In The Service Of Others
Posted on Fri Sep 4th, 2020 @ 2:10am by Lieutenant Commander Dominic Aldrich & Commodore Jane Saulitis & Lieutenant Commander Angus Murphy & Lieutenant Commander T'Par & Lieutenant Lily Marlow & Lieutenant Orin Sempton
End of Line
Timeline: MD 01
3058 words - 6.1 OF Standard Post Measure
"Captain, we're approaching the station now," Ensign Murdock's voice rang out with it's thick accent. Of course she didn't really have an accent it was just the translator interpreting her voice as it would sound in Earth Standard.
"Thank you Ensign, hail them please." Jane stood up and straightened her uniform. Just because they were a station of holograms didn't mean she didn't have to be polite. "Starbase Adna, this is the USS Majestic requesting permission to dock."
Murphy stood at the engineering station, though his eyes were forward on the front viewscreen. Though they weren't likely to get much behind-the-scenes peeks into the station's internal operations, he was genuinely curious about the engineering behind it and the people who had created it. He was definitely looking forward to seeing how the station operated and performed as a crew respite.
From the security station, Lhaes glanced back and forth between the viewscreen and his console. "Defense systems are powered down captain, I'm not detecting any kind of alert status. We should be able to dock, I'm not reading any other vessels so all berths should be vacant."
"I have a hail from the station." Vannan spoke in turn. "The automatics have assigned us a berth..." Her fingers moved over the OPS console smoothly. "Giving the flight plan to helm." She looked up. "The Flight Control Officer relays a welcome to us from the station Commander ma'am."
On the viewscreen, a Bolian appeared grinning from ear to ear; he threw his hands wide open and somehow his grin became even wider. In a deeply enthused, exceedingly happy voice he exclaimed - "Welcome to Starbase Adna! I am so pleased to meet you; I am your host Shabol, please dock at extending-port!". The Bolian man disappeared from the viewscreen as quickly as he had appeared, as the station extended a docking arm...
Jane opened her mouth to reply but the screen went blank as the docking sequence started. "Well . . . they're efficient." She replied. "And a bit over enthusiastic. "Give me a com to the whole ship please," she spoke to Vannan.
"Opening channel." Vannan pressed a simple button projected on her screen. "And you are on live Sir." She said and released the pause allowing his voice to resonate.
"Attention crew. We've arrived at Starbase Adna. The Majestic only needs a skeleton crew to run while we're docked here. All hands that can be spared are hereby granted shoreleave. Please check with your department heads and otherwise . . enjoy your time."
Waiting for the captain to finish her address, Commander Hanover peered at the station depicted on the viewscreen, rubbing his beard in thought when he noticed that she was casting a curious glance towards him. "That entire thing seemed... ah, nevermind. Pay no attention to the old man full of superstition and lots of old ghost stories," Jared cracked a grin. "What do you think, captain? Up to any trouble? Shall we get into another bout of vigilantism like we did at the last station?"
"And suspicion," Jane joked. "I don't have a crystal ball but other starships have enjoyed their time here." She gave a shrug. "I guess we stick one toe in the water and see how warm the temperature is? How long since you kicked back and left your worries light years behind?"
"What are you talking about? I'm at my most relaxed when navigating unfathomable temporal anomalies with our crew, nothing more relaxing," the executive officer said in jest. "On a serious note, it will be good for everyone, including the ship, to refuel and recharge before we move onto whatever Command has for us next. It wouldn't be too much to ask to get a softball lobbed our way every once in a while, would it?" However, before anyone could answer Commander Hanover's rhetorical, the conversation on the bridge shifted to the ship's Chief Medical Officer.
During the excitement of approaching the station, Lily had slipped onto the bridge standing in an out of the way place, to observe and watch. She didn't want to interrupt things as they went about their duties. She found it fascinating at the thought of shoreleave on an station, run by holograms. How would that work? Definitely something she would like to investigate.
"Fascinating, shoreleave on a station run by holograms. That would be an adventure, and maybe even relaxing. There are crew members that will need it." Lily stated with a smile, calling attention to her presence on the bridge.
"Aye, Lieutenant Marlow, the crew have earned it, and for you, there's no better way to start a posting than with shoreleave, right?" Hanover grinned at the doctor.
"Definitely not something I would have expected." Lily responded. "Probably would do me some good as well." giving a nod. "I plan on finding out just what sort of amenities the station offers. "
Hanover's response was interrupted by a near imperceptible shudder as the docking clamps grabbed a hold of one of the starbase's boarding ports. From her seat at the helm, Lieutenant Sullivan performed a lazy spin in her chair after shutting off the maneuvering thrusters and completing the docking procedure.
"Wasn't my best, but it'll do," the helmswoman announced with a scrunched expression creasing her features. "Excellent flight planning, Ops, top notch work as always Lieutenant Vannan. Helm reads all stop, captain. This lieutenant is requesting permission to disembark for shore leave," Sullivan extended her arm above her head and pointed at herself.
