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Bunnies and Chickens

Posted on Tue Jun 15th, 2021 @ 2:41am by Captain Elijah Rutherford

Mission: A Day In The Life
Location: Arboretum
2662 words - 5.3 OF Standard Post Measure

With the twins being rather rambunctious and tiring out Jasmine, Captain Rutherford decided that they needed to go play somewhere. The best place that he thought of was the Arboretum. He had a glance at it early on but hadn't had the chance to investigate the whole thing. His kids, Matthew and Priscilla dragged him by the hands and squealed with delight. His kids were a bit precocious as in rather talkative for 3 year olds, and spoke coherently.

"Daddy look trees! How did they get there? And there is grass and flowers!" Matthew called out.

"I hear animals, where are they at?" called out Priscilla.

"Catch me daddy!" Matthew yelled with glee, tagging his father and running away.

A chicken fled from one of the bushes, nearly causing the boy to trip. A younger child burst into laughter as he was witness to it. "You shouldn't scare the chickens, it'll upset my dad if you do," the other child chided, wagging a tiny finger at him.

Matthew stopped and stared at the other boy. "Where did you come from and I didn' t know there was a chicken here!"

Priscilla walked over towards the chicken "Hello. Does the chicken have a name?" she said to the other little boy "and what's you name?"

Elijah was curious about that as well, then asked. "Who is your father?" a kind smile on his lips.

"There's four chickens as far as I know and dad hatched them, at least I think he did..." The boy pointed towards a young looking Vulcan just a short distance away. The Vulcan was tending to what appeared to be a rabbit. "That's my dad, and I'm Alecx, who are you?"

Before Elijah could answer the boy's question, Matthew said very proudly, "He is my daddy, he's the captain of this ship now."

Priscilla looked over that direction "I see a bunny!" and headed in that direction.

"Priscilla wait for a moment." Elijah called out, and then followed after his little girl.

"Hi I am Priscilla what is your name?" looking at the man who was taking care of the bunny.

Sat in the grass with the rabbit in his arms, quietly stroking its fur as he fed it from a bottle, Stef looked up at the girl. "My name is Stef," he answered, glancing past the girl at his young son, "would you like to feed the rabbit? You have to be really careful, it is still a baby."

Priscilla's lips formed an 'O' then nodded, "Don't worry I'll be very careful. " her little blonde braids bouncing back and forth as she nodded, then settled near Stef and waited for him to hand her the bunny baby.

"I want to be a animal doctor as I really like animals, especially baby animals, they are so cute!" Priscilla offered.

Matthew looked at Alecx, "Want some help?"

Elijah made his way towards where Stef and Priscilla were at.

Alecx picked up the chicken and handed it to Matthew. "Daddy collects the eggs for Chef Paddy," he boasted, "though I wish there was a rooster so we'd have more chickens. At least I don't think there is one anymore, I'm not sure."

Stef gently transferred the baby rabbit over into the girl's lap. "An animal doctor you say?" he queried, "I am sort of an animal doctor." While he had been training as a vet back on Mardra, he had never really graduated any official course for it. So while he was the official caretaker on the ship, technically he wasn't a vet even though he had most of the required knowledge.

Priscilla was very gentle when he handed her the baby bunny, "The fur is so soft. And the bunny is so tiny." her voice filled with wonder.

Matthew held the brownish chicken gently in his arms. "Wow, I like collecting eggs, my grandad has chickens too. Glad you have a nice one here. And roosters can be really mean. I had one chase after me one time."

Elijah drew near and gently cleared his throat. "Hello, Stef. I'm Captain Rutherford, but you can call me Elijah as I am not on duty right at the moment."

Diverting his attention to the man, Stef blinked in evident surprise. "Are you visiting the Majestic sir?" he asked, the rank not quite clicking as it being the commanding officer of the ship. He didn't pay much attention to the rumours flying around so he had missed the transition altogether. "I am certain Captain Saulitis would like to see you if you are, shall I make an appointment for you? I am her yeoman."

Elijah sat down on the grass, cross-legged not too far from Priscilla and Stef.

