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About a Dragon

Posted on Wed Jan 29th, 2025 @ 10:22pm by Captain Elijah Rutherford & Lieutenant JG T'seng & Lieutenant Commander T'Par & Lieutenant S'vor

Mission: A Dragon named Guardian
Location: Cargo bay 8
Timeline: MD 01 1300
1550 words - 3.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Drumming his fingers against the top of his desk, Elijah was poindering as to the status of his ship. It was all in working order, and yet there needed to be some connections made for his people to work together. Giving a decisive sigh, he rose from his chair tapping on his commbadge. =^=Commander T'Par and Lieutenant S'vor please meet me at Cargo Bay 8. =^= after sending that message, Elijah headed to Cargo Bay 8 for their arrival.

Upon receiving the Captain's call, S'vor tapped his commbadge in response. =^=Acknowledged, Captain. I will proceed to Cargo Bay 8 immediately.=^=

He swiftly rose from his station, his movements precise and purposeful. Making his way through the corridors of the ship, S'vor maintained his usual calm demeanor, mentally preparing for the meeting. Whatever the Captain wished to discuss, it was his duty to ensure the safety and efficiency of the ship's operations.

S'vor arrived at Cargo Bay 8 promptly, nodding respectfully to the Captain upon his arrival. "Captain, reporting as requested."

T'Par arrived only a moment later, coming to a stop as she approached the captain. She clasped her hands behind her back and stood attentively. "Captain, you asked to see me."

"Yes I did, I wanted to introduce Lieutenant S'vor to Guardian. With you having been the one who had been there when he was discovered on Adna Station, I felt it appropriate for you to be a part of the meeting." he looked from T'Par towards S'vor. "Let us step inside." the door to the Cargo bay opening.

Guardian the large metallic dragon lifted his head up, turning towards the sound of someone entering his current lair. Steam could be seen coming from his nostrils, his rumbling voice could be heard.

"Ahh greetings T'Par and Elijah is everything well? Is T'seng well?" His great eyes blinking as they focused on his visitors.

Elijah spoke up, "She is well, it seems she has found family. Would you like to see her?"

A nod from the large metallic head of Guardian. "Yes, I have not seen her as of late. I do miss her."

"Very well I will send for her." tapping on his combadge Elijah sent word for T'seng to join him, S'vor and Tara in Cargo Bay 8.

A short time later the cargo bay door opened with a hiss and a woman with golden hair, with a willowy frame stepped in. Her eyes of dark green, looked towards S'vor and Tara, to Captain Rutherford. "You wished to see me sir?"

Before Elijah could answer Guardian rumbled, "Oh T'seng you have arrived, I have missed you."

T'Seng gave out a laugh. "I have missed you as well, I am sorry I haven't come to see you in a bit. My aunt had arrived and I have been visiting with her. I have family Guardian, I am not alone!" going up to wrap her arms around his neck and giving him an embrace.

"It gives me great happiness that you have found family." his voice going into a purr like that of a large kitten.

S'vor observed the scene with a characteristic Vulcan calm, taking in the dynamic between T'Seng and the massive metallic creature, Guardian. His analytical mind processed the interaction, recognizing the clear bond of familiarity and trust between the two, despite Guardian's intimidating form.

"Fascinating," S'vor said softly, his gaze shifting to Captain Rutherford and Commander T'Par. "It is evident that Guardian possesses a high level of emotional awareness, particularly toward Lieutenant T'Seng. Such a connection could prove advantageous in maintaining his cooperation and ensuring the safety of the crew. I will ensure our security protocols accommodate these interactions while maintaining vigilance."

S'vor glanced back at Guardian, his tone measured and respectful. "Guardian, I am Lieutenant S'vor, the Chief of Security. It is my duty to ensure the safety of all aboard the Majestic, yourself included. Should you have any concerns or require assistance, you may contact me through Captain Rutherford or Commander T'Par."

He then turned his attention to the captain. "Captain, are there any additional security measures you would recommend for Guardian's continued residency within the cargo bay, or do you feel the current protocols are sufficient?"