Jane couldn't help but smile a little bit at that. "Granted Lieutenant. Try not to get into too much trouble."
"And on that note, I need to attend to approving staff members to have shore leave as well. I'll get that sorted out, and then I can plan for my turn on the star base." Lily stated, "I'll see you on the station" with a wave, she left the bridge.
[Tadez quarters]
He had done his time during the Diplomatic SIde of the mission, smiling and being so polite while keep aprised of things. He had stayed in the background; mostly doing study of the planetary system of govenment and how things had added up.
Now things were not so hectic, this is a Station to relax. He had hopes of things to do but his plans were tentative, Razmi was not fully aware of him any longer. That shaking up had jarred her memory in a way; taken it actually, and now Tadez wondered if things were to work out? His first inclination had been to get a place on station for them; two a joining cabins, he had communicated ahead to make arrangements but wondered if it were to be?
"Tadez to Razmi." He used the comm badge. "Could I meet with you as I have some time for recreation and would like to share your company if you would?"
"Sure," Razmi replied after she'd touched the panel. "Do you want to meet in the transporter room before we beam down?"
"I will see you there in a few minutes then." Tadez felt some relief that she agreed. "How are you feeling, better I hope?"
"Umm . . . I'm feeling healed." Razmi answered but she didn't elaborate before she cut the channel and headed in that direction.
Herbert Barr packed his belongings. His assignment hadn’t really gone to plan. Falling in love with the Princess you’re meant to be looking after wasn’t in the mission brief but it happened.
He hadn’t seen the ships command staff since the mission had ended, that was partly his doing by keeping himself to himself. Staying in his quarters and only venturing out for some exercise in the early hours when the ship was at its quietest.
Bert found it odd that he hadn’t heard anything from Starfleet. He wasn’t sure whether to take it as a good sign or not, but not knowing where he was going next left him feeling frustrated. Perhaps it was time to hang up his Starfleet uniform and find a new career. This one had gone from bad to worse in recent years and falling for a Princess probably topped the lot. Perhaps leaving before he was dishonourably discharged would look marginally better. But where would he go? What would he do?
He always fancied retraining to be something else, maybe a Counselor or a teacher? Nah, with his record he doubted he’d get any work.
Barr continued to muse while he finished packing up his belongings, there honestly wasn’t much to pack and before he knew it he was done. There was still time before the Majestic arrived at her destination. Perhaps it was time to pen that letter of resignation and be done with Starfleet once and for all...
The chime rang to interrupt his musings. Wringing her hands together, Leyana took a small step back so not to be right in his face when he opened the door. She had a decision to make, and she needed help.
Bert frowned at the unexpected door chime. “Come in?” He said stepping out of his bedroom to greet the unexpected visitor.
As soon as the door opened, Leyana flew inside, wrapping her arms around Herbert's neck as she burst into tears. "I need your help," she sobbed, "I can't go home, I've nowhere to go..."
Barr was obviously surprised to see Leyana as he thought she’d already left but was most certainly glad to see her. “My dear, what’s wrong? Why can’t you go home?”
"Because I didn't marry the emperor, and he voided the contract I now have no home," the young woman sobbed into his shoulder, "I'm exiled, I have nothing now, no home, no family nothing. And I don't know what to do."
“You have me.” Bert replied as he held her close. “I’m not sure what the future holds for me as my assignment here is finished but we can sort something out, I promise.”
"You do?" She looked up at him, tears making tracks down her face, eyes big with worry and fear. 'I have nothing to give you. I don't even have a title anymore, they stripped me of everything. I literally have nothing."
“You have me. I have you. That’s all that matters at the moment. We’ll figure it out as we go. I promise.”
T'Par was still analyzing quantum mechanical data from the anomaly which had trapped Majestic when the ship approached the station. While it had been some time since Majestic escaped that obstacle, there was still further analysis to be performed and Lieutenant Commander Aldrich had assigned it to her. It was difficult but fascinating work. While she was aware that the ship had arrived, she did not immediately cease. She was not sure if she would be visiting the station. For Vulcans, to rest was to rest, to cease using energy and allow the body to restore itself. While she knew there would be others who would want her to go, she did not always appreciate the tendency of emotional species to think of her as someone who needed to break out of her shell or appreciate the more emotional pleasures in life. at the same time, however, she was curious about other cultures, other ways of experiencing the world. Perhaps this was something it would be wise to experience. She was still undecided as she rose from her console to leave the science department and return to her quarters.
"T'Par, wait for me!" Lieutenant Sullivan called out from a few meters away as they both made their way towards the turbolift. Lilith practically skipped across the deck plating; her stride was so light that it was unclear whether or not she was actually contacting the ground. "Whew! Thanks for waiting. I know the bridge has priority in the turbolift system, but sometimes it seems like it takes forever for the next car to arrive. Got any plans for leave?"
