Welcome to the USS Majestic!
The USS Majestic is a Majestic Class starship. She has classic lines, a gem in and of her own right. She's not the fastest, the newest nor the fanciest ship, and if you are looking for something like that you've come to the wrong place. The ship has been around the block a few times, much like the people who fly her. A change of command happened when the previous CO deemed it was time to embrace a new life, a new adventure. Having had a refit, the Majestic has had the chance to prove that she still has what it takes, to explore the universe . While the ship explores the expanding universe, the crew continues to explore the depths of their souls. The Majestic is a friendly group of writers, enjoying the process of creating stories, and delving deep into their characters lives.
![]() Captain Elijah Rutherford Commanding Officer USS Majestic |
![]() Commander Craig Braxton Executive Officer USS Majestic |
![]() Lieutenant Commander Angus Murphy Second Officer USS Majestic |

"Within all of us is a varying amount of space lint and star dust, the residue from our creation. Most are too busy to notice it, and it is stronger in some than others. It is strongest in those of us who fly and is responsible for an unconscious, subtle desire to slip into some wings and try for the elusive boundaries of our origin." — K O Eckland
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Latest News Items
» New Mission/ New Crew Members
Posted on Mon Oct 7th, 2024 @ 9:53pm by Captain Elijah Rutherford in Sim Announcement
I am a little bit behind in putting this out. We have started a new mission, intermingled with getting to know the new crew that has arrived.
The name of the new mission is A Dragon Named Guardian. This idea was presented to me by Lieutenant T'Par Assistant Chief Science Officer. Thank you T'Par.
Looking at those who have joined us, (Some of them being with us already for over two years)
I want to do an official welcome to:
Lieutenant Hadir Prenar our Chief Intelligence Officer:Two Years and Eight Months
Lieutenant JG Vanya Karolyi :Eight Months
Latest Mission Posts
» Do You Want To Meet A Dragon? (Part II)
Mission: A Dragon named Guardian
Posted on Sat Feb 8th, 2025 @ 10:50pm by Lieutenant Lily Marlow & Ensign Koziki Thass & Lieutenant JG Vanya Karolyi
"I am sorry to hear about your loss. As for me, I am from Florence, Oregon, I've got a large family, and I'm the baby of the family. Mom is a Naturopathic doctor, and my dad is a fabulous chef and runs a restaurant. I went to college at my mother Alma mater, along with my best friend Annabelle." her eyes darkened for a moment as she mentioned the name, "I had a boyfriend, for a time, but it didn't work out." she took a sip of her tea before Lily continued. "I graduated then joined Star Fleet. I…
» Do You Want to Meet a Dragon? (Part I)
Mission: A Dragon named Guardian
Posted on Sat Feb 8th, 2025 @ 10:49pm by Lieutenant Lily Marlow & Ensign Koziki Thass & Lieutenant JG Vanya Karolyi
When the briefing was over, and people were exiting the room, Lily went to catch up to Vanya.
"Hello there, welcome to the Majestic. As what was stated, I'm Lily, and I am the ACMO." Lily gave an inner wince at what she felt, was a slightly awkward introduction.
"Thank you." She smiled at Lily. "I'm Vanya. I'm an archivist and data analyst. Nice to meet you." She was curious. Did Lily really want to welcome her, or did she have questions? Or perhaps it was the intel officer speaking.
"Do you have time for some tea? I am…
» About a Dragon
Mission: A Dragon named Guardian
Posted on Wed Jan 29th, 2025 @ 10:22pm by Captain Elijah Rutherford & Lieutenant JG T'seng & Lieutenant Commander T'Par & Lieutenant S'vor
Drumming his fingers against the top of his desk, Elijah was poindering as to the status of his ship. It was all in working order, and yet there needed to be some connections made for his people to work together. Giving a decisive sigh, he rose from his chair tapping on his commbadge. =^=Commander T'Par and Lieutenant S'vor please meet me at Cargo Bay 8. =^= after sending that message, Elijah headed to Cargo Bay 8 for their arrival.
