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Bringing in the CO

Posted on Thu May 6th, 2021 @ 7:04am by Lieutenant S'anra Shalakar & Captain Elijah Rutherford

Mission: A Day In The Life
Location: Ready room
2935 words - 5.9 OF Standard Post Measure


And so, the passing of the torch to Captain Elijah Rutherford had taken place, he now was the Captain of the USS Majestic. He had gotten word that he would also be getting a new helmsman. Even though he had met his friend Commodore Saultis on the ship, he still needed some things brought over to his new command. This would be a good opportunity to meet with the new helm officer.

He gave word for her to meet him at the shuttle bay, observation deck where they could speak before the next part. He gazed out towards where the Majestic was docked, awaiting his return. She was a magnificent ship, and he felt honored that he would be on her.

S'anra stood off to the side keeping watch for her new Captain. she held the PADD tucked smartly under her arm with her transfer orders. She took the liberty of looking up Captain Rutherford's image and looked at the approaching figure, This was indeed him.

She moved towards the Captain with purpose. S'anra stopped and saluted and presented the PADD to Captain Rutherford.

"Sir, I am Lieutenant JG S'anra Shalakar, Recently of the USS Tripoli. I also bring greetings to you from Captain Michael Evens it is an honor to serve." Stated the pale green skinned Orion, as she slightly inclined her head towards him in proper respect.

"Ah, yes, Captain Evans, he spoke highly of you. Said that I could do no wrong with a helmsman of your caliber. However, I'll get to see if what he says is true." giving Shalakar an assessing look. "You will be be flying one of the runabouts back to the ship. I had some late deliveries arrive." accepting the padd from her.

S'anra inclined her head and smiled. " As you wish my Captain. Are we going straight to the ship or do you wish to see my skills at the helm? She gave him a curious sidelong glance. " But before we board Captain Rutherford there is a question I must ask you. " She paused gauging his reaction. " Captain Evens said the only reason that I'm getting this transfer is because he lost me in a bet to you in a card game. Is that true? " S'anra watched his face for his reaction and awaited his response.

Elijah had turned to go to where the runabout was waiting and stopped abruptly doing an about face, "Excuse me, he said what!" he frowned, "Evans!" he growled out. "I will get him back for this." he stated. Then looked at S'anra.

"I did not win you in a poker game, next time I see him I will deck him, that was rather irregular of him doing that. Bad taste in a joke. I do not tolerate that sort of thing." Elijah growled. Taking a deep breath he allowed himself to calm down.

"Now, lets see how you are at flying." giving a smile, "The runabout is out there, so lead the way."

S'anra slowly let out a breath. " Good I'm glad we got that cleared up. But you know Captain Evens, Always the prankster. Most likely told me that because he knew you'd react to it. It got me a bit pissed off to be honest with you. In the Academy I had this meat headed jock who thought he was my boyfriend and owned me. At least until he woke up all tied up and wearing a stunning gown in the middle of the quad. No one ever figured out how he tied himself up like that, and he never bothered me again after that."

They stepped onto the runabout. S'anra checked the cargo and made sure that everything was secure, satisfied she took her seat at the helm and clicked on the coms. Starbase, This is the runabout Rio De Janeiro. Requesting permission for departure.

Runabout Rio De Janeiro this is starbase control, Permission to depart granted and safe journeys to you. proceed at one quarter impulse.

One quarter impulse aye.

" Thirty seconds to space dock doors Captain. "

The space dock doors opened slowly and they were soon clear of the Starbase.

" Buckle up Captain, This is where it gets fun. " As she set course for the nearest asteroid belt. S'anra entered the asteroid belt at three quarters impulse speed and deftly maneuvered the craft between the rolling asteroids. Diving below them, Climbing above, and even through one of the larger ones hollowed out with caves and tunnels before coming out the other side of the belt.

She turned to Rutherford and sweetly smiled. " Thank you for flying federation space lines. I hope that was a good enough demonstration of my piloting skills. We could do that again if you'd like to make certain. "

Rutherford was a bit taken back with S'anra's way of showing her skills but kept quiet as she did show her skills, actually chuckling when she was finished. "No that is quite fine, a job well done. " he remarked. "now let's get to the ship and get things unloaded." He was impressed with her skills though.

" As you wish Captain. " she said with a smile. She then tapped the console. USS Majestic, This is the runabout Rio De Janeiro. I Have Captain Rutherford , Personnel and Supplies for the Majestic. Permission to bring them aboard.

