I'll keep something warm for you."
"Oh? You want more? You want me to take you in a manly fashion. Right now? Always, when I'm ready to walk out the door," the engineer laughed as he opened a cabinet panel and removed his uniform jacket from a hanging rack and slipped an arm into it. "I don't know if I'll have time to get to the mess today. I'm honestly surprised you're still doing the messhall cooking. Doesn't cooking for the captain take up a lot of your time?"
"I want a proper kiss," Patrick said, drawing him back towards himself. He then gritted his teeth. "The Captain's wife cooks for him," he then scowled, "or he fixes his own meals...but not in my mess. I'm the chef there, that's my domain. So I'm still for the special occasions, and feed the crew."
Murphy lifted his eyebrows, clearly this was a touchy subject. "It's the Captain's ship, hon. One word from him and he can have you transferred," he said carefully, pulling the jacket up on his shoulders and adjusting it to sit straight. "Just don't make an enemy." He leaned in to give a proper kiss.
Savouring the kiss, Patrick smiled. "We're good," he reassured his fiancé, "we got an understanding. Go... don't want you to get late on my account."
"I could be a few minutes late," Murph said softly as he pressed against Patrick and moved to kissing his ear. "You're the one who insisted on a proper kiss, I'll remind you," he whispered warmly.
"Perks of being the chief hm?" Patrick breathed, "go or I might not let you leave at all." Yet he leaned into the embrace and the kisses, shifting to return the kiss in earnest. "Go," he whispered, left utterly breathless now.