Compiling information
Posted on Thu Nov 7th, 2024 @ 12:05pm by Chief Petty Officer Anja Teach & Lieutenant Orin Sempton
Edited on on Fri Dec 20th, 2024 @ 11:24pm
A Dragon named Guardian
Location: Science labs
Timeline: MD001 1000
906 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure
Looking at Orin, once the others had left to go about their business, Anja asked " When and where do you want to get everything compiled where Guardian and the holosentients are concerned? I am not too bad in helping with analyzing information." giving a warm smile.
"Well, as the Captain has asked for it, relatively soon." He replied. Thankfully, we can just ask the computer for the various reports we will need, but the main issue is going to be combing through them and collecting the needed data into creating a cohesive narrative with the disjointed notes from various departments."
"If we didn't have the capacity we have computer wise, I can almost imagine us in a room with piles of papers and boxes scouring through those." Anja giving a chuckle. "Which shall we start first? And also if I may ask, any idea where the ship is going to be going next?"
"Having done exactly that before, I can say that it always seems like a daunting task until you start going through the boxes and shuffling around papers." He waiting a second before continuing "Then it becomes an impossible task." He look at Anja and gave a slight half smile. "As to your second question, we should probably just pull all the data in one go and start going over it. We should be able to have the computer cross reference the different datasets and make connections. It'll be slow going, but we can likely start building the narrative the Captain is looking for. As for your final question, probability states the Captain will want to head to the planet we discovered as the home planet of our current holoresidents and mechanical passenger." Orin rubbed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Hopefully, we can gain access to the planet without... problems."
"What sort of problem could there be?" Anja taking a seat on a nearby chair neat a console." There seems to be a bit of an adventure that has happened before my husband and I joined the ship." the console lit up after she put in some codes.
Orin's fingers began to dance across the keyboard as he readied commands. "Adventure? You could call it that." He hit enter and leaned back in the chair while the computer ran the test prompt. "It was more trying to survive against a murderous Artificial Intelligence in control of a space station. Think of a holosuite, and then multiply it exponentially to cover most of a station. We were very lucky that there were sentient programs that helped hide us and fight back." When the test program beeped complete, Orin tapped out another series of commands and executed the program. "As to your first question, apparently the planet we're heading to has a cloaking ability, which hides the planet from scans, and instead shows a lifeless planetoid of the same mass." He absentmindedly rubbed the round scar on the back of his left hand. "Having dealt with a planet like it many years ago, they... Lets say they present a unique set of problems."
Anja listened to what Orin related, her mouth going into an 'O' with her eyes growing round. When he paused, "I do not like AI's that go wonky. I had my own experience with something like that. Not certain just if it were an entity we were dealing with that invaded the central computer, but it was messing with our minds. It was horrible, caused a bit of trauma with my siblings and others on the station we used to serve on."
"I can very well understand the worry there." Anja added.
Orin nodded. "I'm sorry to hear that." He signed before continuing. "We've come so far with technology, but there's always something that makes me pine for simpler times. Of course, then I remember what medical technologies were like then." The computer beeped again, and he read the results. "Four hundred thirty-five items with mentions of Guardian and the holosentients. Need to add more filters to the search or we'll be at this for days." He tapped out a few more commands and ran the program. "Honestly, I'm extremely worried about what happens when we get to this planet. One wrong move, and bad things could happen."
Anja's eyes went rather round at this piece of information. "oh dear that isn't good."
Just then over the com badge came Captain Rutherford's voice. =^=Lieutenant Sempton would you report to my ready room.=^=
Anja looked a bit startled with the message coming over the combadge. "Uh that seems to be important. I can finish going over the reports while you go see what the Captain is wanting?"
"I... Hmm. Yes." Orin tapped his com. =^= Aye sir, at once. =^= He stood up and turned to Anya. "My apologies. I'll be back as soon as I can. When the results of the scan come back, give them a primary read. If there's enough information about a topic, add it to a PaDD and separate information if it's about the planet, or the creator, Guardian, the Holosentients, et cetra, et cetra." With that, he headed for the door, stopping only briefly to remember which Turbolift would take him to his intended destination fastest.
Anja gave a nod towards Orin as she said. "I will be doing so." once he left, she went back to compiling the information, sorting them out into the various files.