Permission granted Rio De Janeiro, Shuttle bay number one doors are opening at this time, And welcome aboard.

The tractor beam gently guided them in and sat them down in it's proper berthing space. The cargo door slid open to allow access for the crewmen to begin unloading the cargo. S'anra looked to the Captain. " Well here we are, Home sweet home. Am I to report for debriefing? New crew orientation? Or may I stow my gear in my quarters sir? "

"Well, I would say we had our getting to know meeting." Elijah chuckled. "And as for new crew orientation, I'd have to go to that one as I'm new to the ship as well. I don't know if there will be one. So we'll just skip it for now." grinning. "Go right ahead and you can get your gear stowed in your quarters. Though, once you get things unpacked, you can drop on by my office, if you'd like things to be very official. Just when you do I will make certain my son's toys are out of the way."

" Very well Sir, I'll take about fifteen to twenty minutes to stow the gear and report to your office." S'anra grinned. " Son's toys? Ahh... So your a family man then? I think that's wonderful. Your very lucky to have your family so near. My aunt is the one who got me interested in joining Starfleet. The rest of my family weren't to thrilled about the idea. All except my mother who couldn't care one way or the other, She just said do what makes you happy. And that was the last I ever spoke about it to my family. "

Elijah nodded "I will definitely see you in a 20 minutes then." Walking with her out of the shuttle bay and then heading to his office to await her arrival.

S"anra borrowed a anti grav cart and loaded her gear and made her way to her quarters and quickly piled things up where she would be able to unpack them after she had reported in to the Captain on the bridge. On her way to the door she stopped and walked back to her gear and removed and item and wrapped it up and tucked it under her arm and headed out and took the turbolift to the bridge.


Captain's Ready Room

S'anra arrived on the bridge and nodded to the duty officer as she went to the Captain's ready room and chimed the door.

"Enter!" Elijah called out, he had just finished speaking to his father, and turned the viewscreen off.

He smiled when S'anra stepped inside. "Right on schedule." he said.

S'anra looked at the Rutherford for a moment and blinked. " But of course Sir, The cavalry can't come rushing to the rescue if your helmsmen is late. " she had and odd shaped object wrapped in cloth and tucked under her arm. " Reporting for duty Sir. " She glanced up towards the ceiling briefly before making eye contact. " And just in case your wondering Sir, As per starfleet regulations my pheromones are regulated during work shifts as not to disrupt any personal or duties. I certainly wouldn't want to be a distraction to any of the males on the ship. "

Elijah nodded, "I wasn't worried, as I have seen your records and it is outstanding." he looked curiously at the wrapped object she had under her arm. "What do you have there?" giving a nod in that direction.

S'anra innocently glanced towards the ceiling and grinned. " Well I have this cousin who has some dealings in the triangle and uhh.... and sends me some of these every now and then since I helped him out of a tricky situation. " As she set the cloth covered item on the desk in front of him. " I would suggest keeping that in your desk here in your office or in your personal quarters if you don't mind a bit of friendly advise. "

Once the cloth is lifted it reveals a bottle with blue liquid and a familiar alien script.

"Oh my, thank you for the.. Romulan Ale? If I am correct in my thinking. I take it this is somewhat of a house or ship warming gift?" giving a bit of a smile.

" Umm.. Yes a ship warming gift Sir, with wishes of a successful command and good fortune. " Her skin darkened a shade as if she were blushing. " My family has a tradition of this whenever a new captain takes over a ship or a new ship is launched. " She spoke more softly. " I'm sorry if this seems silly, But it never hurts wishing for good luck or fortune before starting a voyage. "

Elijah chuckled, "It's okay and I don't mind at all. I am not considering it a silly tradition." he actually brings out two small glasses, and opened up the bottle. pouring just a small amount. "Here's to a new ship and new possibilities." handing her one of the small glasses.

S'anra took the proffered glass and took a sip and closed her eyes to savor the flavor. " Careful with this one Captain, it has a boomerang effect, nice and smooth at the start and then punches you in the face. This was a rather heady batch when it was brewed, 2370 was a good year for Romulan Ale.

"Hence the reason why I poured only a very small amount. I know quite well about the punch it packs." Elijah responded, "Cheers!" and drank the small amount he had poured. It as strong and it make Rutherford's eyes water, but it also was good. "Oh my" he gasped out. "Its been a while since I've had some of this."

