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Space Jam

Posted on Thu Dec 26th, 2024 @ 10:48pm by Captain Elijah Rutherford & Lieutenant JG Camelia Zamfir & Commander Craig Braxton & Lieutenant Commander Dominic Aldrich & Lieutenant Commander Angus Murphy & Lieutenant Commander T'Par & Lieutenant S'vor & Lieutenant JG Tara Marsh & Lieutenant JG Johnathan "Jack" MacGyver & Lieutenant JG Vanya Karolyi

Mission: A Day In The Life
Location: Lounge
2973 words - 5.9 OF Standard Post Measure


Vanya was taken by the idea of a jam night in the lounge. She loved to play the violin, viola, or cello and wanted to find others to play with, if possible. The best way to do that was to set up a jam session for anyone not on shift. If this went well, she might try to set one up for another shift.

The Majestic had an announcement list for special events and parties, so she cleared her idea with the lounge manager, then put up an announcement, giving people several days’ notice. If nothing else, she hoped Camelia and her boss would show up. But if not, she'd play alone.

She dressed in black leather pants and a black sleeveless blouse, selected one of her less-expensive violins and her fiddle and then headed for the lounge.

Lieutenant Commander Murphy was already in the lounge, somewhat ahead of schedule, and seated at a keyboard, his fingers flowing smoothly over the ivory keys as a simple, yet emotional melody filled the room with gentle dynamics and a soft harmony. He was a bit out of practice and didn't quite know what to expect from the session, but he thought he'd step out of his comfort zone a bit and try interacting with people rather than machinery and electronics for a change. His counselor would be proud.

Vanya went over to him and smiled. "Hi. Thanks for coming. I'm glad we have a pianist. What sort of music do you like to play?"

"I... don't really play much of anything anymore," Murph admitted, rubbing his hands together. "My mother insisted on lessons growing up and I eventually realized it wasn't torture, but after the academy I just haven't had the time to practice regularly."

His eyes drifted to her instrument, "Violin," he noted with a matching expression of upturned brows that indicated he was impressed. "That takes some real talent." He paused a moment and cleared his throat. "I don't know that we've met. "Angus Murphy. Everyone just calls me Murph."

"Hi. I'm Vanya. Vanya Karolyi. I do a lot of research, so the violin is a nice break when I'm waiting for the computer to compile data. Nice to meet you."

Craig stopped in front of the lounge and closed his eyes and focused on what was at hand and put on his game face, His visage shifted to a stern and strict appearance and walked in the door of the lounge. From head to toe he looked the part of a strict executive officer. His uniform freshly pressed, his collar starched and a mirror shine on his boots. " I am Commander Braxton. " He said holding up a PaDD above his head. " Who is in charge of this jam event on the calendar, Identify please. " He said as he looked about the room.

Vanya turned to the new arrival. "That would be me, sir." She added the sir out of politeness as she examined his expression. Plus, it tended to calm grumpy officers. "Care to join us?"

Craig looked down at his PaDD. Let's see, everything seems to be in proper order and cleared with the bar manager. The only point I need clarified on" He looked up from his PaDD with a grin. " Is do you need a saxophone player? " He asked with a warm smile.

"Absolutely," she replied, grinning back.

Camelia arrived to the lounge carrying her violin, a huge smile when she saw Vanya. "Hi there. Oh, excuse me sir." catching sight of the new XO. Yes, she knew he had arrived; it was something she didn't miss.

"Looks like we've got a gathering happening." walking up to Vanya and giving her a little nudge with her shoulder.

Vanya nodded. Might as well get their attention right off so the others would feel more comfortable. She'd tuned both her instruments before leaving her quarters, so she only needed a quick check to be sure her strings were still set right, then began to play a segment from Joseph Haydn's Violin Concerto No. 1 in C Major. It was a playful piece that should get most people listening.

Tara had heard that there was a jam session. She, herself, was not a musician. In fact, the last time that she played an instrument was grade school when she had to play the clarinet. She was not particularly good at it then, nor did she care for it. She always had too much energy and wanted to expend it. However, being newer on the ship, she thought it was a good idea to get to know her crewmates. After all, as the Assistant Chief Security and Tactical Officer, it was important to get to know everyone. After all, someone could be taken over by some horrible alien monster and only her keen observations might be the difference between life and death for the ship. Therefore, she entered the room in her workout clothes, waved at everyone as she walked in, and said, "Hi, everyone!"

Vanya finished, then paused to allow a moment of silence--or as silent as the lounge ever got. Then she turned to the others. "Who's next?"

Her gaze went to Murph. "Do you want to go next? You can do a solo, or start something and we'll join in."

