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Returning from Hiatus

Posted on Sat Jan 28th, 2023 @ 11:35pm by Captain Elijah Rutherford & Lieutenant Laural Hawke

Mission: A New Beginning
Location: Ships Library
1423 words - 2.8 OF Standard Post Measure


Walking towards the docking berth where the Majestic was currently docked, Laural took a deep breath in to calm her nerves a little. It had been almost a year since she was last on this ship and although her departure was all within regulations, she did leave rather abruptly. Fortunately for her, she recognised the two security guards standing just outside of the docking port.

Noticing that the two crewmen weren’t exactly paying attention and that one of them was half asleep in a chair, Laural figured she’d have some fun, “Well hello there boys, drew the short straws hey?”

Jumping in surprise, the standing crewmen quickly snapped to attention, “Lieutenant, I’m sorry ma’am I didn’t see you there” he said, giving his partner a nudge to wake him up.

Holding back a small laugh, Laural gave a wave of her hand to dismiss the crewman’s worries, “it’s fine, I can understand that guard duty isn’t always fun. Can you tell me where the Captain is? I have some things to discuss with him”

Turning around to a wall console, The crewman typed in a few commands before turning back around, “the Captain is currently in the ships library. Do you require an escort ma’am?”

Laural shook her head, “no that’s alright, I’m sure I’ll remember my way” she said before signing into the ship as a guest and walking on. Although she was officially returning to join the crew, she wanted to meet the Captain before properly signing on.

Elijah was in a discussion with a man who had white hair and it seemed the discussion was rather lively. It soon came to an end and the man turned to leave, while Elijah was picking up another book.

The man who the Captain had been talking to, walked up to Laural, "Hello I am the librarian Joshua, may I be of service?"

“I sure hope you can master librarian. I’ve been told the Captain is here possibly perusing your fine collection. Might you be so kind as to point them out for me?”

Joshua gave a brilliant smile. "Yes he is right on the other aisle, the blonde fellow right there." giving a nod towards where the captain was. "I'll take my leave and let you introduce yourself." with that, Joshua wandered off to anothr part of the library.

Carrying the book he had chosen Elijah was perusing the first page of the book, "So Joshua about this book-" he looked up, "Oh you are not Joshua. Hello, sorry to have made that mistake, may I be of some service since it looks like Joshua has wandered off?"

“Actually you can, Lieutenant Laural Hawke reporting for duty as your encryption specialist” Laural said, holding out a hand for a handshake, “and from what I understand you are Captain Elijah Rutherford”

Shifting the book he held in hand to his other hand, Elijah shook Laural's hand. "Yes, I am Captain Rutherford. Welcome to the ship, I am sure that our Chief of Intelligence would like another person to work with him in that department. Have you been set up with quarters as of yet? Is this your first time on the ship?"

“Um, no I haven’t been set up with quarters yet. I want to meet you first and report in before I did that” Laural answered with a smile, “also, to answer your other question, no this is not my first time onboard the Majestic. I served under one of her previous Captain.”

"Oh?" Elijah was visibly surprised in hearing of this. "Well then, welcome back. I hope you do not have any problem working with a Cardassian, he is Lieutenant Hadir Prenar." the Captain giving a smile. "He's a good one. Come, let's get you set up with some quarters." motioning for Laural to follow.

"I know that most of the time, Captains tend to have someone else do this but hey I'll do this it's not a problem." Elijah pulling out his padd to get her a place to stay. "How about Level 4 does that sound good to you?" giving a bit of a smile.

"If I remember correctly, my last set of quarters were on deck 6, but deck 4 sounds fine. Do you have anything towards the front of the ship?" Laural asked. It was a personal thing, but she enjoyed watching the stars fly both towards and around the ship rather than just watching them fly by.

"Deck six was it?" Elijah checking the availability. Elijah looked up at Laural with a smile. "You are in luck, haven't assigned those quarters yet. If you'd like to move in there, then that will be okay." making a note of that in the records. "Okay lets go towards there." heading towards the door of the library, to leave.

“Thank you Captain, so long as I’m not pushing someone out of their quarters” Laural said, following Elijah out of the library, “so, is there anything I should know about?”

"What specifically would you be referring to?" Elijah leading the way out of the library, and towards the turbo lift. "If you are referring to the holo sentients from Adna station we are still working on that angle."

Laural shrugged, "I was looking for more of a general update on whats happening, but it's good to know we're keeping things covered"

"Well for one waiting for more detail as to where the sentients home is, and we'll be going in that direction." Elijah replied. "I am not surprised you were ab le to catch up to us as we've not left the station where we are at, yet." giving a chuckle, before stepping into the turbo lift.

“I’m sure there’s a good reason for holding the ship here for so long. Hopefully command will let us get underway before too much longer” Laural said before something occurred to her, “um, I took the liberty of checking the crew manifest before returning, what can you tell me about Lieutenant Hadir Prenar?”

"Not much that I can tell you, but he is good at his job. He is Cardassian, and an intelligence officer. So far I have not had any complaints. He took on an assignment and has taken care of it in a timely fashion." Elijah answered. "But any other details you will have to find out for yourself."

“Fair enough. I suppose I’ll make him my next stop after I get squared away” Laural said as she made a quick mental note, “what about the rest of the crew? Anyone of particular interest?”

Elijah paused the turbo lift. "Interesting in what way? We have quite the eclectic crew and you would be more famliar with them than I am. Our former chief of security then turned CMO then retired. Lhaes Sommers is no longer on the ship. He's gone to take care of his children, of which I approved. Anyone else if you chack the manifest, I'd say go meet with some of the others.." giving a bit of a smile then started the turbo lift to continue on to the deck where her quarters are at. "Weren't you here when Lily was the Chief Medical Officer?"

Thinking for a moment, Laural gave a nod, "yea, Lieutenant Marlow. She had an interesting treatment for my back pain" she said as a half smile came to her face as she remembered the back walking, and how good Lily looked in her masseur outfit. "Wonder if she's still onboard, I could really use one of her massages"

"She's still onboard, she's not the Chief of Medical though. She downgraded to Assistant Chief. Sekat is the CMO, now. I'm sure Lily will be happy to see that you have returned." Elijah remarked.

The turbo lift stopped at the floor and opened, with Eljah stepping out and moving to one side for Hawke to step out. "Anything other questions you have?"

Thinking for a moment, Laural eventually shook her head, “No I don’t think so. I’m sure I can figure everything else out as we go”

Elijah gave a nod, "That will work. For now I bid you adieu as my wife is expecting me home for dinner and I don't want to face her wrath. Until we speak again, Lieutenant Hawke." with a smile the captain turned and headed back into the turbolift." giving a final wave before the door of the lift closed.



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