S'anra took a small sip and felt her cheeks flush. " I've never drank this stuff in large quantities, or any other type of alcohol. At least not since the academy. " She paused a moment. " Right before graduation, one of the other seniors brewed up this stuff called a warp core breach. I had two glasses of it and that's all I remembered until the next morning. "

" There was this cute guy named Brodie, Everyone called him piper. He was in security and his friends thought it would be funny to put us in the same bed together and try to convince us that we were married, It almost worked. That was the last time I ever allowed myself to get drunk. "

She gave a slight smile. " Brodie was sweet about it though. He said if it were true then he had the prettiest wife in starfleet and was going to tell his parents before we got our assignment postings and have me meet them. I wonder what ever happened to him? He was really nice. "

"I could check if you'd like me to, I do have connections to accomplish that." Captain Rutherford replied. "Would you like me to?" giving a bit of a smile.

S'anra was caught off guard. " What? Huh? Umm...." As she blushed and bit her lip, she then laughed. " Captain, either your teasing me or your a romantic. We never went on a date together, But he was really nice the couple of times that we did talk. " She blushed again. " I think his last name was Bain, Now that you got me curious. "

Elijah's eyebrow raised up slightly. "If you so wish I can find out. Brodie Bane what rank is he?" Elijah asked, getting ready to send an inquiry.

S'anra looked down towards the floor and touched her finger to her lip as she thought. " Well we were fourth year cadets in the San Francisco academy on Earth, I can provide you with our graduation date if that would be a help. If I had to guess his rank it would be an Ensign or Lieutenant JG by now. "

Captain Rutherford nodded, as he typed in the information. "Okay, going by your records and such I am able to find out this. He is currently serving on the USS Copernicus, and he is an ensign." Looking at his helmsman, watching her reaction to his information.

S'anra stood silent for several moments digesting the information, and then looked up to Rutherford. " The USS Copernicus? What type of ship is that? " She paused for a moment again. " Well, perhaps I could send him a message and say hi from an old academy mate, if he even remembers me. And who knows how long it will take for the message to catch up to him? Depending on where the ship is assigned, But it is nice to know that it sounds like he's doing well at least. "

"The USS Copernicus is a Nova class Starship, and I would say go ahead and send a message to him. He may be rather surprised to get a message from you." Elijah replied. "Now that you have officially reported in, I suggest that you go see about meeting some of the others. Hmmnn even though you have probably already gotten your physical and psyche evaluation, it would probably be a good idea for you to at least meet the counselor and Doctors that are on duty. I already have met them, but I still need to meet with a few others, myself."

S'anra inclined her head. " As you wish Captain. I'll report for a physical and a psyche evaluation. I'm just a girl who loves to talk about herself. " She said with a wide grin. " Doctors are fun and straight to the point, most of them even have a decent bedside manner. " She paused a moment and steepled her fingers in front of her lips. " Our ship's counselor, He's not some old dour fuddy duddy is he? "

The counselor from my previous ship almost insisted that you come in if he thought he could help you asked for or not. He was getting ready for retirement and I was one of those troubled souls he thought he could help, Heck I even thought about making some things up just to spice up his life. But i didn't want something like that to go in my record, I just hope this counselor isn't the pushy type. "

Elijah raised an eyebrow at that. " The counselor happens to be a friend of mine as well as my wife's. He's a really good man and good at his job as well. He is quite patient and not pushy. And Coen isn't one who has one foot in the retirement path. He takes great care to create a good environment."

S'anra breathed out a sigh of relief. " Well that's good to know. Counselor Beckmen always gave me that creepy vibe like a weird uncle that makes your skin crawl type of feeling, I never felt comfortable around him. " she shuttered slightly at the memory, and then brushed it aside. " Well if the rest of the crew are as friendly as you are then this will be a wonderful assignment aboard the Majestic Sir. "

"Well, they seem to be, the ones I have met." Elijah replied, "And on that note, I do need to get to know the chef that is on the ship. I have yet to meet him, and with him being the one who plans meals and such, best for me to do so. You and I can converse more later on. Lieutenant, and once again, welcome aboard."

" Well then Captain Rutherford, I shall check the duty log for my posting times and finish unpacking then." She smiled and brushed the hair away from her face. " I guess I'll see you later then and let you get about running the ship. You have been most delightful company and as a passenger, And have a most pleasant evening Sir. " As she turned and made her way out of the ready room and to the turbo lift.

"You have a pleasant evening as well." Elijah stated.

Captain Rutherford watched as she walked out of the ready room. He was definitely finding out that he had a varied crew, but he didn't mind at all. This was going to make for an interesting ship to be captain of. Turning his attention back to his paper work, he soon got involved with his daily report reading.



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