"Jane has transferred the command of the ship to me. Things had been in such a muddle due to what happened on Adna Station that I think we forgot to send out a memo of the transfer. You will be my yeoman now, Stef." Elijah looking kindly at his new yeoman.

"Wait what?" Confusion was plain to see on the young man's face, despite his heritage. "Captain Saulitis has transferred? But she did not tell us?" Hurt spread across his features. "Why?"

"I am not certain but, I think it was rather difficult for her to say goodbye. She was like that back in Academy. She loved this ship and the crew and well... Its at times hard to say goodbye." Elijah replied.

Stef nodded in understanding. "That I do know only too well," he answered in regards to the saying goodbye being hard. "Especially if someone is gone for good," he added, somewhat sadly as he looked sideways at his son. "I had to when I left Mardra, knowing that it is unlikely I will ever see the friends I made there ever again. I will never be able to visit my wife's grave again, or that of his sister."

Elijah gave a nod. "I am so sorry for your loss, Stef. It's a difficult part of life to lose friends, loved ones." thinking back at the ones he'd lost when his other ship was hurt badly.

"I have lost far more," Stef answered quietly, "but I have gained too. I was considered to not have any telepathic ability and neither did my twin sister. To each other yes but otherwise we had nothing, until she was killed while on assignment when I was eighteen, in your time approximately two years ago, for me almost seven years ago. My telepathic ability was suddenly unleashed upon me and I had no idea how to act. While on Mardra, I learned how. With the help of friends, and my wife. Her loss nearly crushed me, if not for the presence of my son, and a woman I consider to be as close as a sister. I know I am not alone, and I cope as best as I can."

He nodded towards the playing children. "For him. I have no contact with my parents since I chose to try and embrace my emotions, as that suited me better than complete control."

Elijah nodded, "I believe that people need to embrace what will make them whom they are, without any so called preconception. Works better for everyone if they did so. I am sorry for your loss as well." he looked over towards where the two boys were talking. "It looks like the two of them are getting along."

Matthew looked at Alecx, "What's your favorite animal and want to be friends?"

"Yes!" the toddler answered, "how old are you? I'm two!" he held up two fingers, offering a huge smile. "And I help daddy take care of his chickens, and I help with other animals too. But I love the chickens. You?"

"I'm three!" Holding out three fingers almost losing the chicken that was in his arms. "My sister is three, she's my twin. I like chickens too. They are so fluffy and feathery." he giggles. "And the feather tickles."

Alecx nodded, then gave his father a thoughtful sideways glance. "Daddy said I'm a twin too, and he's one too. He said I had a sister, but I don't remember a sister. I have seen a photo dad has where there's me and another baby." He scrunched up his little face. "I don't know where she is."

Stef listened to the conversation and sighed softly. "His sister died when they were only a few months old," he said, shaking his head. "As he is half a twin I am certain he will have some memories, being half Vulcan."

"I am sorry Stef for his loss as well, but if my kids have their way, I am thinking that Alecx is going to be adopted by my two kids." then looked at Priscilla who was just finishing feeding the baby rabbit.

The little blonde girl looked over at Alecx she had been listening to the conversation the two adults were having, then looked at Stef. "Would you be willing to share? I don't mind adopting another brother."

Stef blinked at the child's question, the very idea somewhat alien to him. Despite the fact that Razmi had pretty much treated him as a younger brother while he'd been stranded, and his feelings for her had been akin to his feelings towards his deceased twin. "I do not mind you being friends, but siblings is an impossibility as your father is married, and I am still alive."

"Okay, that sounds good to me. Friends is good to." Priscilla responded with a happy smile. "Here you are, baby bunny all fed. I'm going to go see if Alecx needs some help and I want to go pet the chicken too." gently handing the baby bunny to Stef.

Elijah hid a smile during the conversation between Priscilla and Stef. When the little girl went to go pet the chicken, he said quietly, "Stef you did a wonderful job there."

"I am not certain what you refer to sir, what did I do?" The young Vulcan genuinely looked confused at what he assumed was intended as a compliment.

"Your explanation to my daughter was really good. I appreciate that." Elijah responded.