Upon receiving the Captain's call, S'vor tapped his commbadge in response. =^=Acknowledged, Captain. I will proceed to Cargo Bay 8 immediately.=^=…
» Glitch in the Stars (Part 1)
Mission: A Day In The Life
Posted on Wed Jan 22nd, 2025 @ 3:29pm by Lieutenant Commander Angus Murphy & Captain Elijah Rutherford
Deep within the heart of an uncharted jungle, where the dense canopy allowed only fragmented beams of sunlight to filter through, stood an ancient temple. This forgotten edifice, shrouded in mystery and enigma, was a relic of a bygone era. The jungle's lush greenery claimed much of the structure, with thick vines and creeping vegetation entwining the temple's weathered stones. The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and the constant symphony of the jungle: the calls of exotic birds, the rustle of unseen creatures, and the distant roar of a waterfall.
The temple rose from the jungle…
» The Not-So-Defunct Order
Mission: A New Beginning
Posted on Wed Jan 22nd, 2025 @ 8:47am by Lieutenant JG Vanya Karolyi & Lieutenant Hadir Prenar
It took Vanya a week to dig up information on the Obsidian Order. At first, she only found information on the end of the Order and what happened to those who ran it, but as she carefully sifted through data and followed every lead she found, she began to get enticing bits of information indicating that the Order was alive and well--and better at hiding in the shadows than ever.
She archived what she found, then copied what would be of interest to Hadir onto an encrypted PADD and headed for his office.
"Vanya, what brings you to my…
Latest Personal Logs
» Personal Musings
Posted on Tue Jul 30th, 2024 @ 11:01pm by Lieutenant Lily Marlow
"Computer Open up Personal Log of Lieutenant Lily Marlow." Lily ordered taking a seat upon the chair in front of the screen. She sipped at the warm ginger tea which had a touch of honey in it.
"Dear Annabelle." Lily paused then shook her head, then continued. "I don't know if I can truly use this sort of beginning as I had planned early on. You as far as I know, are alive. Hopefully you are. Time can only tell at this point. I had requested Lieutenant Prenar as well as Mother's friend Aisanna to help solve the mystery of…
» The Underdesk world of Orin Sempton
Posted on Sun Mar 12th, 2023 @ 9:26am by Lieutenant Orin Sempton
Computer, begin personal log.
Personal Log, Orin Sempton. Stardate... I have no idea. I could find out, but that would require me exiting the safe haven under my desk, where I am currently hiding like I'm 6 again. Holding my legs, rocking back and forth like I'm afraid my father will burst in and drag me out to another site halfway across the world.
Lily asked me to dinner. A private dinner. I said yes. Why wouldn't I have? She's wonderful and funny and fantastic to talk to. And she probably just wants to talk more of…
» Home again
Posted on Mon May 17th, 2021 @ 5:01pm by Lieutenant S'anra Shalakar
Well, A new day and a new ship. I've met with the new Captain and he seems super nice and very capable, this should be a great assignment. I am looking forward to meeting with the rest of the crew.
I've got this feeling in the back of my mind, but I'm not certain what it means yet. Grandmother E'lsara would say that there is a change coming in my life, if there is I hope it's a good one. By the gods, thinking about this could drive one mad. I'll just let it go for now.
Well my quarters…
» Dear Annabelle
Posted on Sun Sep 13th, 2020 @ 6:09am by Lieutenant Lily Marlow
"First personal log of Lily Vanessa Marlow."Lily paused with a little bit of a sigh."Restart, I would rather make this a bit more personal than just saying, personal log. Instead, I will make this more of letters to you my best friend, Annabelle Trevor. I know you're not alive, but I feel I can sense your energies, your spirit come to visit me and give me strength and courage when I need it the most. I really miss you,Sister of my heart. Even though you were not biologically my sister, you are still my sister. Therefore, my personal logs will…
» Musings and Meditations
Posted on Mon Jun 22nd, 2020 @ 10:15am by Lieutenant Orin Sempton
Computer, begin personal log.
Personal Log, Orin Sempton. Stardate... Huh, I don't know. How strange. Like where I'm sitting. On another starship, rocketing across the galaxy.
You know, for a time, I didn't think they'd send me back out here. Figured they would just keep me on Earth, jerking me around in the Personnel Office till I gave up and stopped bothering them. Starfleet is many things. Chiefest among them, is they are a bureaucratic nightmare. If my father is to be believed, and I think he might have a sliver of truth in his bias, it's…