"Oh," Murph was caught off-guard by the suggestion and not entirely comfortable leading off. "Uh. I can try," he said as his face flushed with warmth. He stared at the keys for a second, lining his fingers up and taking a breath before laying down a slow 1-4-5 chord in C, but quickly adjusted from quarter notes to eighth notes, making the instrument sound a little bouncier. He glanced up to Vanya and gave her a nod to join in.

Vanya listened carefully, then began to weave a melody around what he was playing and adding a bit of jazz to the mix. She looked at Camelia, inviting her to join in as well.

Craig broke into a wide grin. " Hot Damn, Jazz, now that's what we’re talking about. " He slung his strap over his shoulder and listened to the tune and joined in.

T'Par entered. Her expression was as serene as always, almost, but there was something intent about her gaze as she surveyed those playing. She did not interrupt. There would be time to converse later, if that were looked for. Instead, she took a seat where she could listen.

As more musicians joined in, the jazz would take on subtle nuances as one and then another player took the lead or moved to a supporting role. Finally, the piece came to an end. "That was great," Vanya said. "Anyone want to step up for a solo before we move into another jam?"

Camelia had added her own part to the first part of the session then paused when she heard someone call out, hello and looked to where it came from. "Hi there" to Tara, "Are you going to join in? I've not met you yet but, aren't you going to get involved in the jam session?"

Just at that moment, Captain Rutherford arrived, with his wife, Jasmine who smiled at those there. The kids were being watched by a sitter. He was carrying a guitar with him. "Hey, just caught the music through the doors. Sounded pretty dang good."

Tara noticed that Vanya was looking at her. Did the woman think that she could sing? She laughed awkwardly and said, "Oh, I am just here to watch. I never knew we had so many talented people. I can't play or sing, well, that is unless you think singing like a sick bird is attractive."

"Good enough. It's always more fun to have an audience," Vanya replied, smiling.

Lily made her appearance, "Hello there." taking a seat to be part of the audience.

Tara sidled up to Lily and said, "Hello. How are you?"

"I am doing well; I am enjoying the jam session. It's pretty fun to see the hidden talents that people have." Lily gave Tara a bit of a smile as she spoke.

"I fully agree. I also like getting to know the rest of the people I'm to protect. The more that I know, the more I can protect everyone. After all, what if some alien takes over their brain or forces them to do something? The smallest clue could help me save them or the ship.

"Oh, heaven forbid that happening, an alien taking over someone's mind." Lily gave a bit of a shudder at that very thought. "Would be a bit of a catastrophe. Especially with that..." She leaned in close to Tara's ear, "The blue gills which almost destroyed Starfleet. That nasty awful worm."

"And that's why I watch," Tara replied seriously. "My job is to serve and protect. I take it very seriously."

Lily gave a nod, "Then all will be well with the ship." Smiling, she watched as others came in.

After the next set, there was a break to allow the player to get a drink and any newcomers to join in.

Vanya used the break to put away her violin and take out her fiddle to change up the second set to do some country music.

During the break Craig left his sax and came back to the pub with both of his children and walked up to Vanya. " During the break my daughter could play if you need a filler, She is quite good at the piano. "

Vanya smiled at the girl. "That would be great. Let's get a second piano. I'd love to hear what you and Murphy can do together." She waved the lounge manager over and made her request. When he left, she turned to the family. "This promises to be really good."

Dominic, who had been so deep in work he'd missed the announcement for the session initially, walked briskly into the lounge, trumpet case in hand. It was out of his norm to put himself on display like this, but given the recent reversion back to Chief Science Officer solely from XO, he felt the need to reingratiate himself with the crew, both new and old. At first when he entered, knowing he was late, he thought maybe the entire thing was behind schedule. He then noticed the varying state of drinks and a stage set that was clearly not in set-up mode. Sighing to himself, he nonetheless walked up to the stage and approached the woman who seemed to be at the center of this event. He waited patiently for the XO to finish his discussion and looked around the room at the audience present.

When the conversation ended, Vanya noticed the man with a trumpet case and smiled. "Hello. Are you here to play?"

Dominic nodded, "Yes. I know I am a little late, but if you have a spot you can squeeze in a guy with a trumpet, that'd be just fine. It's been a while since I really performed in front of an audience, but I figured 'Why not?'."

"Of course." Vanya gave him a cheeky grin. "We'll be starting the next session shortly. In fact, we should start with the two pianists, then add the horns and strings after."

Dominic nodded and grinned, "Sounds good to me. I'll go get myself ready." He then walked over where he saw other horns set up and began to put his trumpet together and, with a mute, did a small warm-up.

Vanya went to Angus and the commander's daughter. "Are you two ready to start out this set?"

Amanda nodded that she was ready. She barely stood over four feet tall. " Yes I am ready to play. My name is Amanda. Who will I be playing with please? "

Vanya pointed to Angus. "That man over there."