T'Par stopped as the turbolift door opened and waited for Lilith to join her. "Of course, Lieutenant," she said as the other woman skipped lightly her way. T'Par interpreted it as a sign of a cheerful mood, although emotions could be confusing at times. "It was no difficulty," T'Par said with a small nod as Lilith expressed her thanks. "I intended to explore the station. The concept is an intriguing one. A station fully run by holograms."
"I'm really excited! I've never really dealt with holograms for an extended period of time outside of a standardized educational setting or the holodeck. Should be interesting, although I gotta say, something about getting a massage from a projection of light just seems. . . odd," Sullivan shrugged as the turbolift doors closed. "Where to? I'm gonna swing by my quarters before heading over, did you want to go in a group? You're more than welcome to join us."
"It's not merely light. Magnetic fields create the illusion of solidity," T'Par pointed out unhelpfully. "I have found Vulcan neuropressure techniques from holograms to be generally ineffective." Then she nodded to Sullivan's invitation. "Thank you. I think that I will join you. It will be opportunity."
"Awesome! Assuming that Commander Murphy hasn't finally given in and entered a monogamous relationship with the port airlock, I'll meet you there in an hour. Then we can go exploring. See you in a bit," Lieutenant Sullivan called out over her shoulder as she disembarked the turbolift.
"I'll see you them," T'Par said as she left.
Orin's hand went to the back of his head and slowly rubbed. While modern medical technology was able to heal ones self without leaving a scar, the psychological aftereffects were always present. He swore up and down the area he'd split open during his tumble was still tender even after all this time.
Shore leave He thought. Still feels like I just got here. His eyes fell upon the chest containing his armor and slowly, he rubbed his chin. Maybe it was time to get some exercise in. Something big like Zama or Alesia? Or maybe something smaller like Stamford Bridge? I can figure that part out later.
[Transporter Room One]
Tadez had a small satchel with him; just a few things for a jaunt, he wore casual slacks and a cotten shirt with a missionary collar, it was comfortable as he waited for Razmi; he wondered if the Razzi he had come to know might be in there somewhere or if he would always just be Tadez to her? Memory loss is so hard to predect; fickle by nature and likely to be of an unknown accord.
She slipped through the door, hating the sound they made when they opened, a hissing distracting and almost frightening sound to her. She smiled when she saw Tadez. "Hi, am I late?"
"Never is a lady Late." Tadez smiled. "Shall we?" He gestgure to the Transporter.
Razmi chuckled but nodded as she bit her bottom lip a little bit. "We shall."
[Lily's Quarters]
"Shore leave on a station run by holo-people. I wonder if they have sentience. " Lily commented as she prepped some things to take on the station. "Wonder if I could get a massage there, wonder if I can offer my holo-program to them for a massage... Nah maybe not. I can use it here on the ship." she shrugged at her own thoughts. "I'll take it anyway.I have no clue on what to take. I'll just pack light with servicable clothing, something nice in case i go out to dinner." all this she mused whilst packing her bag.
=^= Vannan to Marlow.=^= The OPs Girl's voice came over. =^= I heard they have a place with the best fruit pies in this sector. I was thinking of checking it out and wonder if you wanted to come along new Girl, DInner and pie on me?=^=
=^="Sounds great to me! I'm almost ready! Where do you want to meet?.=^=
=^= Closest Docking tube to your Quarters.=^= One could hear Vannan smiling. =^= Come on Girl my Friend we have fun to be had.=^=
=^=Be there soon!"=^=
[Diplomatic Offices]
Cassie barely raised her head, so absorbed she was in her work. As was her usual when she was attempting to solve a dilemma, she was sat on the floor, surrounded by PADDs and screens detail various information.
She heard the door being opened and her name being called, but she didn't acknowledge it either. "Cassie. We're at the station," she heard Jennifer say. "Shoreleave!"
Cassie nodded and waved her away. "Go. Have fun. I'll be there shortly," she said in such a way that her assistant would never believe her but would nonetheless leave her be.
Dominic placed his bag by the door. He had reserved a room off of the ship to try to give Zeria a little bit of her old life back for just a little while. It was a room that overlooked the largest of the gardens on the station. He could already see her in his mind's eye sitting on the open-air balcony in the morning and taking in the scents of the flowers down below. A smile came across his lips.
He picked up his coffee cup, took the last sip and set back into the replicator before saying, "Computer, lights off." The room went dark. He picked up his bag, opened the door, and was greeted by the most radiant smile he'd ever seen. He returned the smile and asked, "Ready, Beautiful?"
"I have been ready for hours. I nearly hit my head on the door frame bouncing up and down with excitement. Gardens, they have actual real gardens! I know we have an arboretum but this feels different. I don't know why. And we can just sit and not do anything or run all over the station and do whatever we want. We sooooo could use this time together!"
Dominic put his hand on her cheek, smiled, kissed her forehead and replied, "Agreed, my love. It has been far too long since we could just focus on us. I promise, I am yours for the duration." He picked up his bag and said, "Let's do this."