"The security protocols are sufficient, and Guardian hasn't given us any trouble at all since we have had him here." Elijah turning to look at S'vor.

Guardian turned his large head towards S'vor. "There is no need to be troubled, I will not be attempting to make my way into the ship itself. Wouldn't be comfortable for me to try to do so, as I am a tad bit too large to do so. " the dragon giving a laugh, puffs of steam emanating from his nostrils as he did so .

"We appreciate that, Guardian," T'Par said.

T'Seng gave a quick smile at the exchange. "Guardian has been protecting me when I was unable to do so, I guess you might say we've got a little bit of a connection. Now though, I think that he needs to find where he has come from. At some point of time, we all need to look to where we have originated. My origins had been a mystery but now the veil of mystery is being pulled away."

"Indeed I do wish that to happen, there is that age old question of, who am I, where do I come from? Are there more like me? And who were my creator?" Guardian mused.

"We all ask that, in our way," T'Par noted. "The answers are rarely as satisfactory as one might wish."

"At the very least I will have some answers" Guardian responded.

Elijah was listening intently, also finding it interesting at the connection that T'seng had with Guardian. "Now though we are hunting down clues as to finding your creators." the Captain uttered.

"There might be some information upon Adna Station that could have records as to when I was brought there." Guardian offered.

"That station has been put into a quarantine, and ships are not being allowed to dock there.

"I see." Guardian lowering his head, having the air of dejection.

S'vor stood quietly, observing the exchange between T'Seng and Guardian with his usual impassive demeanor. The connection between the two was fascinating, and the Vulcan’s analytical mind couldn’t help but note the clear emotional depth beneath Guardian’s metallic exterior. As the discussion continued, he remained attentive, his posture respectful but reserved.

When Guardian expressed his interest in learning more about his origins, S'vor spoke up. "It is natural for any sentient being, organic or synthetic, to seek understanding of their creation. If you are indeed searching for your origins, it is a pursuit that should be approached with caution. There may be unexpected revelations along the way."

"This is very true. Still though I want to find where I am from and why I ended up on Adna station in pieces."

"I am glad that you were there, as we were able to converse after you were put together, and linked to that ancient stasis chamber. It saved my life, and my mind."T'Seng remarked.

"Is there anything that I wll we can do for you Guardian?" Elijah having a contemplating look in his eyes.

Guardian shook his head, "I am well, I am patient. I will await for news of what you find." a small puff of stteam as he breathhed out.

"Anything any of you would like to ask him or comment about or information that may have come to your mind." Elijah feeling curious.

"Not that I have not already shared," T'Par noted. "I believe our next steps lie out there. We need more direct sources of information, sir."

Elijah was looking at Guardian musingly then his eyes widened. He quickly turned towards T'Par "Commander T'Par, we do have the starting point as to where this hunt for Guardian's origins begins. You had told me this early on, and we had spoken to Lieutenant Molaur of the USS Artemis. Looks like we'll be going to Earth to begin the search."

Both T'seng and Guardian turned their heads towards Elijah, Guardian's head lifiting up from his paw where he had set it.

"That would be the logical next step," T'Par agreed. Then she looked at Guardian, thinking. "Guardian, are you certain that has always been your name?"

"That has been the name I have answered to, since I had been put together on Adna Station. If there is another name, it is something i hadn't even thought about delving into."

"It is Rystix, that is his name." T'seng responded. "That is the echo of his name that was almost lost."

"Rystix...I feel the echo of the truth from deep in my memories Though I do prefer the name Guardian." Rystix giving out a slight draconic chuckle.

"Guardian Rystix?" T'Par tried, using it as a title.

"I do like that." Guardian responded. " However, do call me Rystix as you are my friends"

Elijah raised an eyebrow at this then smiled. "It is a pleasure to meet you Rystix"

"Captain would you keep me informed as to the progress for finding where I am from?" Rystix turning his attention to the Captain.

"I will indeed." Elijah responded. He turned towards S'vor and T'Par. "As for now I will take my leave."



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