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Holo Operations

Posted on Fri Jun 9th, 2023 @ 2:33am by Lieutenant JG Camelia Zamfir & Lieutenant Siora Carberos & Ensign Kit Atkins

Mission: A Day In The Life
Location: Hoiodeck 2, near security
1342 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Camelia went looking for Kit, she needed a bit of help where the Holo sentients were at. She had gotten word from their leader Oz. Tapping on her combadge the blonde Operations officer sent out a message, =/\= Hey Kit would you meet me at Holo deck 2 please, we've got a litle work to do there.=/\=

Kit tapped his commbadge =/\= Kit here. On my way, Lieutenant. =/\= he replied. In a few moments Kit arrived, sleeves rolled up. "Here." Kit said. "And ready to work.'

Camelia was looking at the readings she was receiving thus far and then called Siora. =/\=Lieutenant Carberos , this is Lieutenant Zamfir, I was wondering if you could come help me and Ensign Atkins with the Holosuite where the holo sentients are at. They have requested some assistance. =/\=

=/\= On my way, Carberos out. =/\= Fortunately Siora hadn't been too preoccupied. There had been power fluctuations on deck 4 but she wasn't concerned as to why at the moment. Simply they were slight infractions on her power core that she would rectify soon enough.

As she approached the large holodeck doors she sighed as they slowly opened. Quicker doors are needed... maybe I can talk to someone in Engineering. she thought to herself as she walked up on Camelia.

"So, what can I assist with today?" Siora asked.

"Well we've sort of been asked for assistance from..."

She was interrupted by a wizened old man with a wizard's hat upon his head. "Oh good you have arrived, I am Oz. Pleasure to meet all three of you."

Camelia looked at the other two with her then looked back at the one called Oz. "So your name is Oz. Interesting. You do look like a wizard. Are you the one that called us?"

Oz looked over towards Siora. "Well yes, and you are these fine people's leader yes?"

"What is a wizard?" Siora spoke out loud without thinking. "I am the head of ships operations." she added.

"Oh a wizard is someone who can do magic. Sort of Gandalf from the Lord of the Rings." Oz answered. "I do love the Lord of the Rings Trilogy and even The Hobbit."

Just as he finished his sentence, a small firefly came zipping up, chiming excitedly and then slowly moved around the three solids that were there.

"Ah yes, yes Glowbug, these are the friends of Splice and Lily. " Oz answered.

Glowbug seemed to be satisfied.

"Well then, there you go. Glowbug likes you. " Oz stated "The reason why I've called for help is well I think we need a tune up, in preparation for us going home. Well hopefully we go home."

"I have no idea what Lord of the Rings is..." Siora shrugged and still was really unsure beyond being able to do this 'magic' what a wizard was, even less so who this Gandalf was. She shook her head and turned back to face Oz more. "What makes you think you need a tune up? Has there been issues with your holo matrixes, emitters, power degradation?" she asked.

"Actually I guess we need a better resolution? Some of us maybe experiencing some matrix trouble. We've not really asked for someone to give us a physical, well guess it would be termed as such. The crew of this ship had brought us with them. And I gave my um.. personal holoemiter to your science staff in order to help us find our way to our new home. To meet with our creator. He had left coordinates but, with not having that medallion here we're kinda stuck. We didn't want to be a bother and most certainly are not wanting to have freedom to roam the ship. Absolutely not. After what Adna did to your people and others, there would be a bit of, worry and wariness in dealing with us." Oz responding.

"Resolution?" Siora thought. "If we can refine your pattern confinement, maybe hone your projection matrix we can sharpen up any potential problems you might have." Siora added. "I heard about what happened before I joined the Majestic. It sounded quite bad and has left a mark for sure, but trust me when I say that I will try to see you from the light you want us to." she placed her hands on his holographic shoulder. "Tell me, are there any specific issues you have been having? Any people who have been suffering?" she asked.

"Our chef Indigo seems to be losing some of his color, we found one of our own who had been placed in a cocoon, and we are trying to get her out of it. She had been connected with T'seng and now that T'seng is gone, Aurora is, stuck. And then Gwendolyn is having an identity crisis, she was an EMH that ended up going into a transformation. She wants to stay in her armor and be a combat medic." Oz giving an exasperated huff.

"A cocoon?" Siora asked puzzled. "Why would someone place a hologram in a cocoon?" she asked out loud. It was quite puzzling. "I can send someone over to check the holographic projectors and Indigo's confinement matrix. It is possible there may be something of a bleeding effect that is causing them to lose their colour pigmentation." Siora tucked a stray hair behind her ear. "Gwendolyn... there might not be much we can do for her. As a sentient hologram they would be going through what any species would go through... simply put, they may just need time to find themselves and I am not a counsellor. Aurora, I'd have to see where she is, what's going on around her... might be environmental, even if it is holographic in nature." Siora turned to Camelia and Kit. "Any suggestions guy and girl?"

Camelia was taking some readings of the holo deck and its program which was keeping the sentients alive. "I agree with you on that. Might be something hidden in her programming, that would be preventing her from doing some sort of change. As you said we need to go take a look and get a scan in order to find a solution."

"Okay then team, let's do that. We'll start taking some scans, dive into some code if we have to and see if we can fix some of these issues before they get out of hand." Siora placed her hands on her hips, a slight heroic stance but it was a signal to get things moving and start before the day was lost.

Oz looked at Siora, looking impressed at her stance. "How about this do you think you can isolate Aurora in another area, to help her out? Maybe download her into some sort of receptacle that you can figure out what is going on?"

"Sure, I can do that." Siora replied. "I can compress her data into either a receptacle I can work on separately, or I can transfer her into a small private holo system I have hooked up to the Operations Suite." she added. "We'll take care of her, don't worry." Siora placed a hand on Oz's shoulder to reassure him.

Oz gave a relieved smile, "Thank you. Once that is worked on then we can worry about what is degrading some of the coloration of the others. Maybe there is a connection?"

Camelia was contemplating the words of Oz, "Perhaps that will work"

"Potentially, but we won't know until we get our hands on the data and do a bit of a deep dive into systems and whatnot." Siora commented indicating it was time they got started.

Camelia gave a nod towards Siora. "Okay lets get going then." she looked at Oz. "We'll be seeing you later." she assured him before she left with Siora and Kit.

Siora nodded. "Yes, we'll work as hard as we can for you. You have my word." she smiled warmly.

Oz gave a wave towards the departing Operation officers, "thank you." he called out

Camelia gave a return wave, before the holosuite doors closed behind them.



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