Amanda walked over and extended her hand to Angus." Hello, My name is Amanda Braxton, what piece of music would you like us to play? " She asked with the curious tone of a child .

"Well, I'm not used to playing with anyone," Murph said sheepishly. He motioned the score on the PADD. "Take the lead, I'll try to keep up."

Once the two pianists met, Vanya asked them to start the next session with the two of them alone. Then others could join in as they wished. She hoped this would lead to a more fluid style of improvisational music. In the next set, she'd try something else.

Walking into the lounge with Pearl on his arm, Jack was surprised to hear the music being played by the crew. It had been some time since he’d heard a live band perform. “Huh, guess I missed the memo. Shame, I would’ve brought my guitar down.”

Tara heard Jack's complaint and waved Pearl and Jack over to her. "Don't worry," she told them. "I brought nothing either. Of course, I can't play, and I can't sing, so I'm just here to enjoy. Sit, please!"

Pearl took a seat, next to Tara. "I'm newly arrived, I will be in security," she replied, settling back into her chair.

"Oh! Well, that's wonderful! Nice to meet you. I guess that I'm your immediate boss. I'm Tara Marsh, Assistant Chief Security Officer. What is your name? And your companion...?"

"I'm Jack, newly anointed chief of Operations. Again...." Jack said with a sigh of resignation.

"Oops!" Tara replied with a smile and small blush. "I'm still trying to get my footing here. There are a lot of people to learn. I apologize for forgetting you. I'll try not to do that again."

"Don't worry about it, we only arrived recently ourselves. I can understand news of new crew members takes time to spread around a ship." Jack said, giving Pearl a smile before turning back to Tara, "so assistant security chief huh? must be quite the job on this big a ship."

"I'm certain that it will be busy, but that's why I keep in shape. I'll be anywhere in a moment. Granted, I suppose that I could do that with a point to point transport within the ship, but where's the fun with that, right?" She laughed lightly. "Besides, think of all the people that I will get to meet!"

S’vor arrived at the lounge in his usual composed manner, his hands clasped behind his back as he took in the lively scene. Music filled the air, a blend of instruments and voices harmonizing in a spontaneous but captivating jam session. The room buzzed with energy, and though he did not play an instrument himself, S’vor appreciated the crew’s creativity and camaraderie.

Spotting a cluster of security personnel, including Tara and a new face he deduced to be Pearl, S’vor approached. He nodded respectfully to each of them in turn.

"Lieutenant Marsh, Lieutenant...?" he paused, addressing Pearl. "I presume you are newly assigned to Security. Welcome aboard. I am Lieutenant S’vor, Chief of Security. It is my hope you find your tenure here both productive and fulfilling."

Turning his attention briefly to Tara, he added, "This is a commendable opportunity for building morale and rapport among the crew. I trust you are both making the most of the occasion."

"Of course, Chief. That is why I am here," Tara confirmed to S'Vor.

His gaze shifted to the stage as a pair of pianists began their duet. "The diversity of talent aboard the Majestic continues to impress me."

S’vor’s focus returned to the group, his tone thoughtful. "While I do not possess a musical aptitude, I recognize its value in fostering unity and stress relief. If there are matters requiring my attention or participation in another capacity, I am at your disposal."

Elijah noticed that Dominic had arrived and gave him a wave, with one hand while the other arm was around his wife. Both of them just enjoying the activity. "Good to see you" he mouthed towards his Chief Scientist.

Pearl took a moment to acknowledge both S'vor and Tara. "I'll be reporting in to you in the morning." Giving a nod, and a small smile.

Vanya called everyone who had come to play up to the front for a final jam session of the night. She was pleased with the turnout and hoped they could do this on a weekly or monthly basis, depending on how busy they were.

The two piano players were on either side of the temporary stage, facing each other to better see the other musicians. Everyone else was grouped by section. Vanya went over to one side to be with the other strings, leaving space for the brass section. As far as she knew, they had no percussion tonight, but hopefully that would change if this became a regular activity.

Dominic, having assembled and warmed his trumpet looked around the room. He hadn't realized that so many people would be here, but despite his nerves, he readied himself to improvise to whatever song was chosen by the group of ragtag musicians.

Vanya nodded to the two pianists to lead off, letting them build the melodic line before joining in with her fiddle. She nodded to the horns to join in and the harmonies moved from one instrument to another as each of the musicians added their part. The music came to a natural crescendo. Then, one by one, each instrument went silent, leaving only the piano players.

Everyone bowed to the appreciative audience.

It was a good place for Vanya to take her leave. She smiled at the others. "Excellent. Thank you. We'll definitely do this again. But please, if any of you want to keep going, have fun." Then she put her fiddle away and took her two cases with her as she left the lounge.



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