"I see.. I told her the truth sir. I welcome Alecx making friends, but he does have family, and I have no intention of bonding him when he turns seven." He offered a small smile. "I am only trying to look out for him, he is all the blood family I have left, as my parents no longer talk to me. They do not wish to know my son, they do not wish to hear of my late wife. I do not wish to see him hurt." Perhaps he misunderstood, but he was genuinely only trying to be a good father.

Elijah blinked, "Bonding at seven?" his mind flashing over the things he'd learned of Vulcans. Then it hit him. "Oh.. OH! Don't worry they will be just friends and I hadn't even thought of that possibility. Thank you for that information. What you just told me, definitely makes me realize that I do need a yeoman. "

"Alecx is half Vulcan," Stef pointed out, "that I do not follow tradition does not mean he is not required to learn about it so that, when he is of age, he can make his own choice. For now however I intend to allow him to be a child and explore both his heritages even if his other half is a culture he may never get to explore." He gave a quiet nod. "Though my duties as your yeoman mostly entail keeping your schedule."

"And you are a good father, Stef. And I really appreciate what you have done." smiling.

"Thank you." Stef idly petted the baby bunny before returning it down into the grass. It paused, then ran off towards where it knew its mother to be. "I do appreciate all the help that is offered, there are people watching him, when I am on duty. Unless my duties are here, then he stays with me." he nodded towards the tent that was set up close by. "We often stay here for the night." Where it was quiet, so he could actually try and clear his mind.

"It is a lovely place, and it is a good plan too." Elijah remarked, gazing around the area. "It looks like the children will be having fun together." nodding towards the three.

Stef nodded. "I feel more at ease here, at night, than I am in my own quarters. It is very serene." He watched the children frolick together for a moment. "It will be good for Alecx to have friends his own age," he finally added.

"And it will be good for my children as well. " contemplating things in his mind, and gaining peace watching the interaction of the trio. Feeling that the hour was getting late, he rose to his feet, "I do believe it is time for me to get my children ready for bed. I was a pleasure meeting you." he said to Stef.

"They are welcome to camp at any time," the young Vulcan offered, though he cast the man an apologetic smile. Who was he to offer the captain of all people permission to camp in a place on his ship anyway?

Elijah looked at the gentle man that was his yeoman. "I may take you up on that, them coming to come join you camping here." he mused. "I appreciate the willingness you have to invite my children. Hopefully when the time comes they will behave for you. However, I feel that I can trust you with them." giving an affirming nod. He turned towards his kids. "Children say good night to Alecx, its time to go to bed."

Looking at their father, Priscilla and Matthew groaned slightly , they were having fun with their new found friend.

"Come on, your mother is waiting to tuck you in for the evening." Elijah smiling down at them.

With a sigh Priscilla reached out and gave Alecx a hug. "Well goodbye for now. We'll play together again!" then goes over and takes her daddy's hand.

Matthew though instead put out his hand to give Alecx's hand a shake. " I'll see you later."

"Bye.." the young child answered sadly. "Daddy can't they sleep with us in the tent tonight? Please?"

Stef sighed softly. "I am not certain that is the captain's intent, or their mother's." He looked up at Elijah, question in his eyes. "Can they?"

Elijah looked at all of them, noticing the pleading expression in his own children's eyes and also Stef's boy's eyes as well. "I will talk to your mother first. I do think it will be okay but, I have to check."

Stepping away for a moment, and contacting her. A few moments passed, while Matthew and Priscilla anxiously watched, then he came back. "It is alright with your mother. " he then looked at Stef, "I am agreeable with it." he stated, with a smile.

Alecx squealed in delight, pumping a small fist up in the air. "Can they sleep in the tent with us dad?"

Stef frowned briefly, then nodded. "I will sleep outside," he said, then looked to Elijah. "To keep watch."

Elijah gave a nod. "Very well." he gave a kiss on on each of his kids head, then gave Priscilla a hug at her request. "have fun." he responded, smiing. He looked at Stef. "You do have my trust." with that last part he went to leave the Aroboretum, stopping to look back at the excited children. He did trust Stef, there was just something about that young man he liked. And maybe it had to do with how well he took care of his own boy.

Stef nodded in return. "Good night captain," was all he said before starting to usher the three children towards the tent that was set up nearby.


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